New game - geographic trivia with Google
I've always been terrible with geography but pretty decent at general trivia. Some of the questions are much easier than others, and the hints can be real giveaways but it's still challenging.
I've only done a few runs, but here's my high score so far:
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In my first attempt I answered only 5 questions. I had the wrong coast for where The Wire takes place (never seen it).
18 on my second try, but the hints made it pretty easy.
21 It said something like "bow down peons"
which sounds about right : )
It didn't like my mac. I couldn't copy the thing at the end to show my score. I should of taken a screen shot. But it was too late once I committed to the copy and post option. AND I should of had 2 more points but the stupid marker was so sensitive and I kept enlarging the map to try and get the right town and it would give me the next town over. Sigh. I finally quite because it was giving me a headache.
tl;dr : I rule
That's quit not quite.
You need to leave. That's hardly mediocre.
@joshaw -- scroll down for response. Can't post image here.
This took to my 4th or 5th round (I kept picking the wrong Canadian city!)
Once I realized that you have time to wait for the clue, and the bonus was just additional miles, I did much better
It asked where Wayne Gretzky started his career. I'm not a hockey fan, so I waited for the clue. It gave the clue "Home of the Oilers" Naturally, I selected Houston instead of Edmonton. Oops!
Got up to 23 -- was doing really well (with some really obvious hints) and was down to 770 miles... then I got a question where i was 1100 miles off!
Is it cheating to Google the answers if it's a Google game? Pegman thinks I'm smart at 31 questions.
eh... we're not really competing against each other, so if it's still fun for that way then go for it
The questions start to get really difficult the farther you go. There are some really obscure ones!