The End of #seligman (pics, stats, and a wrap-up)
23#seligman, if you missed it, was our first experiment, to see what would happen if we sent 1,000 people $20 and asked them to buy stuff for our office. People could keep some or all of the money, or spend all or even more than all of it on us.
We’re going to get weird boxes from unknown sources for years now, but we finally got you all to redeem 1,000 gift cards, so we’re calling this the end of #seligman. How about some stats, some awards, and some photos from around the office?
Some Stats
A week after we sent out the first 1000 gift cards, we gathered up those that weren’t redeemed and re-gifted them in a second round. And when those didn’t all get used…well, it went like this:
It took us 8 rounds to get rid of all those gift cards, and user @goldenthorn was the lucky round 8 final recipient (and thankfully it got redeemed, to end this fiasco).
So how’d the experiment turn out? Well, we sent out $20,000 of gift cards and we got:
771 boxes containing
888 items weighing
1,357 pounds and totaling
$10,704.11 (counting tax & shipping when we got that data)
which makes the average #seligman a box containing:
1.15 items that weighed
1.76 pounds and cost
$13.88 ($12.21 + $0.72 tax + $0.93 shipping)
It gets complicated trying to determine how many people got us something, since we purposefully didn’t try to track you all, since some sent far more than one thing, and some of you sent homemade (!) items. But overall, we got crap worth 53.5% of what the money sent out, and if we assume that most were one box, then around 75% of you got us something. Given how ridiculously easy it’d have been to just take the money, that’s frankly incredible.
And you know what else we got? A community. (Aw…) Really, though, it’s been quite enjoyable seeing your personality come out in your gift choice, and what you had to say about it in your gift notes (which 28.88% of you sent) and now on our forum. And on that front, how about...
Some Awards
(Not monetary, of course, we’ve spent enough on this silliness.)
The Most Expensive #seligman (solely looking at the price on Amazon)
31 copies of Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think in Hardcover
Ok, this is a real mystery. I…don’t imagine someone actually paid $600…but what then? Was it the author? The author's mom? Anyone want to take credit/blame for this one? In any case, if you’re going to get a bunch of one book, I love that it’s one called Abundance.
Second Most Expensive
Rat - Peel and Stick Wall Decal by Wallmonkeys
Now this one, I know was actually paid for: Six lab rats joined forces (and gift cards) and got us this epic rat that now greets people if they dare enter our office.
Third Most Expensive
Hamburger Beanbag Chair
Another one that I’d love to find out - was this a single purchase, or a group buy? Either way, it’s both comfortable and tasty. (Disclaimer: We did not taste it.)
The Heaviest #seligman
39 pounds of Fertilizer
This gets a bonus award since it also contains actual crap.
Second Heaviest
31 pounds of those Abundance books again. Huh.
Third Heaviest
25 pounds of a Unicorn Accent Table
Highest Quantity of #seligman items
101 $50 gift cards
We haven’t yet tried this out, but we have determined that these cards work pretty well as Chinese throwing stars when the NERF bullets start flying.
Second Highest Quantity
Uh, those Abundance Books again. Really, wtf?
Third Highest Quantity
13 boxes of 5,000 staples. (So technically, I guess, it’s 65,000 individual #seligman staples.)
And a special call out to those home-made and customized #seligman gifts:
Cross-stitch lab rat & flask
Our illustrator says sure this is the first time anyone’s cross-stitched his work.
What Mediocre stands for:
And what Not-Mediocre stands for:
And a hat & scarf, perfect in case we, say, forget to get heat in our new office:
Whoops, missed these awesome handmade flask throw pillows!
I may have missed other handmade and customized ones. Let me know in the comments!
Now, if you’ve been following along at home, you know we’ve gotten quite a few, uh, Butt Stations (11 so far). But great minds think alike, even outside of the great Butt Station epidemic of 2013. We also got:
lava lamps: 5
banana slicers: 6
flying monkeys: 8
red staplers: 9
bullshit buttons: 10
NERF weapons: 12
board games: 13
clocks: 15
inflatables: 17 (4 dinosaurs, 4 whales, 1 moose head, 1 football player, 1 football, 2 shark heads, 3 cows, 1 kangaroo)
tin signs: 21
decals: 64
posters: 111 (including 6 Kramer & 3 George Posters)
That reads like a warped version of the 12 Days of Christmas. Anyway, in my post-#seligman-induced haze, did I miss something good? Check out all the #seligman photos and post your favorites. What was your favorite #seligman?
Meanwhile, head over to our Flickr photo stream where we’ve got shots of our newly cluttered decorated office. We went from an empty, bland, boring office to one that looks like it's has a history of decades of life and culture spewed all over the walls, ceiling, and floor.
So was it worth it? Obviously we didn't get more stuff than we spent, and we got all sorts of things that we wouldn't have purchased (to put it politely). But honestly it's cheaper than most ads you can buy, and far more effective at building up a community and generating some interest in what the hell it is we're doing around here. And honestly, it was just fun, for us and hopefully you. (And if you've read this far, then that means it was worth it.)
I’ll leave you with a shot of our epic Clock of Clocks:
(Thankfully we got a couple more after this shot, so @denboy can go back to fulfillment.)
- 59 comments, 38 replies
- Comment
Now that the office has most of the decorations up, I think there are warm and fuzzy feelings about the collaboration of this and the reflection of our users humor that go way beyond the raw efficiency of dollars spent. Also, the nice thing is that when we did this I didn't think we'd really get anything beyond a few posters. Expectation management ftw!
btw - a quick note on #seligman name selection. When reviewing some historical experiments, the Learned Helplessness experiments gave us a good laugh about the situation we were setting up. (e.g. we are incapable of decorating our office and have to sit here and open decorations others send even as it became painful)
Huge thanks to everyone who spent time and effort to do this experiment! Even if that effort was just assigning the total to your account - without you this would have never ended!
Thanks to whoever sent the Star Wars clock, my arm was getting awful tired.
I never realized you were filling in for a clock number. I just thought you were giving us a very strange wave.
no you're right, it's my Simpsons wave
Why do I feel all warm and fuzzy after reading this? Some kind of "commerce afterglow" perhaps?
Consumerism with a cause, I think.
And it ends.... I'm tearing up here.
Proud member of the Buttstation Army!
And the fat lady has sung...
LOL I wouldn't want to be in charge of adjusting all of those clocks during DLST events.
Nice office. It looks like it came along nicely.
Ha, maybe we should just set all the clocks to countries that don't follow DLST
Or move to Arizona where they don't participate
So you got back more than 50% of your investment in actual dollars spent, you got a ton of activity on Twitter, and you got us all to talk about you here. Sounds like pretty solid ROI to me. Well done.
Just one more thing - name the rat ;)
Rat Name +1
@Thumperchick, I sent a shark. Also, name the rat Nicodemus.
Ooh, +1 for Nicodemus. NIMH++
You should offset the clocks by one hour relative to the "hour" clock before it.
Those red & blue pillow cases in the 2nd most expensive picture were handmade too. :)
awesome job on those!
top 5 item for sure
@Thumperchick, Maybe we can have a contest. Some starting ideas: should totally be on that list!
So should Nicodemus (The Secret of NIMH) and Rakushun (The Twelve Kingdoms).
@nerdia, You're right! I'll try to wedge in an update here. Those are awesome.
I want to see the disco party light plugged in and doing its thing!
There is a fog machine that will pair up nicely with that light. Party office.
Practical and repulsive, my sad clown poster stands ever vigilant against warehouse wanderers.
and has created at least one nightmare for the resident clown hater here
I can't help that it looks like it's going to jump off the wall and eat me.. thanks to Stephen King I shall always hate clowns..
Plus one Kangaroo.
Yep, I'll add that in!
My fault!! SORRY!!
I sent a book. But not Abundance. "Why Good People Can't Get Jobs". Also a Justin Bieber poster, but at separate times.
@Tom, Ah, our (at the time) newest guy @ripka got saddled with the teen heartthrob office, headlined by your poster.
Dang..... I was hoping to inspire some good old office warfare with my ducks :/
Still, office looks like a really fun place to be at!
Oh, maybe this is a good time to say, You Can Work Here!
I can? :D
I think it should be Buttstation Nation not Army.
@grimskull89 rubber duckies are being shot with nerf guns so there is some duck related violence to report. No blood drawn yet, stay tuned.
This is so great, let's do it again. :)
@sherrie, I have both shark heads at my desk threatening me everyday. I agree with naming the rat Nicodemus. The Secret of NIMH was one of my favorites growing up!
@denboy, repeat after me: I am not a number, I am a free hand. (If you're a computer weenie, an alternative saying is: I am not a number, I am a free NAN.)
I am not a number and I will use my free hand
I am not a number ampersand.
clock of Clocks is pretty great. As is the Rat.
I looked through the photo stream to see where you put the items I sent you but... I forgot what I bought you! :)
I want to know if the license plate frame ends up on someone's car. And whose. It could pass as wall art.
I know someone who sent a Monty Python Black Knight action figure. It was the kind of thing I thought people would fight over. But, maybe you guys are all too young to know who he is. Doubtful......
We have fought over him, and we thought it was highly amusing that his limbs come off and his bloody inners come out.. Good choice!!
Very entertaining. Glad to see you had such a good turn out.
I truly thought I was going to be unique, then I started to see all of the Butt Stations and realized how wrong I was.
@Teripie, None shall pass...
@Teripie, I'm a Monty Python fan and the lucky bastard who's office he's hanging out in. Any time I'm feeling a bit violent I just rip off a limb. Brilliant gift you purchased for us with our money
@YoDad, Rhyming? Why would The Buttstation Army do that?
Darn it, that is more clever....
It was a pleasure participating and I look forward to future mazes and electrodes
Labrat #1103 (prime)
Crap - I didn't realize I'd even gotten a gift card. Stay tuned for incoming.
Yeah, same here. By the time I noticed the email notice, my gift card had already be rescinded :(
The abundance books should have also had a few handwritten letters thrown in there...
ooh, intriguing, let me double-check.
@adam, was it floating in the box separately? or is the letter in the book itself? Haven't seen anything as of yet.
I have double checked the box of books and there was no note in the box or stuck in the books... Sorry @adam
Hey guys.....giant hamburger came from me. I told Amazon to include a gift note wishing all of you the best in your new venture.....but then it must not have been included. Hope the new startup does great! John Clark.
I hope my fancy duct tape came in handy, what with all the new crap to hang up everywhere! Very cool wrap up post and stats, thanks for sharing.
@nottobrag, there were at least three letters in there. Hopefully they didn't get discarded with the packing material. I'll see about getting them recrafted in the meantime.
So sorry, There was nothing thrown away.. we still had the books in the box until I placed them in the office,
I doubled checked them today and didn't find anything! :(
@adam, I'm hitting them with the one two combo, robosapien style.
I'm super bummed that my chewey poster didn't make it into the pics :P
chewy is happily located on an office door making us all jealous of how good one can look in board shorts
Oh good!
I looked through the Flickr feed hoping to spot the Banksy Ratapult wall decal I sent.
Can anyone tell me if it found a home?
@gio, It did. It is on one of our walls!
Good to know, but I was hoping for a little more specificity :-)
what.. didn't you know we only had one wall in the entire office @gio! haha
Got to meet a few of the Mediocre crew when I dropped off the Caped Crusader Nutcracker. Very cool to see the seligman office decorations in person! Looking forward to the next morph!
Gotta say, that panda is pretty awesome. I sent in one of the Tiki bar tin signs, glad to see it found a home.
@Thumperchick, I'll second that, name it.
I was hoping we'd get an all-inclusive photo or video tour of the decorated Mediocre Laboratories. I'm left to wonder if we don't see our "gifts" in any of the office photos does it mean they are in some obscure location (e.g. janitor's closet)? Or maybe they are sitting on a shelf waiting for some future hire to decorate their workspace?
Guess I should have expected a mediocre wrap-up to the experiment, but can't say I'm not disappointed to be left in the dark about the location of the puzzle light I sent.
@madlab, umm the puzzle light.. is it white? does it need to be assembled? lol... if so.. it is partially put together and given up on, sitting on top of a random desk waiting for someone to understand it and happily put it together!! We're so mediocre, that the puzzle is too complex for our underachieving crew. :) However I can send in a picture for you to view!
Thanks for the update. Maybe it can be used as a way to weed out over-achievers?
@madlab, I am pleased we left you feeling meh about the whole thing, but on the other hand, we're all getting together this week, and I suspect we may see if we can get more shots or video of everything together. Who knows, maybe we could put it to song or something. (Note: given that we're mediocre, there's a pretty good chance none of this will actually happen.)
But as far as your puzzle's the progress so far:

Thanks for the photo. I guess that qualifies as a pretty mediocre outcome for my gift.
I'm pretty sure that's my 'mediocrity' sign hanging out in the conference room between the two Einsteins. Woo!
I teased a #seligman when I talked with @katherine. I was late to the party, but I would've sent a Used "Like New" Thomas Kinkade guestbook and a gaudy plume-pen with which to sign it.
@fgarriel, haha what!! why didn't you, it would have added nicely to our bathroom collection..
I found out about this after it was over. Had I known in time you would have gotten one of these. I checked all the pictures and did not see one.
P.S. I think you should name the rat "Lab". (that's mediocre right there)
@nottobrag, I didn't make the #seligman wait list in time. Our conversation, while pleasant, was about employment and ended soon after I wasn't ready to consider a move to Dallas without generous persuasion. And that's not to say the equation won't change someday, but as it stands now, I've got a good job that I enjoy with local family, etc.
TBH, I only thought about what to get because I figured it was a good ice-breaking interview question.
@dave More photos, or video, or a song would be great! (Even better if its done during a tipsy office party!) Seems like a lot of quirky things I saw arrive on Instagram didn't show up on Flickr and some that were there weren't obvious. Think it took me three viewings of the Flickr photos before I happened to notice the wall-mount fish tanks and I'm curious to know if they have anything in them!
You know, when driving home today, I was thinking about the acrimony in the meh forums and the east coast/west coast feuding (poor Central and Mountain folk), and I was wondering if the crap I sent you ever made it on the wall. It wasn't great crap (two metal signs - a moon pie one and a coke one) but it was crap nonetheless. That is what made me initially feel the connection for y'all - the trust you had in us to decorate your place ... and I hope my little contributions are at least over a stall in the men's room ... Or perhaps they were used to smash someone over the head with ... either way I'm cool with that.
TL;DR - did my crap make it up on a wall somewhere?
@oppodude We totally put them up!
I see both of them a bunch of times a day because they're in our break room, I'm quite fond of them.
@JonT AWESOME. You just made my day. Seriously. Made. My. Day.
@JonT and I'm sure the fog machine I sent you guys is running 24x7 in the break room right?
@Ignorant Oh, you mean the fog room? We think it's in there but it's kind of hard to see.
@dave HAHA!
//sigh// Still wondering about the license plate frame "We strive to be adequate." That's meh, isn't it?
neat idea :)
For the latest Seligman update, see