@Kidsandliz I noticed the same thing. I was wondering why the envelope wasn't there and then saw your message and that helped me figure out what the problem was.
@Cinoclav I'm not in the business to resell. If I don't want it for myself or as a gift to give to someone else, I will not buy. I suppose this is a good deal and I could give it away to a friend so I might be in for one if I win. I changed my mind.
@LarryCobler easy, just go to their site and create an account. Then click on the button that reserves your spot in the rush deal. They will contact you by email if you are one of the winners. You will have 10 minutes to purchase it, otherwise the opportunity will go to someone else.
@Ryaneil MY guess that this entire thing is just to get emails to build their spam, um excuse me, potential customer list to then email about what they are selling. I'd guess is a just a marketing ploy to get people to visit the site repeatedly and stay on the site as long as possible.
@Thumperchick I was wondering more about new users, social media trending, and if it sells anything from the core site. Its a lot to ask and I think only time will tell the value of it. I think its a great idea to build your initial social following on the cheap. @JonT
The emails drive me a little nuts, in a perfectly acceptable way. Being that Rush is my favorite band and I'm on their mailing list, every time I see an email with Rush in the title I assume it's something from them. Nine out of ten times, it's about Daily Steals.
@Enigma (not talking to only you, but you're the last one) any chance we could keep this thread for just notifications- whenever anyone posts anything other than a reply, it sends an email to everyone subscribed. It's getting to be a bit much,. There's another thread about daily steals rush here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
@Stumpy91 The first batch is already done, it's selecting another one now, Try closing the tab and opening another (refresh didn't work for me). Also this: (not talking to only you, but you're the last one) any chance we could keep this thread for just notifications- whenever anyone posts anything other than a reply, it sends an email to everyone subscribed. It's getting to be a bit much,. There's another thread about daily steals rush here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
@ilovereality it only took 2-3 minutes to fill. Beats Headphone coming up next (they are doing several rush's in a row). 5 winners of the Beats Headphones - 8500 spots (they are telling us this on the webcast they are doing).
@ilovereality I like that you were just trying to be helpful and let @DaveInSoCal know that this was an announcement thread...since he is the thread author....
@TaRDy so polite though! @ilovereality was right though, i just forgot which thread i was in. As long as you reply to someone it doesn't notify everyone.
@Thumperchick That's cool, i'll be checking it out for sure thanks for the heads up. @Thumperchick is the go-to for deals and steal updates and input :)
There will be another Rush shortly for Amazon Gift Cards - no emails will be sent out for it (the guys on the stream just said they are not sending out an email alert for that rush). They also said there will be a 'losers' rush at some point today.
@bluedog same concept as a wootoff. product stays up for sale until it sells out or the time expires. then a new product is put up for sale. the quantity of available product is left as an unknown to create a sense of urgency.
@DaveInSoCal I'm on the fence here, it is less branded than the meh shirts since nowhere does it say "dailysteals.com" from what I can tell. My concern would be if it is V-Neck or Normal (don't like V-Neck)
back to back rushes at 1pm EST. also a steal-a-thon.
"If you thought today was going to be boring, think again. Stay tuned for back-to-back RUSHes, starting at 1PM EST. By the end of the day, you might be the proud owner of a Sony Playstation 4, a Microsoft 64GB Surface Pro 3, or a Super Secret Mystery Item (even we don't know what it is). To make things even more exciting, we'll send you off with a Steal-a-thon. "
FWIW, you lose all of your loss credits (25 in my case) when you win. I vaguely remembered seeing something along those lines, but it's fer reelz now. Neither of the losers' rushes I saw tempted me even a bit, so I don't think I'll be too worried. But it's worth mentioning in case those have tempted other folks.
@DaveInSoCal Thanks! But you have the awesome chance to bask in our reflected glory. That must count for something? Maybe you need to grease @lisaviolet's hand. Paw. Hoof.
@editorkid If this was a rush (as opposed to a 'steal') the guys on the ustream were pretty clear to say that it is one item - not a 'fuku' or 'boc' kind of thing. The other mystery things they sell are more of a grab bag I believe but not the rush items they put up yesterday. (Don't mean to be a fun ruiner but wanted you to know before you got too excited!)
@carl669 What the hell is this forum? Where am I ? A mediocre forum? Where have I been all of my life? And over here, I'm not the scapegoat! Look at my badge! Woohoo!
@ilovereality Thanks for the heads up. On one hand, I figured as much. On the other hand, I am a dreamer. Even if a PS4 is the only thing in the box, I'll try to cut them some slack.
"The best gifts are the ones you buy for yourself. Today YOU get to pick the RUSH. Tune in for the RUSH live stream on Experiments TV at 1:15PM EST to vote for the RUSH you want (there will be two of them!). We hope to see you there!"
@chellemonkey Says the person with 'monkey' in their name! Lol Really though, that's a big NO for me. Not wasting my loser credits on the chance of winning this one.
@Cinoclav I like monkeys but when the other prizes were ipads, xbox, roku, etc this monkey that moves if you touch its banana is like a grocery store stuffed animal. Pretty lame.
@Stumpy91@carl669 Thanks for the info. I did not fully think through clicking on this one...and I just noticed there are 53 of them. Greeeeeeaaaaaaat....
I checked my email on daily steals and its correct but i dont receive the newsletter on when the rush will start, i even enailed them but no response. How can i get notifications on when it starts? And when I get notifications from this site do i get it in my email or gotta check this site?
@Raypta Yeah, they don't always email but everyone here usually notices pretty quickly. If you click the little letter at the top of this thread you will get an email when someone posts on the thread. You won't get an email if someone is replying to someone (like I am here) unless they do @ your username
@Raypta If you don't mind, try to keep this thread for rush notifications. Like you've noticed, they aren't great about sending out emails so there are lots of people subscribed to this thread and we all get an email every time someone posts to it. For general conversation about the rushes there's another thread here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too Thanks :)
@Stumpy91 I am guessing @carl669, like me - checks https://www.dailysteals.com/rush every once in a while - thats where the live stream shows up. Or he is subscribed to the youtube channel and got an alert.
You didn't forget about us, did you? Believe it or not, after our holiday hiatus, RUSH is finally back! Mike, Jack, Monkey, and the rest of the crew are well-rested and ready to RUSH. Tune in to our live web series on the RUSH waiting list page at 12:50PM EST and we'll fill you in on all the details. RUSHes will be starting shortly after the show begins!
@xarous I didn't get the notification email from this meh forum, but I got the email from Dailysteals. Maybe I need to post in this thread occasionally? I used to get all.
@Stumpy91 Check up top next to comment under thread header, make sure it is blue and says: Unsubscribe meaning you are subscribed to the thread and thus get notifications of updates from this thread without the need of a mention, or check your spam to see if your e-mail is trying to save you money. :)
We're sending off 2014 with yet another RUSH (actually, TWO of them)! Join us for the live RUSH stream today at 12:45PM EST. The RUSHes will begin at 1PM EST sharp!
Today, two lucky winners will celebrate the new year with an Acer C720 Chromebook (11.6-Inch, 2GB) for $60. The second RUSH will be a surprise, but don't worry -- we'll announce it during the live stream.
For the RUSH team, this has been a wonderful year full of pizza parties, elaborate experiments, ridiculous antics, and even new friends. We're absolutely thrilled that you were around to share it with us. We can't wait for the first RUSH of 2015!
Did you forget about us? We're sorry for keeping you waiting. We're taking a break from the live stream today, but we will have a RUSH at 4:00 PM EST!
Today we're RUSHing a Breville Juice Fountain Plus Juice Extractor (2 winners) and then a Dyson Animal Cordless Vacuum Cleaner (1 winner). If you want to get an early start on spring cleaning (for home AND body), you can join the RUSH here at 4:00 PM EST!
This RUSH is sponsored by our friends at Coastal.com!
Thanks to our awesome sponsors at Quirky.com, RUSH is back!
A special segment of Experiments TV will be streaming here today at 2:45PM EST. We have some exciting things planned for this show, including an important announcement about Loss Credits, exclusive product reviews, and even more ridiculous antics from Mike and Jack. Be sure to tune in on time - rumor has it that there will also be a RUSH (or two)...
We've got a big day planned for Experiments TV, and we hope to see you there! Today the live stream will be featured on the main page of DailySteals.com. Here's the agenda:
Live Interview with Stephen Hersh of Biaggi Foldable Luggage at 3PM EST First RUSH!!! Live Product Q&A More RUSH!!! Stephen appeared on ABC's Shark Tank a few months back and did an amazing job. We are excited and honored to have him here for today's show. He can't wait to meet you!
Fridays are short days for us, so we're going to be starting things off early at 12:30PM EST. Here is today's official agenda:
Live Product Q&A RUSH (Product to be announced) Debate: Indiegogo vs. Kickstarter Giveaway
In the subject line of this email, you'll find a special clue about today's RUSH. Tweet at us with #rush #experiments if you think you know the answer. Then tune in at 12:30PM EST to find out!
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
Edit: The subject of the email is: RUSH: 1, 11, 1111 x3 - hint hint
The DailySteals Laboratory will be experimenting on RUSH today. Instead of a few big RUSHes, we'll be having more than 10 Mini RUSHes on smaller items all day with very low thresholds (small, small, small...). No Loser Credits will be depleted from your account for these itty bitty RUSHes.
Today's RUSH products are sponsored by SHARKK, so check out their website to scope out the products in advance. Tune in at 1PM EST to catch the RUSH.
Today's Agenda:
Back-to-back Mini RUShes Loser Credit Discussion Loser Leaderboard Announcement Sponsor Ideas for the Next RUSH App Talk: Android vs. iOS Best,
@carl669 Weirdly, I'm getting the dailysteals daily emails, but not getting any RUSH notification emails. I've participated in a few rushes, and I know they have my email, but... weird. So thanks for these notifications; without them I'd have no idea.
10+ RUSHes (Again!) Valentine's Day Debate Sponsorship Discussion Interview with a special guest from Vero Labs, a pioneer in wearable technology
Our visitor will be introducing a unique product for today's RUSH. We're really excited because this product is completely different than anything we've done before -- and it's just in time for Valentine's Day (hint, hint).
Tune in to DailySteals.com/rush at 12:30PM EST for a very different episode of RUSH TV. The RUSHes will follow shortly after the live stream begins.
A blizzard is coming to New York, and it looks like a RUSH is in the forecast too. Today we have two fearless sponsors: Tentsile, the coolest suspended tents you'll ever see, and Solé, elegantly designed bicycles with timeless appeal. Check them out at http://www.tentsile.com and http://solebicycles.com/.
Today's RUSH TV Agenda:
Pre-RUSH Warm-Up at 1:55PM EST Tentsile RUSH at 2:00PM EST Blizzard Horror Stories RUSH Sponsor Interviews Solé Bicycles RUSH Wrap-Up at 3:30PM EST Don't forget to tweet your questions to #rush #experiments. Tune in at 1:55PM EST for the full show!
In case you missed it, we're having multiple RUSHes during Winter Storm Juno! The RUSH Team had to take a break to seek shelter, but now we're back and ready to bring you 3 more RUSHes.
Our next amazing sponsor is Solé Bicycles, fixed gear and single speed bicycles from Venice Beach in California. Right now we're California dreaming as we stock up on enough wine, whiskey, and toilet paper to last us through the coming Snowpocalypse.
We'll still be doing the live video feed from our home studios starting at 7:50PM EST. Prepare for more misadventures from the couches of Mike and Jack, and be there at 8PM EST for the first RUSH!
We survived the storm and spent yesterday recovering with hot chocolate and warm blankets. Because our last RUSH ended early, we still have one more product to RUSH from Solé Bicycles. But which one will it be? Tweet in your best guess to #rush #experiments.
Also, there's nothing like a snow storm to make you appreciate the wonders of natural beauty. Today we've got three canvas art RUSHes from the inspiring Elementem Photography. Make sure to check them out before the RUSH!
Here's Today's Agenda:
Storm Recap Solé RUSH Skype Interview with Solé Bicycles 3 RUSHes for Canvas Art from Elementem Photography This episode of RUSH TV will begin at 1:45 PM EST! See you there!
We've upgraded to a multibillion-dollar studio, which means we'll be bringing you more RUSHes today at 2PM EST! We're guaranteed to be on time, because our sponsor today is Time Machine Plus, elegantly crafted watches for men and women. We're RUSHing 20 watches, AND all of the RUSH items will come with an additional gift for the winner.
Today's Agenda: Moving Announcement Multiple RUSHes Riddles ??? See you there at 2PM EST!
We're RUSHing in from our new billion-dollar studio today. Tune in to RUSH TV around 2:15PM EST to check out the new setup. Once the show begins, we'll announce a super comfy RUSH for a surprise item.
Join us at 2:15PM EST to discover today's RUSH item! Special thanks to our awesome sponsor: Factory Direct Wholesale.
We will be RUSHing live from the new studio again today at 2:15PM EST! Here's Today's Agenda:
2 RUSHes from our stylish sponsor, Tunnel Beat Tic-tac-toe Rematch: Will Jack get his revenge? Loser's Circle RUSH! (No Loser Credits will be deducted -- ever) Sponsor Interview Riddle See you at 2:15PM EST!
@cengland0 meh...$17 for 10 pairs of socks is still a pretty good deal. and, i need some new ones anyway. though, only 1 winner out of 2000 is pretty lame.
I'm writing to report that our arch nemesis, the Internet Service Provider, has maliciously attacked today's scheduled program of RUSH TV. Don't worry: We are planning our revenge.
The full event from Tunnel Beat will be rescheduled for next week. We're working on getting this resolved and Mike and Jack will be back tomorrow.
We haven't received any emails as yet, but the RUSH livestream is currently active with a 1 hour countdown... So we should expect it to start around 6:30PM Eastern. According to the title of today's live Youtube stream, it looks like they will be featuring the CA7CH live streaming wearable camera.
Once again, we apologize for postponing yesterday's RUSH. To make it up to you, this evening we're doing an awesome RUSH at a new location. We shouldn't have any mishaps, and we'll be ready for you at 7:15PM EST sharp. The icing on the cake? Tonight's sponsor is possibly the coolest we've had so far - Lightbox wearable cameras from CA7CH. It might just be the next big thing in social sharing, and we can't wait to see it in action. Join us at 7:15PM EST and see for yourself! Best, The RUSH Team Sponsored by CA7CH
.... its been like 3 weeks since the last RUSH. and the last one was a late night rush with the client/product on screen for the stream (ca7ch or something of a cheap portable knock off gopro) and i feel like it was laughable at best.
does anyone know whats going on with DS or if the RUSHes are officially over?
@CozzaFrenzy I wouldn't worry too much... The Rush experiment went dormant for a couple weeks in the past as well. This may be the longest lull yet, but unless we see otherwise, I expect to see more rushes later on.
@CozzaFrenzy It may just have been a way to pick up site registrations during the holiday shopping season and some easy money early in the year with a couple of sponsored events. Those didn't interest me but if they do more rushes from their regular stock, I'll keep an eye on them.
3 weeks and no activity... this is most definitely the longest theyve gone without a RUSH since the start of that experiment (ive been an avid fan of DS for a while) and the most recent RUSH twitter feed has some dude posting a link to this: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Daily_Steals
thats some serious recurring complaints... ive never experienced any of these issues.
a DS forum would be nice to communicate to them, tho.
@CozzaFrenzy I can live without it at this point. I have over 100 LC's so not like I was doing anything productive there. I did get a helicopter answering a trivia question. So that's something I guess.
@CozzaFrenzy resellerratings isn't the best place to judge how a site is doing- amazon is largely considered one of the best online retailers and they have less than 4/10 which most would consider a failing grade
@CozzaFrenzy i wasn't able to participate in many of the rush events so i'm not jonesing for it. didn't they cancel the last advertised rush at the last minute?
@CozzaFrenzy The recurring complaints on resellerratings.com seem similar to my experience: I won a rush back on January 22 - one of the $1 Sharkk mini speakers. All I can say is, thank goodness it was only a $1 and thank goodness it wasn't something I really cared if I got or not because I still haven't received it.
After winning it Jan. 22 (and of course paying for it that same day), I waited and after a couple weeks had gone by and still no confirmation of it being shipped or anything from them, I emailed them asked for the status of the order. They email me back saying I was still within the 7-10 day "shipping window" (which, I wasn't - I was already on at least the 11th day, counting only business days and even leaving out an extra day for a possible business holiday in there), but whatever, okay, I just don't appreciate a business trying to snow me or treat my like I don't know how to fucking count, or, as is more likely in this case, trying to stall for more time - seen this same shit happen too many times on failed kickstarter projects so I'm a little sensitive to and easily ticked off by crappy business dealings, poor customer service, and outright lies.
ANYWAYS, So the email goes on to say since I'm still within the 7-10 day shipping window that I should wait ANOTHER 1-3 business days to receive an email containing tracking information. Okay, so then 3 business days later I receive an email with my tracking information in it. And that tracking information says the same thing then that it still does right now: "shipment information received". So they have NOT shipped it yet, they've merely assigned it a tracking number. So after waiting a few MORE weeks, I emailed them again on Feb. 24 - more than a month after buying it. After sending that email to them I received an auto-reply saying that they will respond to my email within 48 hours, but it has been over a week now and they haven't responded to my most recent request for an update on my order status.
So, that's my experience. Would I ever buy from them again? No. Especially not after reading the other complaints on reseller ratings and ALSO after not being able to get an honest and timely reply from a customer service rep. Any business that does business like that is a scam in my opinion. No legitimate business conducts its transactions this poorly - certainly not with this much frequency, as evidenced by the recurring complaints.
@pepsiwine This is probably the opposite of comforting, but my Orders page there shows stuff that I received in '13 is still waiting to be shipped. I think their Orders page is b0rked, maybe especially if a third party fulfilled the order. I'd guess about a third of the 15 or so orders I've made through them in the last couple of years arrived at my door before the Orders page updated with shipping info.
@editorkid Yeah I could live with it if it was just a faulty Orders page, but when an actual human being customer service rep tries to snow me with lies rather than just giving me an honest order status update I don't tend to give that company a second chance to redeem itself. If the product is genuinely on backorder or something or if hurricane Alfred or polar vortex Svetlana is making shipping impossible, then fine, just tell me so. But tucking tail and running from/ignoring customers' emails (especially VERY KINDLY worded ones, such as mine) is not okay. Perhaps I'm just burnt out on having this happen so much these days - from failed Kickstarter projects (where the project creator claims sickness, then claims a business employee stole from them, then claims everybody's rewards will be shipped out in 3 months, then after 3 months and no rewards and no responses to people comes back on and says he's got everything straightened out now and rewards will be shipped in 3 months and then 3 months goes by and no rewards (and this is after the project is already over a year past the original reward ship date), and still to date (2 years and going) and still no rewards and no communication....) well, let's just say I'm over it. Getting screwed over by an online business is sooooooo 2014.
I just recently had it happen that an online product I bought from some 'company' in New York also didn't ship and got little to no communication from the guy that owns/runs the business from his own house (come to find out), so after a month and still no shipment update I started researching the guy and turns out he also has at least a couple failed Kickstarter projects (surprise surprise), and the forums from his backers are so similar to my other failed Kickstarter experience: project goes past reward date, guy claims he got bit by a brown recluse (to both stall the rewards further and also garner sympathy from the more gullible backers), then months and years go by with very little communication from him except to occasionally whine about the people that complain about him and also to say that he's been having money problems (wha? after raking in all that Kickstarter money and then not delivering rewards?!?!! No way!). So yeah, this was the same guy who also "sold" me some product through his online store and so after a month of no product and a little online research by me to find out who was scamming me I was able to report it to my credit card company and get the charges reversed, but all those poor Kickstarter schmucks can't do that and Kickstarter is absolutely no help - you can't even get the "business address" from Kickstarter so that you can sue them in small claims court like you could with a real business.
tl;dr : Kickstarter's on my shitlist. And I despise scammers.
ANYWAYS, with Daily Steals I really TRIED to like them despite all these rumors and online reports I'd been hearing about them having abysmally slow shipping, but no communication and/or dishonest communication is something I have met my tolerance limit on due to so many other failed online product purchases. I wanted to like Daily Steals because the guys that do their Rushes seem fun and interesting, but I'm full up on poor customer service these days, So DS is going to have be cut off my list of acceptable businesses to do business with. Sorry for the rant. :) I had to get that Kickstarter shit off my chest. BTW - For anyone wondering, the failed KS project I was referring to was in no way associated with Meh or Mediocre - it was a Grow Jar for growing plants indoors.
@oppodude Wait -= there actually WAS one? I completely missed it. How are the boys - were they back? Did they explain being AWOL for over a month? I'm curious!
@oppodude@ACraigL@CozzaFrenzy@editorkid Well I just sent them ANOTHER email requesting the status of my order placed back in January that I still haven't received (since they never did reply to my LAST email requesting an order update a couple weeks ago), and the auto-reply that I got may explain some of the issues you guys saw today with the steal-a-thon (sounds like technical issues, though my opinion is that their problems are bad enough that they shouldn't be doing business at all since they can't seem to deliver products to customers or even respond to customers), here's the auto-reply I got after sending them my email today:
RE: Order Status (#------) Daily Steals | Mar 11, 2015 06:35PM EDT Thank you for contacting the Daily Steals Team. Due to a high volume of emails, we are experiencing delays in response time. We are currently fixing errors and implementing new systems in order to improve response time. We have received your email and will address it as quickly as possible. Please allow additional time for your email to be answered. Emails are answered in the order in which they are received. Sending multiple emails will result in a longer wait time. If you are experiencing issues accessing your Daily Steals account or creating a new account, please know that the issue is currently being worked on by our IT department and will fixed as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your patience and support. We look forward to assisting you. - Customer Service
What I found interesting in all of that was that they said that "Sending multiple emails will result in a longer wait time." Yikes! Sounds like not only do they want to manage customers' expectations to expect a longer wait time, but also to basically scare customers away from contacting them at all - at least more than once.
Soooooo many similarities between this "business" and a failed Kickstarter project/scam that just takes your money and runs........
I tried to get into the whole Rush movement, but the CAPTCHA had me boxed out for a few solid days so I lost my love watching all the cool stuff and not being able to participate. I think that has now been fixed, but it also made me realize I have ZERO TIME to sit there and watch you guys all day long. It was cool watching you go from a crappy studio to a better setup, and evolve the show from the start to what it has become. Good luck.
@Stallion There hasn't been a rush in over a month - just saying ;) (sorry to those that may have received an alert - I hit a new comment instead of a reply).
There might be a steal-a-thon, but you can't buy anything. "We don't have enough available quantity for item Monster PowerCard Battery". The same for the last 3 items (different item mentioned, of course)
Looks like Daily Steals is doing another Steal-a-thon some time after noon EST today. FYI. More details to follow, according their email.
"What's up gang? Just a heads-up, tomorrow we'll be launching an unprecedented Steal-a-thon. Details to come in tomorrow's noon collection mailer. Get some sleep spanky, you have a full day of deals coming up!"
@cwolfpack3 this is an email alert, like the ones every person subscribed to this thread (there are a bunch of us) gets from a reply to the thread (but not when you reply to a specific person's post, like I'm doing to yours now). Please try to keep posts on this threads either for announcements, or if you have a question for a particular person on it, hit the reply button on the bottom of their post rather than making a new post (again, causes lots of emails) There is a thread for general discussion too here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
Meh, Mediocre, Medium, yup. Middle-aged brain has 'em all mixed up. Sorry! Add to the confusion that this discussion forum is not hosted by Chaos Commerce.
@cwolfpack3 this is an email alert, like the ones every person subscribed to this thread (there are a bunch of us) gets from a reply to the thread (but not when you reply to a specific person's post, like I'm doing to yours now). Please try to keep posts on this threads either for announcements, or if you have a question for a particular person on it, hit the reply button on the bottom of their post rather than making a new post (again, causes lots of emails) There is a thread for general discussion too here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
Just a heads up that one of the now-former Rush hosts is, well, now a former Rush host, and the experiment seems to be on hiatus. Nice enough to mention it on the Meh forum,
If you haven't heard yet... We're back! The RUSH hiatus is done and we're proud to say that at 9pm EST, we'll be bringing back Mike and Jack from our new TRILLION dollar studio! It's sure to be a crazy time with drunken shenanigans and of course crazy RUSHes (maybe Apple TVs?? or iSomething??)
We have yet ANOTHER RUSH today at 3pm EST! Make sure you're here when we RUSH a LifeJacket BT Speaker not once, not twice, but three times! These are sure to go quick so don't miss out.
@ACraigL Or that's the number of registered Daily Deals accounts. I know that many people are not on that page at the moment because I tested that theory when they didn't have any rushes for a couple months. The page still showed something like 45,000 people waiting.
@cengland0 Maybe that's it. I do know it said 67k+ on Monday's rush and it took over 3 hours to fill a 1000 threshold. Seems unlikely if that many people were "waiting".
Attention RUSHers, Let's keep this going, with ANOTHER RUSH today at 3pm EST. We have for you THE game changing Vaporizer. The Volcano Digital Easy Valve is simply the best vaporizer on the market.
There is something else. Be on the lookout for something big this coming Tuesday.
Hints: live, real time, multiple, confusing, awesome + Mike.
How about some nice little Monday RUSHes today? We have an all Apple Accessory RUSH, with today's winners receiving a 2-pack of Original Apple Earpod Headsets AND a 3-pack of Apple Original Lightning USB Charge and Sync Cables. Be here for 3 RUSHes today at 3pm EST.
Also don't forget, tomorrow is an important RUSH day. Get ready for some crazy RUSH and Mike where anything can happen! It's sure to be wild.
@CozzaFrenzy Saw this as well. Feels like this might be the end for DS. A daily site taking down all the deals for days does not seem like a good business decision. Feels like it's a final selloff before closing. Maybe I'm wrong?
@ACraigL This is an interesting watch at least. Can't win jack, apparently, even though others win like every other one. Maybe "winners" were previous buyers. plus the twitter feed is hilarious.
@oppodude Kind of a train wreck, but the fun kind? I actually won 4 times today, after never have won anything since Thanksgiving or whenever they started. I have 134 loss credits, so it was fun for me, but this is a real mess today, for sure.
Somehow it comes up well short on my LC. Seems like I miss 2/3 of them. Plus, the Captcha is atrocious. Grainy, distorted, oblique photos that, frankly, a computer algorithm would have an easier time of answering correctly. Captcha is an instrument of Satan.
@ACraigL their email addresses a lot of the issues we saw yesterday... however, it seems they're not sure how to handle it completely just yet.
IMO there's an extremely disproportionate amount of customer service to handle a train wreck like this. but I guess they're ok with setting a crazy low bar of combined crap for sale and horrible execution of how to sell it. I just find it hard to believe they're picking up a decent amount of new and consistent SATISFIED customers with this business model.
@jsh139 I won 3 rushes yesterday too. The items were garbage so I didn't buy any of them.
The JBL Speaker was too expensive to be a "win" at $99 because you can get them for $149 almost anywhere.
The Compression Shirt was XXL and I would take a medium or large max.
The VAAS Dashcam could be bought for $21.99 almost anywhere especially eBay. $20 is better but not good enough for an impulse buy on a piece of crap camera.
@cengland0 My first win in 40 losses. I didn't get the winning email until all of them were claimed. They need to get their act together. Not sure i would have bought the cam at that price anyway, but...
@readnj@cengland0@jsh139@CozzaFrenzy I've been "Rushing" since Thanksgiving and never won until yesterday (120+ loss credits). It looks to me like they're seeing if this is a sustainable way to sell products. It's nuts. Also as a result, the prices are basically what they're normally, so there's not great deals here. As a market tool and special event, it works very well, but as the only means to sell it is just goofy. They've never been able to execute this well, so why not do it at scale? So silly. But maybe today will be better?
@ACraigL the fact that they're not necessarily selling these rush items at a "steal" makes me think they're going out of business... this looks like the online version of a "LIQUIDATION" sign in the window.
@cengland0 ha. You won the same three items I won. I actually bought the JBl speaker but only because I've been wanting one for a while and $50 off is still a pretty good deal in my mind. The other two were garbage. I would have liked to win those Michael Kors shades for the wife, but oh well.
@CozzaFrenzy I think you may be onto something here. I don't even see a way to get into the normal site anymore. All links take you to the RUSH page. Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
Yeah, I followed the ROT for a bit today but nothing was worth buying. Even if I could have bought anything w/o having to "win" the chance, I still would have passed. It's too bad, because it used to be fun.
I won 9 times in the last 2 days and the items were such junk or so high priced that I didn't purchase them all. I don't think I'll be wasting any more time with Rush and will abandon them like I did Woot. Just check in from time to time to see if anything gets better.
The loser rush was worthless. Only required 10 losses which you could acquire in one day so my 120+ losses are worthless. The items they were selling could be bought from Amazon for less so even if you did win, I wouldn't buy it.
Seems they found a creative method for getting rid of their crap at high prices. Make people feel like they won something and then make them pay more than retail for it.
@cengland0 I agree, the items were way overpriced. I won 17 times yesterday. The only thing I bought was an iphone 6 case for 3 bucks. Everything else was way overpriced or worthless junk. Wouldn't have minded a $99 laptop, but I never won any of those rushes.
@cengland0 @Thumperchick @carl669 @TaRDy @Cinoclav @pitamuffin @studerc @Foxborn @stryper2000 @walarney @OldCatLady @sushiboy @Pony @RedHot @Stumpy91 @wilstev @medz
@DaveInSoCal Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal Very nice, thank you!
@DaveInSoCal Excellent. Thanks! :)
@DaveInSoCal thanks!
@DaveInSoCal Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal Great start to the day, thanks.
@DaveInSoCal I assumed this tag was for another reason...thank you for the heads up.
Thank you@DaveInSoCal
You can subscribe just by clicking the small envelope icon under the Original Post in the thread.
(Commenting will do it, too, but then everyone's inbox will be spammed with "I'm here" comments instead of notifications, which would super suck.)
@Thumperchick Odd I was signed in over at meh and had to re-sign in over here to see the envelope...
@Kidsandliz I noticed the same thing. I was wondering why the envelope wasn't there and then saw your message and that helped me figure out what the problem was.
Rush update: Still a ways to go.

@DaveInSoCal At this rate it's about 17 hours to go.
@Cinoclav at least that would have winners chosen during the day instead of overnight
@Kleineleh At this rate I'll be boarding a plane when they do the first draw.
@DaveInSoCal Me too. And I'm not flying anywhere until February...
@Cinoclav LOL
It finally started. Now we'll see how long it takes to get 22 winners...
@Kleineleh We're at 21 now.
@Thumperchick aaanndd... we're done. Not nearly as long as I'd feared it might take
Is meh.com affiliated with dailysteals or no?
@gommiebears Not that I'm aware of.
@gommiebears not at all
@gommiebears it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
The next one is starting between 1 pm and 1:30 pm eastern.

@cengland0 i think I'm going to pass on this one.
@DaveInSoCal I agree. We can get a bluetooth speak almost any Friday on Meh.
@cengland0 It's on if you want in!
@cengland0 But you can't resell the meh onces for twice the price and make anything substantial on them.
@Cinoclav I'm not in the business to resell. If I don't want it for myself or as a gift to give to someone else, I will not buy. I suppose this is a good deal and I could give it away to a friend so I might be in for one if I win. I changed my mind.
@cengland0 I'm new. How do i get in on this?
@LarryCobler easy, just go to their site and create an account. Then click on the button that reserves your spot in the rush deal. They will contact you by email if you are one of the winners. You will have 10 minutes to purchase it, otherwise the opportunity will go to someone else.
@cengland0 Yikes - I won..... I have 5 minutes to buy..... thinking thinking......
@ilovereality did you buy?
@DaveInSoCal yup - and will likely resell.
@ilovereality grats!
Does anyone know how transparent dailydeals will be with the results of this experiment?
@Ryaneil MY guess that this entire thing is just to get emails to build their spam, um excuse me, potential customer list to then email about what they are selling. I'd guess is a just a marketing ploy to get people to visit the site repeatedly and stay on the site as long as possible.
@Kidsandliz @Ryaneil The were pretty clear about using this to straight up drive traffic to their site(s)
@Thumperchick I was wondering more about new users, social media trending, and if it sells anything from the core site. Its a lot to ask and I think only time will tell the value of it. I think its a great idea to build your initial social following on the cheap. @JonT
Another Rush is coming...
@mediobarkre yep. just got the email. this one should go pretty quick hopefully.
@mediobarkre one winner? These are getting less and less fun.
@mediobarkre Not sure how I feel about this one. 16GB seems like a downgrade, even from my 4s. And I'm probably too lazy to try to resell
@mediobarkre Fastest I've ever seen one fill up.
@mediobarkre its on!
@DaveInSoCal 1 in 2500 is better than most lottery's
The emails drive me a little nuts, in a perfectly acceptable way. Being that Rush is my favorite band and I'm on their mailing list, every time I see an email with Rush in the title I assume it's something from them. Nine out of ten times, it's about Daily Steals.
Rush again is live get in there
@xarous I'm in on this one. I'm not much of a reseller but I think this should be easy enough to sell to a friend.
@xarous thanks for the heads up. I screwed around and ended up missing the first one. Not that it probably mattered...
@DaveInSoCal I just bought a used iPhone 5 off ebay a couple weeks ago for $200 - a 6 could go for a LOT more.
@xarous Thanks. I lost, but would have missed the 2nd one. I should be in the loser circle now.
I just have a tab open to their page and noticed it going up; I'm not getting emails from them.
@Ryaneil I didn't get mail either - I only knew because I got an alert to this thread - so thanks for that!
Way too fast or way too slow. Where's the middle ground??
Ok I'm completely lost. When I click on the item in the email it does nothing. Can anyone tell me which site should I be going to fire these items?
@Enigma www.dailysteals.com/rush
@Enigma the rush ended
@Enigma (not talking to only you, but you're the last one) any chance we could keep this thread for just notifications- whenever anyone posts anything other than a reply, it sends an email to everyone subscribed. It's getting to be a bit much,. There's another thread about daily steals rush here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
@Pantheist Didn't know about the other one - ty!
@ilovereality happy to help :)
Another one is coming up at 3:30 EST.
Click here: http://www.dailysteals.com/rush

Is Rush related to Mediocre labs or totally different people?
@Stallion totally different and as pointed out above - this thread is just for notifications - you can discuss Rush here https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
Next one is coming up in a few minutes at 4:32pm EST.
@jsh139 man, you are fast.
@Pantheist uh-huh ;)
Another one is up now - same item 2999 spots - BUT - $15 instead of $2 - someone tweeted you can find this item for $15 elsewhere.
@ilovereality Price changed to $1
Another one, now for $1
Had to do it:
How long should it take to select 35 winners from 2999 entries?
@Stumpy91 The first batch is already done, it's selecting another one now, Try closing the tab and opening another (refresh didn't work for me). Also this: (not talking to only you, but you're the last one) any chance we could keep this thread for just notifications- whenever anyone posts anything other than a reply, it sends an email to everyone subscribed. It's getting to be a bit much,. There's another thread about daily steals rush here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
new rush starting at 4:11pm EST. iphone 6 for $99. threshold: 5000, winners: 1
supposably, another one to follow immediately after first one ends. yeah...i said supposably.
@carl669 beat me to it also! Thanks
@carl669 beat me to it but here's the image for it:

Parrot Mini Drone Jumping Sumo in 2 minutes
@wilstev 4114 threshold, $18 5 winners
iPad Mini coming up next - Mini Drone is over and done. 2 minutes to the iPad Mini rush
@ilovereality it only took 2-3 minutes to fill. Beats Headphone coming up next (they are doing several rush's in a row). 5 winners of the Beats Headphones - 8500 spots (they are telling us this on the webcast they are doing).
@ilovereality any meh winners yet today?
@DaveInSoCal I'd check this thread - https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too - (this thread is just to announce new rush events)
@ilovereality I like that you were just trying to be helpful and let @DaveInSoCal know that this was an announcement thread...since he is the thread author....
@TaRDy so polite though! @ilovereality was right though, i just forgot which thread i was in. As long as you reply to someone it doesn't notify everyone.
@DaveInSoCal Heh - yup - hadn't a clue - just trying to help :)
Rush at 1045 EST.
$100 Macy's gift card for $15.
Threshold: 4888
Winners: 3
Losers: many
@mediobarkre Thanks for the heads up!
Next one starts at 2:15 pm eastern.

@cengland0 Some day I'll get the image hosted and here first!
Rush live now: https://www.dailysteals.com/rush
A Nest Learning Thermostat just went up https://www.dailysteals.com/rush 2 being given away - 3500 spots
New RUSH is live now!
NEST Thermostat
@mediobarkre $29 sure would be nice, i'm in.
Another RUSH going on now. GoPro Hero for $18. Hop on it! https://www.dailysteals.com/rush
RUSH today @ 3:20pm EST:
@jsh139 arg! I was so close this time!
@jsh139 just got my alert
FYI - They said in the livestream that the Steal-A-Thon "could" be tomorrow.
@Thumperchick That's cool, i'll be checking it out for sure thanks for the heads up. @Thumperchick is the go-to for deals and steal updates and input :)
@Thumperchick steal-a-thon? I hate livestreams, what is a steal-a-thon?
@Pantheist I think it'll be similar to the idea of a woot-off, but with bidding?
@Thumperchick so ebay but with one item at a time?
New Rush at 11:30am EST today.
There will be another Rush shortly for Amazon Gift Cards - no emails will be sent out for it (the guys on the stream just said they are not sending out an email alert for that rush). They also said there will be a 'losers' rush at some point today.
Amazon Gift Card rush is now up.
steal-a-thon on now. http://www.dailysteals.com/steal-a-thon
@carl669 can someone tell me how this steal-a-thon works? I can't listen to the live feed and I don't see instructions anywhere.
@bluedog same concept as a wootoff. product stays up for sale until it sells out or the time expires. then a new product is put up for sale. the quantity of available product is left as an unknown to create a sense of urgency.
Losers Rush at 6:15 ET. Selling a branded shirt. I'm taking a pass on this one.
@DaveInSoCal me too - I'll just keep building my losses ;)
@DaveInSoCal I'm on the fence here, it is less branded than the meh shirts since nowhere does it say "dailysteals.com" from what I can tell. My concern would be if it is V-Neck or Normal (don't like V-Neck)
@DaveInSoCal If it didn't have a hashtag I'd consider it, but hashtags are one of the many things I hate.
@Pantheist my thoughts exactly. upon further review, I will pass on this one
@DaveInSoCal is it american apparel?
@DaveInSoCal its live now
@DaveInSoCal here is the shirt https://www.dailysteals.com/p/40122
@DaveInSoCal 1000 spots - 250 winners $4 - not sure how many loss credits you have to use
@TaRDy it basically says "blunt" on the back. Not something i can casually wear.
@ilovereality 7
@DaveInSoCal Glitchy. Loser credits cost was 0 when I reserved. Then I was charged 7 credits. Then the cost changed.
how do I check my order status?
@pamelaelliott with who? meh or dailysteals?
@pamelaelliott go to mediocre.com/orders or meh.com/orders
Xbox rush coming "at 3:45 PM EST, to be precise"
Microsoft Xbox One 500GB Assassin's Creed Unity Bundle for only $45
Threshold: 1800
Winners: 1
@wilstev Said stay tuned to the waitlist page around 3:15est
@wilstev And it's over.
iRobot Braava 380t Clean Robot GOING ON NOW
$39, 3 Winners, 5500 Threshold
Mystery RUSH happening at 1:05 EST today!
not seeing it on the site yet ... hmmm.
Rush now!
@DaveInSoCal Yup - Parrot Jumping Sumo Mini-Drone - $20 - 3500 get to play - 3 winners.
@DaveInSoCal @ilovereality I won it!
@tightwad you won the drone? Sweet! Congrats
@tightwad congrats!
New rush! http://www.dailysteals.com/rush
$50 Amazon GC for $7
@DoorMatt Woot! Thx. 4200 players 10 winners. The chances are one in Four Twenty! Hollah!
back to back rushes at 1pm EST. also a steal-a-thon.
"If you thought today was going to be boring, think again. Stay tuned for back-to-back RUSHes, starting at 1PM EST. By the end of the day, you might be the proud owner of a Sony Playstation 4, a Microsoft 64GB Surface Pro 3, or a Super Secret Mystery Item (even we don't know what it is). To make things even more exciting, we'll send you off with a Steal-a-thon. "
@carl669 The counter broke on the first rush at 2569/4000 reserves.
@carl669 Are you getting all of this emailed to you? I got one email a few days ago and that was it.
@wisenekt yep. email arrives any time from 30 minutes prior to 2 hours prior. though, i'm not quite sure how/where i signed up to be notified.
It seems they redesigned the page or something and it doesn't autorefresh when a new rush starts so I missed the mystery one
@chellemonkey Is a mystery box really worth $20? Both woot and meh have them for much less.
Rush now Microsoft 64GB Surface Pro 3
The steal a thon has started as well
@Thumperchick These sheets probably suck but it's what my mom is getting for Christmas
@Thumperchick Wow they have the current kid toy thing in the "holiday store" for only $1....lame
@chellemonkey Where?
@tightwad I meant $1 MORE. Sorry about that. Steal-a-thon is $19, non steal-a-thon $20 r=1">http://www.dailysteals.com/p/38828/Eebee-s-Adventures-Playmat-and-Activity-Playhouse?_r=1
$20 Super Secret Mystery Item
So I guess we'll be able to compare the Mystery Box to the Bags of Crap and the Fukubukuros.
@editorkid Yay! I'm curious!
FWIW, you lose all of your loss credits (25 in my case) when you win. I vaguely remembered seeing something along those lines, but it's fer reelz now. Neither of the losers' rushes I saw tempted me even a bit, so I don't think I'll be too worried. But it's worth mentioning in case those have tempted other folks.
@editorkid congrats! Everyone here is winning but me :(
@DaveInSoCal Thanks! But you have the awesome chance to bask in our reflected glory. That must count for something? Maybe you need to grease @lisaviolet's hand. Paw. Hoof.
@editorkid Congrats on the win!
@editorkid Cool! Can't wait to see what it is. @DaveInSoCal - You're not the only loser here. Sigh...
@DaveInSoCal i think i have 30+ loss credits at the moment.
@Thumperchick Thanks! Proud to be in your company. @Cinoclav @carl669 @DaveInSoCal Hug it out, bros! You can still hang out with us! Unless @Thumperchick objects.
truly, @lisaviolet is to blame for our collective losses.
@editorkid If this was a rush (as opposed to a 'steal') the guys on the ustream were pretty clear to say that it is one item - not a 'fuku' or 'boc' kind of thing. The other mystery things they sell are more of a grab bag I believe but not the rush items they put up yesterday. (Don't mean to be a fun ruiner but wanted you to know before you got too excited!)
@carl669 What the hell is this forum? Where am I ? A mediocre forum? Where have I been all of my life? And over here, I'm not the scapegoat! Look at my badge! Woohoo!
@lisaviolet Crap - lisa found us - time to move on that OTHER forum........
@ilovereality What do you expect when you say my name three times? Really? My presence is a surprise?
@lisaviolet This is the first forum for mediocre. Also, you cannot be forced to take blame here, for this is a goatless zone.
@ilovereality Thanks for the heads up. On one hand, I figured as much. On the other hand, I am a dreamer. Even if a PS4 is the only thing in the box, I'll try to cut them some slack.
@Thumperchick Thank you. I was getting all dizzy.
rush today. live stream at 1pm EST. "RUSH will follow shortly after the streaming begins"
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 6 8GB
Price: $20
Threshold: 3500
Winners: 2
Time: ?
iOS/Android Smartwatch
Price: $20
Threshold: 2000
Winners: 2
Time: ?
Roku 3500R Streaming Stick
Price: $5
Threshold: 5800
Winners: 9
Time: ?
@carl669 You beat me to it!
@carl669 I'm gunning for that $5 Roku Streaming Stick. I NEED IT!
@carl669 Watch is live
Roku stick up in about 3 minutes
@ilovereality Also "free" $10 credit to http://www.app-cow.com/ by filling out the form here - https://dailysteals.typeform.com/to/oX3wN8
@ilovereality Did you happen to get this? I filled out the form but got no email or anything
super secret mystery rush up now
@carl669 It's at 2800/4000 at this point. good luck!
Anybody win this go 'round?
This is me >
@swhall05 same here :(
@swhall05 I'm the losingest loser that ever lost. :/
@swhall05 i'm 0-39.
@swhall05 I won my very first rush and have lost 25 since.
new rush at 1:15pm EST:
"The best gifts are the ones you buy for yourself. Today YOU get to pick the RUSH. Tune in for the RUSH live stream on Experiments TV at 1:15PM EST to vote for the RUSH you want (there will be two of them!). We hope to see you there!"
@carl669 people voted on that stupid monkey?! What were the other options??
@chellemonkey Says the person with 'monkey' in their name! Lol Really though, that's a big NO for me. Not wasting my loser credits on the chance of winning this one.
@Cinoclav I like monkeys but when the other prizes were ipads, xbox, roku, etc this monkey that moves if you touch its banana is like a grocery store stuffed animal. Pretty lame.
@chellemonkey no idea what the other options were. but, i'm sitting this one out as well.
@Cinoclav Just curious but do you know if someone wins but misses the time do they still lose their credits?
@chellemonkey That happened to me. I lost my credits when I didn't respond. I lost initially, but someone didn't claim, then I came up.
@chellemonkey i think they mentioned this last week. a win is a win regardless of you buying or not.
@Stumpy91 @carl669 Thanks for the info. I did not fully think through clicking on this one...and I just noticed there are 53 of them. Greeeeeeaaaaaaat....
@chellemonkey 20 claimed with 3 minutes to go. I may get through this without winning crosses fingers, knocks on wood, etc
@carl669 I sat out the monkey as well - isn't worth $7
Xbox 1 rush coming up very soon - 5200 entries - 1 winner $33
@ilovereality Live now. 3 winners. https://www.dailysteals.com/rush
come on...daddy needs a new xbox that he can sell and use the proceeds to buy a quarter cow!
@mediobarkre Now it says only 1 winner.
@carl669 heck yeah! a quarter cow sounds deeeeelicious!
@chellemonkey yep! freezer just got delivered last week. now we just have to pick a place to get the beef from.
@mediobarkre They said 1 winner on the webcast - guess someone initially screwed up the # and then fixed it.
I checked my email on daily steals and its correct but i dont receive the newsletter on when the rush will start, i even enailed them but no response. How can i get notifications on when it starts? And when I get notifications from this site do i get it in my email or gotta check this site?
@Raypta Yeah, they don't always email but everyone here usually notices pretty quickly. If you click the little letter at the top of this thread you will get an email when someone posts on the thread. You won't get an email if someone is replying to someone (like I am here) unless they do @ your username
@Raypta If you don't mind, try to keep this thread for rush notifications. Like you've noticed, they aren't great about sending out emails so there are lots of people subscribed to this thread and we all get an email every time someone posts to it. For general conversation about the rushes there's another thread here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too Thanks :)
livestream starting at 1405 EST. i didn't get an email this time so i don't know that they're rushing.
@carl669 How do you find out?
@carl669 He said there will be a rush - a short one - they are having technical difficulties with the Youtube stream looks like.
@Stumpy91 I am guessing @carl669, like me - checks https://www.dailysteals.com/rush every once in a while - thats where the live stream shows up. Or he is subscribed to the youtube channel and got an alert.
@Stumpy91 Oh - they also tweeted they were going live - https://twitter.com/DailySteals
@Stumpy91 what @ilovereality said. (the first part) there was a countdown when i checked
GoPro 3 - 3500 limit - the price will be $39 - one winner. Starting shortly ("soonish") (edited - now changed to 2 winners)
@ilovereality Additional note - not the GoPro 3 - its the less expensive GoPro Hero HD (still a good buy at $38)
@ilovereality Wow, this one is going slooooooowly
Go Pro hero LIVE NOW - 2 winners, 3500 threshold, $38
Hey RUSHers,
You didn't forget about us, did you? Believe it or not, after our holiday hiatus, RUSH is finally back! Mike, Jack, Monkey, and the rest of the crew are well-rested and ready to RUSH. Tune in to our live web series on the RUSH waiting list page at 12:50PM EST and we'll fill you in on all the details. RUSHes will be starting shortly after the show begins!
See You Soon,
The RUSH Team
@xarous I didn't get the notification email from this meh forum, but I got the email from Dailysteals. Maybe I need to post in this thread occasionally? I used to get all.
@Stumpy91 Check up top next to comment under thread header, make sure it is blue and says: Unsubscribe meaning you are subscribed to the thread and thus get notifications of updates from this thread without the need of a mention, or check your spam to see if your e-mail is trying to save you money. :)
New rush live now! Samsung Galaxy S5 16GB
There is another rush live now. $20 mystery item.
@Thumperchick skip it. Their mystery boxes suck.
@DaveInSoCal so I've heard. This is a single mystery item.
Hi RUSHers,
We're sending off 2014 with yet another RUSH (actually, TWO of them)! Join us for the live RUSH stream today at 12:45PM EST. The RUSHes will begin at 1PM EST sharp!
Today, two lucky winners will celebrate the new year with an Acer C720 Chromebook (11.6-Inch, 2GB) for $60. The second RUSH will be a surprise, but don't worry -- we'll announce it during the live stream.
For the RUSH team, this has been a wonderful year full of pizza parties, elaborate experiments, ridiculous antics, and even new friends. We're absolutely thrilled that you were around to share it with us. We can't wait for the first RUSH of 2015!
The RUSH Team
1366x768? meh.
Rush Live. Chromebook.
DeWALT 20v Cordless Combo Kit
Hi RUSHers,
Did you forget about us? We're sorry for keeping you waiting. We're taking a break from the live stream today, but we will have a RUSH at 4:00 PM EST!
Today we're RUSHing a Breville Juice Fountain Plus Juice Extractor (2 winners) and then a Dyson Animal Cordless Vacuum Cleaner (1 winner). If you want to get an early start on spring cleaning (for home AND body), you can join the RUSH here at 4:00 PM EST!
This RUSH is sponsored by our friends at Coastal.com!
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
Hi RUSHers,
Thanks to our awesome sponsors at Quirky.com, RUSH is back!
A special segment of Experiments TV will be streaming here today at 2:45PM EST. We have some exciting things planned for this show, including an important announcement about Loss Credits, exclusive product reviews, and even more ridiculous antics from Mike and Jack. Be sure to tune in on time - rumor has it that there will also be a RUSH (or two)...
See you there,
The RUSH Team
@carl669 I used to get emails when someone submitted a message on this thread but I didn't get one on this message.
@cengland0 I didn't either, I'm thinking the notifications system wasn't working well today?
Hi RUSHers,
We've got a big day planned for Experiments TV, and we hope to see you there! Today the live stream will be featured on the main page of DailySteals.com. Here's the agenda:
Live Interview with Stephen Hersh of Biaggi Foldable Luggage at 3PM EST
First RUSH!!!
Live Product Q&A
More RUSH!!!
Stephen appeared on ABC's Shark Tank a few months back and did an amazing job. We are excited and honored to have him here for today's show. He can't wait to meet you!
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
@Thumperchick i'm guessing one of the rushes will be for the foldable luggage
Super Secret Mystery Rush on now
$20 - 2 winners, 2999 threshold
Hi RUSHers,
Fridays are short days for us, so we're going to be starting things off early at 12:30PM EST. Here is today's official agenda:
In the subject line of this email, you'll find a special clue about today's RUSH. Tweet at us with #rush #experiments if you think you know the answer. Then tune in at 12:30PM EST to find out!
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
Edit: The subject of the email is: RUSH: 1, 11, 1111 x3 - hint hint
@cengland0 any ideas on the hint?
@chellemonkey Yes. I'm thinking it's something like 3 winners, $33, 3333 reserve limit
@cengland0 Nope, I was wrong. It was 1 winner, $11, 1111 threshold. I bet they will have 3 rushes in a row.
@cengland0 3 identical rushes, back to back. yawn
Hey RUSHers,
The DailySteals Laboratory will be experimenting on RUSH today. Instead of a few big RUSHes, we'll be having more than 10 Mini RUSHes on smaller items all day with very low thresholds (small, small, small...). No Loser Credits will be depleted from your account for these itty bitty RUSHes.
Today's RUSH products are sponsored by SHARKK, so check out their website to scope out the products in advance. Tune in at 1PM EST to catch the RUSH.
Today's Agenda:
Back-to-back Mini RUShes
Loser Credit Discussion
Loser Leaderboard Announcement
Sponsor Ideas for the Next RUSH
App Talk: Android vs. iOS
The RUSH Team
@carl669 Wow, you're fast.
@carl669 "Laboratory" "experimenting"
@JonT Yup, but it seems to be practical experiments rather than theoretical
@JonT We don't know what's going on off-camera.
@carl669 Weirdly, I'm getting the dailysteals daily emails, but not getting any RUSH notification emails. I've participated in a few rushes, and I know they have my email, but... weird. So thanks for these notifications; without them I'd have no idea.
@editorkid bukakake @JonT
Hi RUSHers,
Today's RUSH Agenda:
Our visitor will be introducing a unique product for today's RUSH. We're really excited because this product is completely different than anything we've done before -- and it's just in time for Valentine's Day (hint, hint).
Tune in to DailySteals.com/rush at 12:30PM EST for a very different episode of RUSH TV. The RUSHes will follow shortly after the live stream begins.
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
Hey RUSHers,
A blizzard is coming to New York, and it looks like a RUSH is in the forecast too. Today we have two fearless sponsors: Tentsile, the coolest suspended tents you'll ever see, and Solé, elegantly designed bicycles with timeless appeal. Check them out at http://www.tentsile.com and http://solebicycles.com/.
Today's RUSH TV Agenda:
Pre-RUSH Warm-Up at 1:55PM EST
Tentsile RUSH at 2:00PM EST
Blizzard Horror Stories
RUSH Sponsor Interviews
Solé Bicycles RUSH
Wrap-Up at 3:30PM EST
Don't forget to tweet your questions to #rush #experiments. Tune in at 1:55PM EST for the full show!
See you soon,
@carl669 thanks! I somehow didn't actually get the email from DS for this one, so I truly appreciate your posting!
Hey RUSHers,
In case you missed it, we're having multiple RUSHes during Winter Storm Juno! The RUSH Team had to take a break to seek shelter, but now we're back and ready to bring you 3 more RUSHes.
Our next amazing sponsor is Solé Bicycles, fixed gear and single speed bicycles from Venice Beach in California. Right now we're California dreaming as we stock up on enough wine, whiskey, and toilet paper to last us through the coming Snowpocalypse.
We'll still be doing the live video feed from our home studios starting at 7:50PM EST. Prepare for more misadventures from the couches of Mike and Jack, and be there at 8PM EST for the first RUSH!
Keep Warm,
The RUSH Team
We survived the storm and spent yesterday recovering with hot chocolate and warm blankets. Because our last RUSH ended early, we still have one more product to RUSH from Solé Bicycles. But which one will it be? Tweet in your best guess to #rush #experiments.
Also, there's nothing like a snow storm to make you appreciate the wonders of natural beauty. Today we've got three canvas art RUSHes from the inspiring Elementem Photography. Make sure to check them out before the RUSH!
Here's Today's Agenda:
Storm Recap
Skype Interview with Solé Bicycles
3 RUSHes for Canvas Art from Elementem Photography
This episode of RUSH TV will begin at 1:45 PM EST! See you there!
The RUSH Team
@Stumpy91 Weird. this notification email JUST hit my account. I did get the original Rush email, though.
Hey RUSHers,
We've upgraded to a multibillion-dollar studio, which means we'll be bringing you more RUSHes today at 2PM EST! We're guaranteed to be on time, because our sponsor today is Time Machine Plus, elegantly crafted watches for men and women. We're RUSHing 20 watches, AND all of the RUSH items will come with an additional gift for the winner.
Today's Agenda:
Moving Announcement
Multiple RUSHes
See you there at 2PM EST!
The RUSH Team
Hey RUSHers,
We're RUSHing in from our new billion-dollar studio today. Tune in to RUSH TV around 2:15PM EST to check out the new setup. Once the show begins, we'll announce a super comfy RUSH for a surprise item.
Join us at 2:15PM EST to discover today's RUSH item! Special thanks to our awesome sponsor: Factory Direct Wholesale.
See you soon,
The RUSH Team
Hey RUSHers,
We will be RUSHing live from the new studio again today at 2:15PM EST! Here's Today's Agenda:
2 RUSHes from our stylish sponsor, Tunnel Beat
Tic-tac-toe Rematch: Will Jack get his revenge?
Loser's Circle RUSH! (No Loser Credits will be deducted -- ever)
Sponsor Interview
See you at 2:15PM EST!
@carl669 Oh dear. Are they planning on rushing some socks today? Hmm....
@cengland0 darn
@cengland0 meh...$17 for 10 pairs of socks is still a pretty good deal. and, i need some new ones anyway. though, only 1 winner out of 2000 is pretty lame.
I tried to find reviews for these socks but Google wants to tell me about SSH instead.
looks like the rush is cancelled for today:
Hi RUSHers,
I'm writing to report that our arch nemesis, the Internet Service Provider, has maliciously attacked today's scheduled program of RUSH TV. Don't worry: We are planning our revenge.
The full event from Tunnel Beat will be rescheduled for next week. We're working on getting this resolved and Mike and Jack will be back tomorrow.
The RUSH Team
Perhaps they can upgrade their random number generator too. I have an old netbook running XP that I'll trade for a few quad copters. :D
We haven't received any emails as yet, but the RUSH livestream is currently active with a 1 hour countdown... So we should expect it to start around 6:30PM Eastern.
According to the title of today's live Youtube stream, it looks like they will be featuring the CA7CH live streaming wearable camera.
@curtise Stream countdown just reset to another 45min
@ACraigL I noticed. It would be awfully nice if they posted something explaining what is going on...
Once again, we apologize for postponing yesterday's RUSH. To make it up to you, this evening we're doing an awesome RUSH at a new location. We shouldn't have any mishaps, and we'll be ready for you at 7:15PM EST sharp.
The icing on the cake? Tonight's sponsor is possibly the coolest we've had so far - Lightbox wearable cameras from CA7CH. It might just be the next big thing in social sharing, and we can't wait to see it in action. Join us at 7:15PM EST and see for yourself!
The RUSH Team
Sponsored by CA7CH
@ACraigL Countdown over and... NOTHING.
failed #rush #experiments ????
.... its been like 3 weeks since the last RUSH. and the last one was a late night rush with the client/product on screen for the stream (ca7ch or something of a cheap portable knock off gopro) and i feel like it was laughable at best.
does anyone know whats going on with DS or if the RUSHes are officially over?
@CozzaFrenzy i'm wondering if they just couldn't get enough sponsors.
@CozzaFrenzy I wouldn't worry too much... The Rush experiment went dormant for a couple weeks in the past as well. This may be the longest lull yet, but unless we see otherwise, I expect to see more rushes later on.
@CozzaFrenzy I'd say off hand: FAIL.
@CozzaFrenzy It may just have been a way to pick up site registrations during the holiday shopping season and some easy money early in the year with a couple of sponsored events. Those didn't interest me but if they do more rushes from their regular stock, I'll keep an eye on them.
3 weeks and no activity... this is most definitely the longest theyve gone without a RUSH since the start of that experiment (ive been an avid fan of DS for a while) and the most recent RUSH twitter feed has some dude posting a link to this: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Daily_Steals
thats some serious recurring complaints... ive never experienced any of these issues.
a DS forum would be nice to communicate to them, tho.
@CozzaFrenzy I can live without it at this point. I have over 100 LC's so not like I was doing anything productive there. I did get a helicopter answering a trivia question. So that's something I guess.
@CozzaFrenzy resellerratings isn't the best place to judge how a site is doing- amazon is largely considered one of the best online retailers and they have less than 4/10 which most would consider a failing grade
@CozzaFrenzy i wasn't able to participate in many of the rush events so i'm not jonesing for it. didn't they cancel the last advertised rush at the last minute?
@CozzaFrenzy The recurring complaints on resellerratings.com seem similar to my experience:
I won a rush back on January 22 - one of the $1 Sharkk mini speakers. All I can say is, thank goodness it was only a $1 and thank goodness it wasn't something I really cared if I got or not because I still haven't received it.
After winning it Jan. 22 (and of course paying for it that same day), I waited and after a couple weeks had gone by and still no confirmation of it being shipped or anything from them, I emailed them asked for the status of the order. They email me back saying I was still within the 7-10 day "shipping window" (which, I wasn't - I was already on at least the 11th day, counting only business days and even leaving out an extra day for a possible business holiday in there), but whatever, okay, I just don't appreciate a business trying to snow me or treat my like I don't know how to fucking count, or, as is more likely in this case, trying to stall for more time - seen this same shit happen too many times on failed kickstarter projects so I'm a little sensitive to and easily ticked off by crappy business dealings, poor customer service, and outright lies.
ANYWAYS, So the email goes on to say since I'm still within the 7-10 day shipping window that I should wait ANOTHER 1-3 business days to receive an email containing tracking information.
Okay, so then 3 business days later I receive an email with my tracking information in it. And that tracking information says the same thing then that it still does right now: "shipment information received". So they have NOT shipped it yet, they've merely assigned it a tracking number.
So after waiting a few MORE weeks, I emailed them again on Feb. 24 - more than a month after buying it. After sending that email to them I received an auto-reply saying that they will respond to my email within 48 hours, but it has been over a week now and they haven't responded to my most recent request for an update on my order status.
So, that's my experience. Would I ever buy from them again? No. Especially not after reading the other complaints on reseller ratings and ALSO after not being able to get an honest and timely reply from a customer service rep. Any business that does business like that is a scam in my opinion. No legitimate business conducts its transactions this poorly - certainly not with this much frequency, as evidenced by the recurring complaints.
@pepsiwine This is probably the opposite of comforting, but my Orders page there shows stuff that I received in '13 is still waiting to be shipped. I think their Orders page is b0rked, maybe especially if a third party fulfilled the order. I'd guess about a third of the 15 or so orders I've made through them in the last couple of years arrived at my door before the Orders page updated with shipping info.
@editorkid Yeah I could live with it if it was just a faulty Orders page, but when an actual human being customer service rep tries to snow me with lies rather than just giving me an honest order status update I don't tend to give that company a second chance to redeem itself.
If the product is genuinely on backorder or something or if hurricane Alfred or polar vortex Svetlana is making shipping impossible, then fine, just tell me so. But tucking tail and running from/ignoring customers' emails (especially VERY KINDLY worded ones, such as mine) is not okay. Perhaps I'm just burnt out on having this happen so much these days - from failed Kickstarter projects (where the project creator claims sickness, then claims a business employee stole from them, then claims everybody's rewards will be shipped out in 3 months, then after 3 months and no rewards and no responses to people comes back on and says he's got everything straightened out now and rewards will be shipped in 3 months and then 3 months goes by and no rewards (and this is after the project is already over a year past the original reward ship date), and still to date (2 years and going) and still no rewards and no communication....) well, let's just say I'm over it. Getting screwed over by an online business is sooooooo 2014.
I just recently had it happen that an online product I bought from some 'company' in New York also didn't ship and got little to no communication from the guy that owns/runs the business from his own house (come to find out), so after a month and still no shipment update I started researching the guy and turns out he also has at least a couple failed Kickstarter projects (surprise surprise), and the forums from his backers are so similar to my other failed Kickstarter experience: project goes past reward date, guy claims he got bit by a brown recluse (to both stall the rewards further and also garner sympathy from the more gullible backers), then months and years go by with very little communication from him except to occasionally whine about the people that complain about him and also to say that he's been having money problems (wha? after raking in all that Kickstarter money and then not delivering rewards?!?!! No way!). So yeah, this was the same guy who also "sold" me some product through his online store and so after a month of no product and a little online research by me to find out who was scamming me I was able to report it to my credit card company and get the charges reversed, but all those poor Kickstarter schmucks can't do that and Kickstarter is absolutely no help - you can't even get the "business address" from Kickstarter so that you can sue them in small claims court like you could with a real business.
tl;dr : Kickstarter's on my shitlist. And I despise scammers.
ANYWAYS, with Daily Steals I really TRIED to like them despite all these rumors and online reports I'd been hearing about them having abysmally slow shipping, but no communication and/or dishonest communication is something I have met my tolerance limit on due to so many other failed online product purchases. I wanted to like Daily Steals because the guys that do their Rushes seem fun and interesting, but I'm full up on poor customer service these days, So DS is going to have be cut off my list of acceptable businesses to do business with.
Sorry for the rant. :) I had to get that Kickstarter shit off my chest. BTW - For anyone wondering, the failed KS project I was referring to was in no way associated with Meh or Mediocre - it was a Grow Jar for growing plants indoors.
Steal-a-Thon happening now.
@oppodude Thanks... seems pretty boring right now. Is this (earbuds) the first product?
@ACraigL Third. First was a PS3, then a small coat. Now these earbuds.
@oppodude How much was the PS3?
@ACraigL One something ... 40 gb I think? Sorry that I don't remember more. They tweet they are back and then there is nothing ... yah.
@oppodude Well that was a total train wreck. They just removed it entirely from the site. Experiment FAIL.
@ACraigL More like FAILy-steals.com, amirite?
@oppodude Wait -= there actually WAS one? I completely missed it. How are the boys - were they back? Did they explain being AWOL for over a month? I'm curious!
@oppodude @ACraigL @CozzaFrenzy @editorkid Well I just sent them ANOTHER email requesting the status of my order placed back in January that I still haven't received (since they never did reply to my LAST email requesting an order update a couple weeks ago), and the auto-reply that I got may explain some of the issues you guys saw today with the steal-a-thon (sounds like technical issues, though my opinion is that their problems are bad enough that they shouldn't be doing business at all since they can't seem to deliver products to customers or even respond to customers), here's the auto-reply I got after sending them my email today:
RE: Order Status (#------) Daily Steals | Mar 11, 2015 06:35PM EDT Thank you for contacting the Daily Steals Team. Due to a high volume of emails, we are experiencing delays in response time. We are currently fixing errors and implementing new systems in order to improve response time. We have received your email and will address it as quickly as possible. Please allow additional time for your email to be answered. Emails are answered in the order in which they are received. Sending multiple emails will result in a longer wait time. If you are experiencing issues accessing your Daily Steals account or creating a new account, please know that the issue is currently being worked on by our IT department and will fixed as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your patience and support. We look forward to assisting you. - Customer Service
What I found interesting in all of that was that they said that "Sending multiple emails will result in a longer wait time." Yikes! Sounds like not only do they want to manage customers' expectations to expect a longer wait time, but also to basically scare customers away from contacting them at all - at least more than once.
Soooooo many similarities between this "business" and a failed Kickstarter project/scam that just takes your money and runs........
@ilovereality No video this time. Thankfully. I have to ad block it at work anyways ...
I tried to get into the whole Rush movement, but the CAPTCHA had me boxed out for a few solid days so I lost my love watching all the cool stuff and not being able to participate. I think that has now been fixed, but it also made me realize I have ZERO TIME to sit there and watch you guys all day long. It was cool watching you go from a crappy studio to a better setup, and evolve the show from the start to what it has become. Good luck.
@Stallion Ummm, you do realize this thread doesn't have anything to do with the people who run the Rushes, right?
@PurplePawprints Of course! but I'm sure they pop in here or there and will see it.
@Stallion There hasn't been a rush in over a month - just saying ;) (sorry to those that may have received an alert - I hit a new comment instead of a reply).
@Stallion I stand corrected - didn't realize there was one (I checked the site first - but as I see now it was very short)
New Steal-A-Thon happening. Second item up Galaxy Tab 10.1 16 gb for $169. They didn't bother to tweet about it until 2nd came up ...
@oppodude thanks!
There might be a steal-a-thon, but you can't buy anything. "We don't have enough available quantity for item Monster PowerCard Battery". The same for the last 3 items (different item mentioned, of course)
Looks like Daily Steals is doing another Steal-a-thon some time after noon EST today. FYI. More details to follow, according their email.
"What's up gang?
Just a heads-up, tomorrow we'll be launching an unprecedented Steal-a-thon. Details to come in tomorrow's noon collection mailer. Get some sleep spanky, you have a full day of deals coming up!"
@ACraigL Is there a special URL or something? It's 12:08 eastern and I don't see any steal-a-thon. Either they are late or I'm on the wrong page.
@cengland0 another email was sent at noon. Steal a thon starts at 1pm eastern time today!
I did not get an email ... what's up with that? At least they sent me socks. LOL
@cwolfpack3 ??? I was not aware of Daily Steals sending out socks. Did they steal the idea from Mediocre, or are you just confused?
@cwolfpack3 this is an email alert, like the ones every person subscribed to this thread (there are a bunch of us) gets from a reply to the thread (but not when you reply to a specific person's post, like I'm doing to yours now). Please try to keep posts on this threads either for announcements, or if you have a question for a particular person on it, hit the reply button on the bottom of their post rather than making a new post (again, causes lots of emails) There is a thread for general discussion too here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
Meh, Mediocre, Medium, yup. Middle-aged brain has 'em all mixed up. Sorry! Add to the confusion that this discussion forum is not hosted by Chaos Commerce.
@cwolfpack3 this is an email alert, like the ones every person subscribed to this thread (there are a bunch of us) gets from a reply to the thread (but not when you reply to a specific person's post, like I'm doing to yours now). Please try to keep posts on this threads either for announcements, or if you have a question for a particular person on it, hit the reply button on the bottom of their post rather than making a new post (again, causes lots of emails) There is a thread for general discussion too here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/dailysteals-com-has-experiments-too
Another steal-a-thon is underway. Sorry for the late notice :(
@ACraigL i get a daily email from them for their daily steals... but i NEVER EVER get an email for the steal a thon.
Just a heads up that one of the now-former Rush hosts is, well, now a former Rush host, and the experiment seems to be on hiatus. Nice enough to mention it on the Meh forum,
@editorkid Thanks for posting. I would not have found that otherwise.
Steal-a-thon happening now.
The only promise we can make today is an Apple Watch RUSH or two, for $88 each.
RUSH - 2:30pm est
No Live Stream. No Mike. No Jack.
RUSH - few minutes after first RUSH
BUT - we're working on something called "SNLDR" or otherwise "Saturday Night Live Drunken Rush".
More on this soon. Make sure to fill out the survey about SNLDR.
Keep Rushing
@carl669 Was just about to post this. Thanks.
Hello RUSHers!
If you haven't heard yet... We're back! The RUSH hiatus is done and we're proud to say that at 9pm EST, we'll be bringing back Mike and Jack from our new TRILLION dollar studio! It's sure to be a crazy time with drunken shenanigans and of course crazy RUSHes (maybe Apple TVs?? or iSomething??)
We'll see you all at 9pm EST!
Keep Rushing
Rush today at 3pm EST. 3x urbeats headphones, $9. 1000 threshold.
@ACraigL Not so much Rush...more like Crawl...
@tightwad Totally agree. I actually stated elsewhere it was a slow-moving gelatinous crawl, in fact.
@ACraigL How did you find out about this one? I never got an email notification. Maybe few people did and that's why it's running so slow.
@ACraigL thanks for the heads up. This really is a slow one. Got in an hour late at 666
@cengland0 It was a banner in their daily newsletter. Easily missed.
Another one today...
Hey RUSHers,
We have yet ANOTHER RUSH today at 3pm EST! Make sure you're here when we RUSH a LifeJacket BT Speaker not once, not twice, but three times! These are sure to go quick so don't miss out.
Keep Rushing
@ACraigL One of my goals in life is to beat you to this posting. You beat me by 5 minutes.
@cengland0 I'll give you a 10 minute head start next time :)
Hello again RUSHers,
Be here at 3pm EST for the first of 3 RUSHes for Harmon SOHO II Headphones.
We've got more than 60k fellow RUSHers waiting, so don't miss out on this awesome RUSH.
Keep Rushing
Edit: I finally beat @ACraigL
@cengland0 Ha! I was just about to post your 5-minute warning. Congrats!
@cengland0 Also, that 60k waiting list is BS. I think that's just a counter for whomever visited that page.
@ACraigL Or that's the number of registered Daily Deals accounts. I know that many people are not on that page at the moment because I tested that theory when they didn't have any rushes for a couple months. The page still showed something like 45,000 people waiting.
@cengland0 Maybe that's it. I do know it said 67k+ on Monday's rush and it took over 3 hours to fill a 1000 threshold. Seems unlikely if that many people were "waiting".
Attention RUSHers,
Let's keep this going, with ANOTHER RUSH today at 3pm EST. We have for you THE game changing Vaporizer. The Volcano Digital Easy Valve is simply the best vaporizer on the market.
There is something else. Be on the lookout for something big this coming Tuesday.
Hints: live, real time, multiple, confusing, awesome + Mike.
Keep RUSHing
@Pantheist Ha. you beat @cengland0. Also, I wouldn't know the best vaporizer from a hole in a pipe.
@ACraigL I've enjoyed your puns on it anyway :p I figure if it keeps going until I win I'll make a couple hundred bucks reselling it
@Pantheist My plan would be a resell as well. I'm just about out of volcano puns. It's hard to keep spewing them out.
@ACraigL If you're ever in southern maine you have to let me buy you a beer
@ACraigL you wouldnt have to search hard for a buyer...
i'd kill to win this rush.
but my luck, as per ush, is a #BLNT.
the tweets were insane with this rush. it was hard to watch so many people complain.
Hello RUSHers,
Another day is here which means another day of awesome RUSHing. Today at 3pm EST, we have for you the Toshiba Satellite 15.6-Inch Laptop.
And in case you missed it yesterday, something big is in the works. Remember to be here on Tuesday for some crazy awesome Mike and more!
Keep RUSHing
@oppodude Any idea why I don't get rush notifications by email from you despite signing up on the site?
@brandon The site hates me?
Suprise rush today...
Hello RUSHers,
How about some nice little Monday RUSHes today? We have an all Apple Accessory RUSH, with today's winners receiving a 2-pack of Original Apple Earpod Headsets AND a 3-pack of Apple Original Lightning USB Charge and Sync Cables. Be here for 3 RUSHes today at 3pm EST.
Also don't forget, tomorrow is an important RUSH day. Get ready for some crazy RUSH and Mike where anything can happen! It's sure to be wild.
Keep RUSHing
According to DS, there's a big Rush event today. Reminder for anyone interested.
Don't forget, tomorrow [Tuesday] is an important RUSH day. Get ready for some crazy RUSH and Mike where anything can happen! It's sure to be wild.
Hey RUSHers,
We have something a little different for you today.
We know how much you love RUSHes, which is why we decided that today we will be having a RUSH-A-THON.
More than 20 different RUSHes happening one after another, kicking off at 4:45pm EST live with Mike.
Who knows what could happen! Be here at 4:45pm EST for all of the action.
Keep RUSHing
anyone checkout the DS page today?
... it says there is a massive rush-a-thon happening on Monday at 11:30 EST.
if this happens without it being a massive train wreck like it was last time I will be extremely surprised.
@CozzaFrenzy Saw this as well. Feels like this might be the end for DS. A daily site taking down all the deals for days does not seem like a good business decision. Feels like it's a final selloff before closing. Maybe I'm wrong?
Monster Rush is live!
@ACraigL This is an interesting watch at least. Can't win jack, apparently, even though others win like every other one. Maybe "winners" were previous buyers. plus the twitter feed is hilarious.
@oppodude Kind of a train wreck, but the fun kind? I actually won 4 times today, after never have won anything since Thanksgiving or whenever they started. I have 134 loss credits, so it was fun for me, but this is a real mess today, for sure.
@ACraigL I don't listen to Mike as I find it ... quite annoying. But .. eh? meh? blah?
Somehow it comes up well short on my LC. Seems like I miss 2/3 of them. Plus, the Captcha is atrocious. Grainy, distorted, oblique photos that, frankly, a computer algorithm would have an easier time of answering correctly. Captcha is an instrument of Satan.
Another "Rush-A-Thon" today at 10am EST. Yay?
@ACraigL I won 3 Rushes yesterday, so... maybe?
@ACraigL their email addresses a lot of the issues we saw yesterday... however, it seems they're not sure how to handle it completely just yet.
IMO there's an extremely disproportionate amount of customer service to handle a train wreck like this.
but I guess they're ok with setting a crazy low bar of combined crap for sale and horrible execution of how to sell it.
I just find it hard to believe they're picking up a decent amount of new and consistent SATISFIED customers with this business model.
it's still a fun idea though.
@jsh139 I won 3 rushes yesterday too. The items were garbage so I didn't buy any of them.
The JBL Speaker was too expensive to be a "win" at $99 because you can get them for $149 almost anywhere.
The Compression Shirt was XXL and I would take a medium or large max.
The VAAS Dashcam could be bought for $21.99 almost anywhere especially eBay. $20 is better but not good enough for an impulse buy on a piece of crap camera.
@cengland0 My first win in 40 losses. I didn't get the winning email until all of them were claimed. They need to get their act together. Not sure i would have bought the cam at that price anyway, but...
@readnj @cengland0 @jsh139 @CozzaFrenzy I've been "Rushing" since Thanksgiving and never won until yesterday (120+ loss credits). It looks to me like they're seeing if this is a sustainable way to sell products. It's nuts. Also as a result, the prices are basically what they're normally, so there's not great deals here. As a market tool and special event, it works very well, but as the only means to sell it is just goofy. They've never been able to execute this well, so why not do it at scale? So silly. But maybe today will be better?
@ACraigL the fact that they're not necessarily selling these rush items at a "steal" makes me think they're going out of business...
this looks like the online version of a "LIQUIDATION" sign in the window.
@cengland0 ha. You won the same three items I won. I actually bought the JBl speaker but only because I've been wanting one for a while and $50 off is still a pretty good deal in my mind. The other two were garbage. I would have liked to win those Michael Kors shades for the wife, but oh well.
@CozzaFrenzy I think you may be onto something here. I don't even see a way to get into the normal site anymore. All links take you to the RUSH page. Oh well, enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
All junk so far today.
Yeah, I followed the ROT for a bit today but nothing was worth buying. Even if I could have bought anything w/o having to "win" the chance, I still would have passed. It's too bad, because it used to be fun.
Waitaminute. Were they bought by Amazon? ;)
@DaveInSoCal not a chance. Amazon has much better deals, and doesn't make you listen to jibber jabber to buy a gold box deal.
Hey! Maybe they got bought by one of those late night infomercial companies.
I evidently "won" two times on redraws, but didn't get the email until after my claiming period was over.
@DaDuck I finally "won" one too on a redraw but by the time I read the amazon reviews, I decided refurb headphones weren't worth it ...
I won 9 times in the last 2 days and the items were such junk or so high priced that I didn't purchase them all. I don't think I'll be wasting any more time with Rush and will abandon them like I did Woot. Just check in from time to time to see if anything gets better.
The loser rush was worthless. Only required 10 losses which you could acquire in one day so my 120+ losses are worthless. The items they were selling could be bought from Amazon for less so even if you did win, I wouldn't buy it.
Seems they found a creative method for getting rid of their crap at high prices. Make people feel like they won something and then make them pay more than retail for it.
@cengland0 I agree, the items were way overpriced. I won 17 times yesterday. The only thing I bought was an iphone 6 case for 3 bucks. Everything else was way overpriced or worthless junk. Wouldn't have minded a $99 laptop, but I never won any of those rushes.