Does my meh account with the VMP sub still exist?

limsoup went on a bit of a rant said

I had an issue when I first signed up: I tried signingn up with google but for some reason it didnt work. Then I signed up with a different email address but the same username. IIRC the thing it was waiting for from Google kept my vanilla registration from working. It got resolved but I'll look up how tomorrow probably.

I just signed in, and used the login I created later, except kept the old email address on there by mistake. It looks like now my working profile has been swallowed up by that broken one, because whichever way I log in, I don't have VMP and I only have one order that was the pair of free socks (thank you by the way, I liked them =] )

Do ya'll play it a little fast and loose on user account structure? Which isn't the same as security so this isn't an accusation, but a legit question. I unfortunately know an accounts and authentcation system is trickier than most people realize. Im also asking because Im hoping this means I can get my account situation figured out and order that ice cream machine with VMP (which I dont im pretty sure I didnt cancel )