Our forum rules: No BULLSHIT™


The one simple rule that we want to enforce is this: No BULLSHIT.

If you need more details they're down below, but the truth is we just wanted to make up an acronym that spelled BULLSHIT.

B ias - everyone has some bias, but you should identify yours when it contributes to why you love or hate something. We're talking to you @CompanyShill2389
U nmanned Accounts - no shady robots, especially ones that only post links that benefit you.
L ibel or illegal stuff - we'd really rather not waste all of the money we squeeze out of you on lawyers.
L uridness - no porn, there's plenty of that everywhere else on the internet.
S pam - you know what spam we mean. Talking about the canned meat is allowed and encouraged (it’s great with rice and eggs).
H atespeech - pretty obvious, don't be a dick.
I diocy - extremely stupid behavior. We like smart people.
T rolling - be constructive. The only exception is for actual trolls:

As with all of our rules we reserve the right to be hypocritical and break these if we feel like it.

Like everything else in this post, that ™ in the title is also bullshit.

I almost forgot, cursing will not be fucking tolerated.

Hopefully there won't be a need to bust out these rules too often, but they're handy to have when people ask for specifics.

Let me know if you have any feedback.