Our forum rules: No BULLSHIT™
20The one simple rule that we want to enforce is this: No BULLSHIT.
If you need more details they're down below, but the truth is we just wanted to make up an acronym that spelled BULLSHIT.
B ias - everyone has some bias, but you should identify yours when it contributes to why you love or hate something. We're talking to you @CompanyShill2389
U nmanned Accounts - no shady robots, especially ones that only post links that benefit you.
L ibel or illegal stuff - we'd really rather not waste all of the money we squeeze out of you on lawyers.
L uridness - no porn, there's plenty of that everywhere else on the internet.
S pam - you know what spam we mean. Talking about the canned meat is allowed and encouraged (it’s great with rice and eggs).
H atespeech - pretty obvious, don't be a dick.
I diocy - extremely stupid behavior. We like smart people.
T rolling - be constructive. The only exception is for actual trolls:
As with all of our rules we reserve the right to be hypocritical and break these if we feel like it.
Like everything else in this post, that ™ in the title is also bullshit.
I almost forgot, cursing will not be fucking tolerated.
Hopefully there won't be a need to bust out these rules too often, but they're handy to have when people ask for specifics.
Let me know if you have any feedback.
- 10 comments, 12 replies
- Comment
No idiocy? Fine, I'll go play with my friends.
Oh dear, that looks like me as a lonesome, little kid--blue hair and all.
I dunno... that Simpsons gif could be pr0n...
Spam loco moco is the best thing I've ever seen...
What's 'amatta with Idiocracy?

Oh that says idiocy.... Got it!
wait... no cursing?
Iron Butterfly?
@TerriblyHuang close... try harder
@unixrab What you posted was UNFORGIVABLE.
The porn was the most fun to delete as a mod. Well, the funny porn, not porny porn. I'm already a girl, I know what they look like.
@Squid_07 That's me at the smoothie store. I hate bananas, and every smoothie uses damn bananas in it.
If not for the Hypocritical Claus, meh would be out of business.

So wait... No more trolling Irk? That was half the fun of the forums... Although, it runs into the is it funny... and for some it's very funny... Like when I go to sealed format magic prereleases and we have to pick a color.. .then the Head Judge says if you're playing Red go here, ETC... and then I have to point out I don't know what I'm playing until I open it. I'd be happy to let him know afterwards... A lot of people find that funny (mostly because he tries to do the trolling.) I find trolling trolls is the most fun... especially when they get you back.
So posting "meh" on a deal is fine right? That's valid discussion of the deal - i.e. I find this deal to be mediocre and not worth my visit.
@JazzyJosh Not exactly and here’s why: posting meh doesn’t give us any real feedback that we can’t get from the sale itself. As people have said on the forums before, there’s a button for that. Presumably posting meh means you didn’t buy the item, but we already know how many we sold and how many we put up for sale so we can tell when a sale doesn’t do as well as we’d like.
If you just post ‘meh’ at least give us feedback we can use. Tell us WHY you think it’s meh. Is it too expensive? Are the reviews too bad? Feel free to say meh, but give us some feedback we can use while you do that.