Meet Mediocre: Let's Meet Jon
17Hello Mediocre Forums! My name is Jon and I'm the Community Communications Lead here at Mediocre.
Since you'll be seeing a lot of me around here I wanted to introduce myself. I'll be moderating the forums, seeking your feedback on our experiments, listening to your complaints and criticisms and discussing your general thoughts on life, the universe, and everything.
I enjoy listening to music, eating good food and drinking beer, writing, and doling out swift hypothetical justice to hypothetical slow walkers.
I'll let the video explain:
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- 12 comments, 12 replies
- Comment
Welcome Jon! Here's to helping you externalize your rage.
Seems like that question should have been asked in his interview! Welcome, Jon.
@jont, can you talk about your thoughts on, tubgirl, or lemon party? How do you think they represent humanity?
Ah, true classics. The Internet is a strange place and we need to see the darkness of humanity to appreciate the light. Or something.
Hello Jon. My name is barnabee and I'm a Mediocrelic, uh Mediocreolic? Anyway, I'm pretty mediocre. It's a new habit that I have developed. Should I be concerned?
I wouldn't be too concerned. Maybe the mediocrity was within you all along.
@barnabee, You should be concerned that you're asking GT (aka @jont) for advice. You did watch the video, right?
Now this is good advice. Wait, is this advice?
@mediacre, Yes, I saw the video. However, you must remember that I have the I.Q. of a rabbit, but the faith of a child. Actually, I'd like to adopt him.
No one heard the bell ring? Oh, Clarence!
You talked a lot about what you don't like and what ticks you off. What's with all the negativity ? What do you like ? What makes you happy?
Not everyone on the internet is a cynic. There are some rather flamboyant optimists out there too. Take @barnabee as exhibit A. You can call me exhibit B.
Welcome ! May your glass always be full. Not half full, but all the way full.
Hear, hear!
I take care of that. I'm the optimist who sits next to JonT. I sing him songs and remind him of happier times.
I'm the opportunist that sits next to @jont and drinks from his full glass.
@ceagee, It should be @matthew we're worried about, he's the one that edited @jont's 3 hour video of happiness and glee down to this 2 minutes of crazed negativity.
3 hours of happiness and glee? Yeah, and I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell to you.
@ceagee, This was more of a result of the questions than anything. I'm actually very laid back and in general fairly positive.
A lot of things make me happy - the first cup of coffee in the morning, a great song that perfectly matches my mood, an excellent meal paired with the right beer or wine, doing anything and/or nothing with my SO, reading during a rainy day.
@matthew just knows the right questions to ask that bring out the anger deep inside of me.
Damn, I have the same shirt that you're wearing in the vid @jont. I both respect and loathe your fashion sense.
We can work out a system. I'll only wear it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
You can have everyday, shirt burning session this weekend....unless I can grow a beard and mimic you..hmm
Hi Jon. I look forward to seeing how your herd cats. I assume that was the main skill required?
I believe, in this case, it should be herd rats.
The cats herd the rats into the experiments?
@Thumperchick, I come from a long line of professionals in this field