A site to facilitate further discussion of censored posts from other sites


Basically an idea for a mirroring site that could be created in parallel for "followed" forums already in existence, where this content would be kept up to date but hidden. If moderators on a followed forum deleted a comment or thread, it would be revealed on the anti-site for visibility and commentary on it to potentially continue. Anyone could view the anti-site but for commenting it would need to have authentication and user names. Features for crowdsourced elimination of commercial spam (deletions of spam from the followed forum) would be necessary but other crappy and useless posts would exist on principle.

There's a lack of direct ecommerce application here, I suspect - I'd have to work that in or say that this should mainly apply for ecommerce forums for some reason in order to get it on our roadmap. (not to mention how would it be monetized)

Also: modnazi.com was available so I nabbed it for grins -- my thanks to @beachhead)