Forum Upgrades!
4Unless you have a terrible sense of perception or haven't refreshed the page lately, you've probably realized that we've made some upgrades to the forums.
Some highlights:
UI Overhaul - pretty self evident, now looks 96% spiffier.
You can star replies - Good for when something makes you let out a but you don't want to put in any real effort.
Images - one of my favorite features, but to keep with our laboratory theme I think it'd be more fun to let you experiment with it rather than explain exactly how it works (but you can probably figure it out.
Let me know what you think about the newly improved forums. I love that new forum smell.
- 6 comments, 6 replies
- Comment
LOL awesome
Did we have the topic descriptions before (e.g., "so-and-so posted a pic", "such-and-such thought this was worth mentioning")?
We did not, but we do now!
I am really digging the animated big bubbles for the topic threads.

psst... @patti I don't really care about winning the lowest number game.
@patti I just wanted to troll. I haven't accepted nor will I accept any bribes/t-shirts :)
Thank god you finally put in an unsubscribe button. Or maybe that was there all along and I'm only noticing it now?
Either way, thank you. I can't tell you how many times I forgot to uncheck the box, and got emails all day long...
I just want to say how happy I am Danger 5 is getting a new season. That is long overdue