1st time around was a little rough, but the second attempt was 13300! Full disclosure - I really only scored that high because there was a sign with a 314 area code on it for the last one. Considering I have two phone numbers on my desk, both with that area code, it's kinda like cheating.
Sometimes you have to wander around long enough to find a sign-- even if you don't know where it is, you can see if it's in English or not. Or you can look at other cars for clues like what side of the road are they driving on, what do their license plates look like, models of the car, etc.
That being said, I look for all these things and I'm still very, very wrong often.
We came up with a short and sweet version of this around the Mediocre office this afternoon. The rule is: you only get to see the 360 view from where you are placed. So that means no zooming in, no moving around, only 360 degree rotations in the same spot.
14,365 points with 360 Rules. I really thought the first pick (I picked Louisiana instead of Russia - yikes) was going to kill my score, but I pulled it together.
I try really hard not to move. I look around and do my best. Just now I guessed that a golf course in Hawaii was in the British Virgin Isles. So despite getting that I was on an island that could support certain types of vegetation, has other islands nearby and is mountainous, I only get 569 points.
I enjoy the game. It's fun despite the game part of it being broken.
@derek Wow! It's going to take me a while to beat that one! I may need to take my monitor home with me tonight so that I have a bigger screen to work off of... That's approved, right?
So our office group in sourcing has taken the challenge one step further and limited ourselves to 10 seconds per round. As with the 360 challenge there is no traveling around. Basically pan around and plant your guess.
Surprisingly, with this I've pulled into the lead with 16,157 points! @derek and @halesyeah, get on it!
I played. It was not fun because now I feel stupid.
6051 points first try! I'm actually pretty proud of myself considering I'm really bad at geography.
Canada kept tricking me and apparently I think Colorado looks like Russia.

That's awesome! I like how Canada looks like Florida :)
I played a few rounds and did really badly, just about everything was in Russia -- Then I played again and did much better:
I landed 10715. I would have done better if I would have gotten closer on that last one.
I apparently think South Africa looks like Australia, because I did this a lot.
Scroll around and look for landmarks: New person best: http://url.geoguessr.com/7r2l
Not too great, 7181
Forgot about this. First time I've played in a while, got 7822.
Yeah, I think I did really well on this when it first came out, but messed up this time around:

I was doing pretty well until that last Central America Is Australia mix-up. 6823
Aha! almost winning at something!
got 9583
shit i was doing really well on the 5th one and firefox crashed, seems it eats up memory like no other
2nd attempt, 14,774. My biggest miss was for a location in Texas (where I live)...
1st time around was a little rough, but the second attempt was 13300! Full disclosure - I really only scored that high because there was a sign with a 314 area code on it for the last one. Considering I have two phone numbers on my desk, both with that area code, it's kinda like cheating.
All's fair in war and geographically based web games. Pretty sure that's how that saying goes.
I feel stupid best is 9811
I had absolutely no clue on any places. How can you even tell by just a street?
Sometimes you have to wander around long enough to find a sign-- even if you don't know where it is, you can see if it's in English or not. Or you can look at other cars for clues like what side of the road are they driving on, what do their license plates look like, models of the car, etc.
That being said, I look for all these things and I'm still very, very wrong often.
Other things to look at: how the lines on the road are painted, vegetation, and what the terrain looks like in the distance.
Read em and weep, suckas!
Thats Trash
ooooh whammy! You gave the new mexican a portales high school sign, cheers google!

Your Fired... Go See HR
360 Challenge
We came up with a short and sweet version of this around the Mediocre office this afternoon. The rule is: you only get to see the 360 view from where you are placed. So that means no zooming in, no moving around, only 360 degree rotations in the same spot.
That said... my score is 11,457. Beat. That.
@hales Where the heck is that C label connected to?
@curtise I think that ended up being Svalbard!
So close, I was doing great until the lat one.

FYI 360 Challenge
I call shenanigans!
Fun game, I love geography & maps. I got 12,218:
Nice! Is this for the 360 challenge or with moving around?
Some moving around. I'll give the 360 version a spin next.
Advanced difficulty: Mars
Ha, "advanced" is one heck of an understatement!
Looks like my family reunion, but apparently I was wrong.
Results w/ 360 rules:
First game was 6880, this round was 8577. I suck at geography, apparently.
I love it when this happens.

14,365 points with 360 Rules. I really thought the first pick (I picked Louisiana instead of Russia - yikes) was going to kill my score, but I pulled it together.
Very impressive! Interesting how the scoring worked in this scenario. Now i feel pressured to see if I can get 15k. Game on!
Yeah, there must be huge bonuses for getting really really close that trump the penalty for being way off.
I try really hard not to move. I look around and do my best. Just now I guessed that a golf course in Hawaii was in the British Virgin Isles. So despite getting that I was on an island that could support certain types of vegetation, has other islands nearby and is mountainous, I only get 569 points.
I enjoy the game. It's fun despite the game part of it being broken.
So I got that same golf course and I knew it was in Hawaii because of your description!
All right halesyeah, top this! (Five rounds on 360 rules, but I did it!)
@derek Wow! It's going to take me a while to beat that one! I may need to take my monitor home with me tonight so that I have a bigger screen to work off of... That's approved, right?
Has anyone else developed a hatred for Australia, South Africa/Botswana and Brazil? I can't tell them apart.
You mean you can't tell a difference between their red dirt and small trees?
The tough thing for me is even when you know it's Australia, good luck guessing any particular part.
Exactly, I don't know which part is supposed to look like what so I just guess near major cities.
Have to agree with Dave - I always know when I'm in Australia, but rarely get close to the correct spot within.
So our office group in sourcing has taken the challenge one step further and limited ourselves to 10 seconds per round. As with the 360 challenge there is no traveling around. Basically pan around and plant your guess.
Surprisingly, with this I've pulled into the lead with 16,157 points! @derek and @halesyeah, get on it!
Wow, awesome score! Tough to beat for sure, but I'll give it a go......
That A and C in particular are amazing!
Thanks! I got somewhat lucky. I spent 6 months in Vancouver and as soon as I saw the landscape in the picture, I knew I had to be nearby.
Parallel game: Everyone try this challenge.
I got 10,731 (and have a screenshot I can share later.)
We on standard, 360, or ten second rules?
360 - I don't know that I took more than 10 seconds, but feel free to.
You lost the challenge with 9060 points against 10731. :(
Thanks @fgarriel, I was thinking people would only post if they beat me.
This makes me feel a lot better about my last one.
Challenge accepted!!!
Score: 11,153 points
Hope you don't mind, I changed your screenshot to a link so other people can play without seeing the locations.
no problem at all, I didn't even think of that!!!
I don't even mind that I'm necroing this thread. If someone can beat 1410 (low, I know) they can tell me how much I suck.
Here's my best of 3 or 4 tries