Have You Tried The Breakfast Octopus?
17Yesterday I was busy with some errands and mostly missed a bit of twitter buzz around a story I recounted to D Magazine (and blogged on by The Wall Street Journal). The story was about me asking Jeff why he bought Woot and his explanation.
Nicely, "Breakfast Octopus" is a unique+fresh term for searching and I thought I'd have fun asking for help gathering mentions of it here in the forum.
As in another thread, let me tell you first hand that I'm a fan of Amazon (Prime Member), I respect Bezos, and I would still buy from Woot - I'm not posting to express grief or regret. I have very little of either. I just wanted to share the story here in the forums and post a few links for possibly later reference.
Did you enjoy the story? See any new Breakfast Octopus mentions to share?
- 16 comments, 30 replies
- Comment
Valleywag usually has some funny comments. I'll have to catch up here http://valleywag.gawker.com/jeff-bezos-is-incredible-creepy-at-breakfast-1595860614
I really did enjoy the story. I always wondered about the Amazon deal, but never bothered to research it -- or even ask. I also liked the details about how your business grew into what became Woot.
I have no ill feelings towards Woot or Amazon. Earlier, when I mentioned that I found it humorous that it has become such a train wreck at Amazon's command (and expense), I did mean it though. It's nothing personal against Woot or Amazon, it's just that I find financial demise humorous, especially when it's at the hands and expense of a large corporation. Amazon's probably still raking in money, despite the downfall, but their egg has begun to spoil.
Woot had a huge cult-like following, driven by your charismatic attitude towards mixing business and pleasure. There were lots of dedicated community members (myself included) and awesome staff that helped make it shine. If someone would have told me it was going to go flat as quickly as it did, I would never have believed them. I'm not sure if that's because of Amazon's lack of interest in maintaining your business model or because the market just lost interest, but I have a feeling it's the former.
I have not tried the breakfast Octopus, and I'm not sure that I will. I don't particularly care for eating animals that don't have a spine (crickets, worms, snails, etc), although I do like fried calamari (squid). I suppose I wouldn't be against it if it were more readily available, but I'm not going to find it on any menus in East Tennessee.
Not quite breakfast, but still offers octopus: http://www.yelp.com/biz/east-japanese-restaurant-knoxville?osq=octopus
And two hours away :) Maybe I'll stop in there the next time I drive through Knoxville
Just took a stab at a random East Tennessee city, so I'm pretty proud of 2 hours distance.
I appreciate it!
I only like my octopus fried, and even then rarely eat it and never for breakfast. As for the metaphor, I can't say that I've ever felt that way, but then again I'm not a multibillionaire who buys things just because they don't understand them.
Good story though.
I remember that write up!
LOLZ! I remember that, too. Why should writers make up insanely funny stuff when real life is funnier?
Holy crap that writeup is doubly hilarious now with the context of that article
Also, I registered a new domain today: http://breakfastoctop.us (which, of course, forwards here).
bravo! oh shit I'm stuck in a loop
Somewhere I teased about registering & selling breakfastoctopus.com. Some fool actually did it. Creation Date: 2014-06-25 22:51:00Z
I was just in Seattle 2 weeks ago and would have absolutely gone to seek out the breakfast octopus had I known it even existed. It sounds absolutely delicious.
That said, I did pass the WSJ excerpt of the D magazine article on to the COO of the company I work for with a note basically saying that I wasn't sure why I thought he should read this (the breakfast octopus) but I felt strongly that he should. He never responded. Ha.
That's just disturbing.
What's sad is that so few people really seem to care about that sort of thing. It should be mainstream, and it's left to fringe elements.
Anyone else just see a gray bar for several of Snapster's comments on this page?
That's odd. Any browser extensions you're running that would prevent JavaScript or Twitter embeds?
I couldn't see it on my Mac with Safari, either, but safari on my iPad shows it just fine. Weird.
do you ever see embedded tweets?
I think I see embedded tweets? I can't say for sure one way or the other. I'll have to poke around and try to find a page with one.
Figured it out. I turned off the browser extensions I remembered but didn't look at the actual extension page.
Turns out I had one more I had forgotten about (Disconnect) which was the culprit. Oddly, this is the only site I've noticed this issue with
I read the article today, after seeing it pop up on my Tech FB Paper newsfeed (seriously, FB Paper is the greatness thing in FB's sphere).
It was pretty interesting to see the backstory behind the purchase of woot by Amazon, and to get some clarity about the present and future of mediocre.
I saw this when I went out for brunch this weekend:

Bezos took the breakfast octopus, ground it up with a bunch of pollack, and made fish sticks. Then he blamed wait staff for the bad sales.
It sounds like Amazon is thoroughly Dilbertified.
Apologies! For a small rant... It seems to me as of late a WORD will end your career! I dislike all the TEXTING Jargon! Lack of Integrity! And! I really dislike people who think up stupid sh** to say because their Rich, Famous, or Otherwise! And worse people who think those people who say stupid SH** are G*Ds! I am a thinking Man! I will say what I want when I want and if you don't like it? Well, then you know where the door is! It seems to me that it is so much easier to pick up the phone and actually speak to someone? also, much more pleasant? Truman Copote was a wack job! Wake up! you are allowed to think for yourself so I would suggest doing so! Most of the time people are in the right place at the right time. Then the rest is all luck! Bozo's Amazon was ALL LUCK, they almost went under a number of times! if you don't believe me all you have to do is just look at the website! A Website started with the primary purpose of selling BOOKS? Yeah right! OK! trust me selling books alone wouldn't cut it! If you look at the site it has always looked like a Five & Dime Store, A Dollar Store, its confusing, messy, cluttered, and EXTREMELY DISORGANIZED! I could redo the website and make Bozo's millions more a day just by some simple housekeeping! Amazon is a perfect example of Luck, if anyone were to start a site that looks like Amazon does it would never fly, A cheap looking, bad experience, five and dime store. A website reflects its Owners or Execs internal organization, skills, thoughts, personality. It says everything about the owner. Bozo's is just a five and dime hack in the right place at the right time! because of his self righteousness and ignorance he cant answer a simple question? The question... for all you who don't know was from "Fearless Leader Rutledge" .... Why did you purchase Woot? Its pretty obvious what the answer IS! Especially with the length of time it took to answer.... Breakfast Octopus? Really? WTF is that? What kind of answer is that? Not the truth! The answer is simple.... Amazon saw Woot as competition and wanted to eliminate the competition. This is the reason Amazon doesn't get it, doesn't care to get. They have and never will use any of the marketing techniques. They bought Woot to shelve it forever! Breakfast Octopus is just what stupid people say when they really have no intelligence in the first place! Really People? Think and ask the right questions? Why do you think MEH is being started? Why do you think "Fearless Leader" had to buy his way out of an early contract agreement with Bozo's Amazon? Do you really think Amazon was going to do anything useful with WOOT? A three year non compete? Think? Because I think I have to struggle and work for myself building ecommerce sites, marketing, purchasing, security, and Most Important "The Customer Experience"!!!! There are two types of Metrics for Ecommerce, The first type one has to be 100% before considering the Second Type! Ill give you a hint! The first type or metric should be!!!! " Do you like the Website?"(Customer Experience) THIS IS NUMBER ONE ALWAYS! If you don't have this then go out of business! don't waste any more time or money! The Second Metric is (every other report). Metrics aren't helpful if you have a Crappy Website to begin with! Think about it! Again, my apologies for the rant.
While you make some valid points, they were difficult to find among so many grammatical errors.
Don't hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel.
Not poor commentary (the parts I scanned). It reminded me of this:
CVS just called. Your Latuda refill is ready.
Oddly, I've always found Amazon's website to be extremely well laid out. Very easy to navigate and find stuff.
A new addition to @snapster's office:

Fully excellent
I really like it!
I want to be the first to purchase one from Meh.com
If there is not an inaugural screaming octopus I don't know what I'll do other than not buy it.
I would buy a blubuling and/or squirt octopus. Blub blub blub squirt
Oh even better, it could squirt ink.
That would be an octopus pen.