Mediocre Deals of the Month, December 2013

JasonToon thought this was worth mentioning said

Since we can't buy any deals from yet, let's start a monthly tradition sharing the most small-m mediocre deals from elsewhere on the web.

I don't mean the "crazy crap on Amazon" stuff in the Tuscan whole milk/uranium ore/etc. vein.

I'm talking about a combination of uninspiring product, underwhelming discount (or "free" bonus), and unjustified hype. When I was a kid I saw a big obnoxious newspaper coupon for a free hot dog and Coke with every purchase of a set of brand-new tires. That's a mediocre deal.

Post 'em! Star 'em! And yea, verily, on December 31 we shall anoint the ultimate mediocre deal on the web this holiday shopping season!