Oh man, and I just canceled my VMP the other day thinking that I would still have it for the remainder of the paid term, but apparently not. That is so Meh.
@OldCatLady Hey, me too! Getting a nice new luxurious crown for my poor old cracked molar. So expensive. Guess it's my christmas gift to myself. best wishes from yet another old cat lady!
Saw the new meh and thought "hmm, I like the one on my keychain now. Seems useful even though I haven't used it yet other than to test. Lets order some more."
scrolls down reads some more
"Wait a minute... "
checks /order page
"Well it seems Meh is trying to rise above mediocre today. Right on @snapster !"
Thanks for the free stuff meh. I just upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S5 with a 3.0 USB cable (u need to get some of them!), these will make great stocking suffers!
Evil Meh is sending me all replies to this thread via email instead of just replied to my comment. The 'stop receiving replies to this thread' link is not working either. Evil Evil Irk.
limping-morbid-line. OK so how do you guys know that I have a deathly limp when I line it up? Oh, that didn't sound very good. This is very eerie ... meh!
You suckers better read the fine print. "With the acceptance of this gift, the VMP member hereby obligates themself to purchase no less than 10 speaker docs within the next 60 days. Failure to do so will result in immediate legal action."
Looks like my VMP just expired automagically. Thanks, Home Depot, for my making my credit card number invalid. Edit: Looks like my credit card number is up to date. WTF?
I was planning to cancel my VMP this month, but I and many others on the Something Awful forums find this freebie gambit quite intriguing. I think we all would be willing to keep VMP if we got monthly freebies, IF AND ONLY IF the freebies are useful gadgets like this one.
@DaveInSoCal the phone floats in the air magically suspended? That's where my issue comes in, even using a plug adapter, nothing supports the phone at all abs they aren't long enough to rest it on the desk or anything. Is there certain situations where they should be used, or just with extension cables? Is an awesome piece to be able to carry around, but convenient and useful seem far apart on these.
@ErikRL I hear ya. You'll need to find something to put under the phone, unless your computer's USB port is at ground level. It works okay with my mac air, but not my wife's bulky dell. It can also be used to poke prospective attackers in the eye (action not recommended).
thats what i figured, didnt know if there was a specific use that would be better than others, so thought i would check in and ask. cool product though.
I just wanted to say my order name one more time before it gets here tomorrow or the next day. Because it's the best name imaginable, warlike-singular-silver. [img][/img]
damnit @lisaviolet. I blame you for this journey that ends with me not getting free stuff. :D
Location 12/19/2014 - Friday 10:14 am At U.S. Postal Service facility PHILADELPHIA, PA Returning package to shipper/merchant 12/17/2014 - Wednesday 9:50 am Delivery exception PA Rerouted to revised delivery address 9:36 am Returning package to shipper PA Incorrect address, unable to deliver - Returning package to shipper - Please contact shipper/merchant for details
First I thought, "Neat, but..." Then I thought, "Is this what targeted ma*ware looks like?" Then I thought, "Was that my usual mail carrier? She seemed less friendly today. Was I rude the way I just stared at the envelope like that and didn't say anything?" Then I thought, "Did I wash these jeans?" Then I thought, "I'm going to make an effort to say something nice her next time I see her." Then I thought, "I definitely didn't wash these jeans."
@Teripie if you have a laptop, USB hub, or anything with a USB port at desk level, you plug one end of the snap cable into the USB port and the other end into your phone (if your phone is micro USB or Apple Lightning) and you can charge your phone.
@potestasx So that's how you set up the phone stand! I was using the cable as the stand and was getting nowhere (also, thanks for not having Woot displayed on your phone- that would've been awkward).
Stand and cable are mutually exclusive unless you have have a usb extension cable. Here's the cable in action with my laptop and tablet face down at an awkward 135° angle...
Well, sometimes you do get cool things in a rather mediocre club...
Meh, I guess this day just went from negative to mediocre.
Would be useful if I had a lightning-equipped iPhone. The microUSB will be used, though. Into the stocking with the other one!
Totally wizard.
Not bad! Thanks, Meh!
Thanks for the free stuff, I guess.
Yay! Thanks meh (and you too mediocre)
WOW, way cool!
Missed it already? Dang, that didn't take long.
EDIT: Oh wait, they just updated the description. We got this without having to do anything? Awesome! I mean, meh.
Can't argue with free! Woo hoo!
@snapster, looks like the auto-renew VMP is already paying off. Thank you!
Oh man, and I just canceled my VMP the other day thinking that I would still have it for the remainder of the paid term, but apparently not. That is so Meh.
@TravisFuller it changed some time recently. I noticed that when I went to cancel mine as well abs opted not to.
Yea. So. I guess. Meh.
No..,,,,,,,Thank You kind sir
Why is there a counter that takes me to the forums on the sale page?
And no swipe between photos on Mediocre?!

Thanks for the surprise!
Holy cow, this calls for a screaming MEH
Aww, thanks kids! We like you too!
Meh, but in the best way possible.
Muahahaha, my Meh has paid off with more Meh.
thanks meh!
My warlike-singular-silver is certainly the best thing that's going to happen today. I have a dentist's appt. later this morning. Thanks very mehch.
@OldCatLady Hey, me too! Getting a nice new luxurious crown for my poor old cracked molar. So expensive. Guess it's my christmas gift to myself. best wishes from yet another old cat lady!
@meow57 It must be contagious; I got referred to the endodontist tomorrow for precisely the same thing. Now there's meh-ry for you.
Cool - thanks!!
I've been waiting for irk merch. Sweet!
Thanks Meh!!!
Meh. This is so mediocre. Meh, meh.
(it's actually awesome)
Thank you! Very nice.
Saw the new meh and thought "hmm, I like the one on my keychain now. Seems useful even though I haven't used it yet other than to test. Lets order some more."
scrolls down reads some more
"Wait a minute... "
checks /order page
"Well it seems Meh is trying to rise above mediocre today. Right on @snapster !"
Thanks for the free stuff meh. I just upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S5 with a 3.0 USB cable (u need to get some of them!), these will make great stocking suffers!
@dfunk29 you can still charge the S5 with a regular USB cable, i do it all the time with mine.
Mehdiocre knows how to keep its customers happy. I feel impotent, er, important.
Wow thanks Meh! The pictures on the boxes even look like baby arms. Careful, you are dangerously close to rising above mediocrity!
Also flustered & brak-ish
@potestasx happy birthday
@potestasx that is braktacular
@caffeine_dude Thanks!
Evil Meh is sending me all replies to this thread via email instead of just replied to my comment. The 'stop receiving replies to this thread' link is not working either. Evil Evil Irk.
@0oiiiiio0 meeee tooo. Agh!
@0oiiiiio0 same here. Woke up to 61 unread emails.
@0oiiiiio0 Same here. 47 emails so far....
@0oiiiiio0 Yep. I tried repeatedly to MAKE IT STOP.
@cmdrvaughn The link appears to have finally worked around 1am PST and have since only gotten replies to my thread yay.
Wow!!! Meh! Thanks!!
I can't even know.
@basically I mean, I like it, but I can't even know.
tremendous-obscene-donkey. I am very, very afraid to do a Google image search.
@Trillian I did it for you. Save yourself, it's too late for me.
@Trillian just did one for you - nothing much...
Just when this day couldn't get any more meh... you go and TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!
Thank you! Very nice. Meh! - long
When did I sign up for this?
You guys are awesoMEH. Thanks!
A fine fit for a petite squirrel, meh.
Straight fire!
Dope! Thanks, kids!
limping-morbid-line. OK so how do you guys know that I have a deathly limp when I line it up? Oh, that didn't sound very good. This is very eerie ... meh!
Woo! I am totally meh now!
I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but this isn't a horse. So I can't even look at it in the mouth.
Thanks meh! B-)
Well, it's not a Fukuoutoftheblu but I'll take it! Thanks!
Thank you, mediocre. meh.
too cool
T_T too late?
thank you, that's very meh of you!
What is it?
Thanks, guys! I just so happen to be completely lacking in Lightning adapters, which is not so good because one of the kids has a Lightning device.
This should actually be decent in my Prius, we can make the kids put their phones in the armrest to charge.
Good timing, I was just thinking about canceling my membership. :O
@Al_Coholic How did I get half-subscribed to this thread? Was it like a sick joke or some kind of revenge for saying I was thinking about canceling?
Wow! Impressive... free stuff... not sure what I'll use it for- but I have to come up with a use now... it's free.
I would never have bought these in a million years... but being free I am now thrilled.
This will officially make my Xmas complete...
But I HAVE seen the mediocre.com/orders page before. This place is a cavern of lies!
Excellent! Thanks guys!
Thank you for my x-mas gift, Meh.
Thank you Meh!!!
Boombastic! Is that still a thing?
mehrry xmas indeed. ngl, p excited for this. thanks!
Meh, my xmas just goes from mediocre to mediocrerrrrrrr with this gift. Thanx
You suckers better read the fine print. "With the acceptance of this gift, the VMP member hereby obligates themself to purchase no less than 10 speaker docs within the next 60 days. Failure to do so will result in immediate legal action."
@jseay65 it would be worth it...
... becauae it is free. And says meh on it.
@jseay65 Yah, only one more to buy.
Sweet - VMP status is awesome. I'd never cancel, I'm too impulsive for that to work.
Thanks Meh! This just mehd my day!
I just elfed myself
I expected VMP-only perks, like the Tee and Apron, not freebies! Huzzah! Will use the micro, gift the lightning. Schweet.
Thanks Mediocre Corp!
Thanks Meh!!!
Woot! .... um, I mean Meh!
So its going to be one of those kind of days... can't even link a photo, i'm going back to bed.
Can anyone see what it was that i did wrong?
@Ryaneil might be all the plus signs :/
@Ryaneil @Ignorant yeah if I ever want to use an image from a weird URL like that I usually just re-upload to imgur.com before I post it:
@JonT thank you, it was bothering me more than it should. Should have blamed @lisaviolet
@Ryaneil you got it former goat!
Looks like my VMP just expired automagically. Thanks, Home Depot, for my making my credit card number invalid. Edit: Looks like my credit card number is up to date. WTF?
(ˇ_ˇ”) ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Thanks! I don't even remember signing up for this.
Meh, I bet the micro usb model is loaded with malware. Anybody wanna trade a lightning cable for my micro usb??????
Did we have to claim it or is it automatic?
@bacon4jason automagically
@MEHcus magically? awe thanks, hat of to you kind sir and to meh
@blarz I could eat 4 or 5 of those in a day
BTW, is this the 0-Click Buy Experiment put into motion?
Ok, I'm not kidding: WTF are these things?
@ronnyd they charge your phone/whatever electronic device using power currents and electro-wizardry.
@JonT So, I'm just supposed to put this on my keychain and stick it in whatever random USB I happen upon OUT IN THE WILD?
@ronnyd I guess. Or like...use it as a normal charging cable like you already know how to do.

And now I know about the plight of the loris.
Slow Loris eating popcorn.
@JonT Forks: I've been doing it wrong my entire life.
awesome!! thanks mediocore / meh
how2optout lethal-restricted-straw
Good!! Thank you~
You guys are the most awesomely mediocre anywhere.
Worthwhile-crazy-orca. You guys certainly cheered this sucker up.
I was planning to cancel my VMP this month, but I and many others on the Something Awful forums find this freebie gambit quite intriguing. I think we all would be willing to keep VMP if we got monthly freebies, IF AND ONLY IF the freebies are useful gadgets like this one.
@versabox That SA thread introduced me to meh and now I work here. So, y'know, thanks goons.
@Moose Damn, how do I pull that off? I have a MS in electrical and computer engineering and almost a PhD in finance.
@versabox Can you do any of this stuff? https://mediocre.secure.force.com/?page=JobListPage&JobSite=default&p=Candidate&sessionId=
I got raditude.
Thought I posted a thanks, but now looking back it looks like that failed, so: thanks Meh! I'm sure I can find someone who needs the USB version.
Thank you, Meh & Mediocre Laboratories!
I never got the email and they're not showing in my account, what's the deal?
@fantom2993 were you VMP on 12/8/14?
@fantom2993 just checked and I can see them on your account in our system. Were you checking https://mediocre.com/orders?
Free stuff. Meh.
https://mediocre.com/orders AW, SNAP! SOMETHING WENT TERRIBLY WRONG.
@Psikic That's what I just received, too. I wonder why.
Is everyone else getting an email anytime a reply is made on this thread?
Mahabharata you just a new email.
Stupid autocorrect...
Muah-hahahaha you just got a new email
@OnionSoup If you scroll up, there is a little blue envelope underneath the photo that says unsubscribe. Click that and you won't get emails.
Thanks! Doesnt say unsubscribe on my phone... no text.
I'm loving the sustainability and innovative idea behind such a simple product.
Yippy It Came... now what the fuck do I do with it
@Squid_07 J-j-jam it in!
Snap cables arrived today! Promptly tossed them in a pile and made use of the packaging!
Thanks mediocre and meh!
Pretty Handy !!
got mine today!!
now how do i use them? they make my phone stick out awkwardly and then falls.
never thought i would need instructions with a usb cable.... but i cant figure these out.
@ErikRL one end goes in your phone, the other goes into your computer. That's when the magic happens...
@ErikRL oh, and +1 for awkwardness. Newer models are a bit more flexible, but don't have the custom meh branding and sex appeal.
@DaveInSoCal the phone floats in the air magically suspended? That's where my issue comes in, even using a plug adapter, nothing supports the phone at all abs they aren't long enough to rest it on the desk or anything. Is there certain situations where they should be used, or just with extension cables? Is an awesome piece to be able to carry around, but convenient and useful seem far apart on these.
@ErikRL I hear ya. You'll need to find something to put under the phone, unless your computer's USB port is at ground level. It works okay with my mac air, but not my wife's bulky dell. It can also be used to poke prospective attackers in the eye (action not recommended).
@ErikRL It works just fine for me, I usually just find something to put under my phone to keep it at the same height as the cable.
thats what i figured, didnt know if there was a specific use that would be better than others, so thought i would check in and ask. cool product though.
I was so confused, Thank you Mediocre Labs for this unexpected gift!
I just wanted to say my order name one more time before it gets here tomorrow or the next day. Because it's the best name imaginable, warlike-singular-silver. [img]
I'm pretty sure my scientific-different-father got lost by fedex. But it's the thought that counts so seriously, thank you! :)
oh i may still be in luck. fedex just changed to show an actual delivery date instead of "unknown." the excitement is building!!
Got my free snap cables yesterday. Thanks Meh!
Thanks for the free stands meh! I didnt understand the little plastic things inside the free stand so I tossed them.
damnit @lisaviolet. I blame you for this journey that ends with me not getting free stuff. :D
12/19/2014 - Friday
10:14 am At U.S. Postal Service facility PHILADELPHIA, PA
Returning package to shipper/merchant
12/17/2014 - Wednesday
9:50 am Delivery exception PA
Rerouted to revised delivery address
9:36 am Returning package to shipper PA
Incorrect address, unable to deliver - Returning package to shipper - Please contact shipper/merchant for details
@alacercogitatus You know what's nice? I'm not the goat over here. Don't blame me, blame @JonT.
@lisaviolet I think you would be goat by extension. We shall Ask The People.
@alacercogitatus That sucks.
Got mine today! Thanks, Meh!
First I thought, "Neat, but..." Then I thought, "Is this what targeted ma*ware looks like?" Then I thought, "Was that my usual mail carrier? She seemed less friendly today. Was I rude the way I just stared at the envelope like that and didn't say anything?" Then I thought, "Did I wash these jeans?" Then I thought, "I'm going to make an effort to say something nice her next time I see her." Then I thought, "I definitely didn't wash these jeans."
what is the plastic usb to android charger for?
@bacon4jason definitely not for charging an android device.
What exactly are these things for? And why did I also buy some?
@potestasx I "get" the phne stand thing, it's the snap cable itself I need explained.
@Teripie if you have a laptop, USB hub, or anything with a USB port at desk level, you plug one end of the snap cable into the USB port and the other end into your phone (if your phone is micro USB or Apple Lightning) and you can charge your phone.
@potestasx So that's how you set up the phone stand! I was using the cable as the stand and was getting nowhere (also, thanks for not having Woot displayed on your phone- that would've been awkward).
Stand and cable are mutually exclusive unless you have have a usb extension cable. Here's the cable in action with my laptop and tablet face down at an awkward 135° angle...
@potestasx get a portable charge pack and use that instead of laptop.
@medz hmmm, I wonder where I might find a portable charge pack?
Mine came earlier this week, Got one apple Charger and the other box just had the key ring.... Wouldn't you know it I am an android person.
@nodnetni that's unfortunate :( Give us a shout at https://mediocre.com/support and we'll see if we can work something out.
Thanks Meh!
Thank you for emailing me tonight to say that this shipped.
Mine broke. Meh.
@melliott yours lasted longer than most. Congrats!
I still have mine, but I never use it, it's in my pocket and the Meh. mostly wore off... so I guess I'm wondering why I keep it on my key chain? hmmm
These things look amazing!
I want more Meh branded stuff like this.