The Mediocre forums posting guide

JonT posted about a kickstarter said

I figured it would be a good idea to let everyone know exactly what features our forums have in case you missed anything in the Changelog.

For example, you can wrap your text with double tilde characters to strikethrough and use [spoiler]spoiler tags[/spoiler] by wrapping text with [spoiler][ /spoiler]

Especially useful with the start of the new season of Game of Thrones!

It works on images
[spoiler] [/spoiler]

And gifs too

Here's what you can do on the Mediocre forum. I'll keep this thread updated when new features come along.

You can edit your comments, notes, and topic titles for up to 5 minutes (plus a 5-minute grace period) after posting by clicking the edit button

Subscribe or unsubscribe to posts by clicking the envelope under the original post in a topic

Tag other users by using the @ symbol, calling @Dave!

You can directly embed Images, Gifs, YouTube, Vimeo, and Vine videos by linking the URL:

You can also embed Tweets, SoundCloud files, and Kickstarter campaigns the same way

Feel free to try them out in this thread and ask any questions you might have.