Using some unknown list of words, it's clear that everyword is near the end, but what will the final word be? My guess, because it would be nicely appropriate, is: zzz.
Now that it's over, if you're missing your everyword fix, there is now neverwords, which tweets every combination of letters that isn't a word. For instance:
My bets are on Zyzzyva, which is technically a possible play in Scrabble, but very hard to actually get on the board.
They've gotta be close now:
Will they start over when they reach the end?
Their bio says "Task will complete in 2014" so I suspect not
Aaaagh, we were tricked by sorting algorithms:
Damn algorithms, they always screw me over.
Looks like "zymurgy" was the last 'z':
Now that it's over, if you're missing your everyword fix, there is now neverwords, which tweets every combination of letters that isn't a word. For instance:
Do they have a projected end date when they've tried every combination?