@snapster AA shirts, finally. :::contented sigh::: I think I love you, you snappy pants wearing man. (Or kilt wearing. Kilts are good. I'm fine with a man in a kilt.)
@xarous Ya dope! I've been around, mostly hiding in the shadows choking on my laughter. It's so good to see a free-for-all evolve in the forums without it being modded to death.
@silverqueen They were sold out of the "Meh." men's shirts before I got around to buying it, XL women's was way too tiny for me, as a guy who normally uses L men's. Still haven't really found a use for that XL I have laying around.
@homehziah I wasn't able to order until after I re-upped VMP. The form was not accepting of my attempting to re-up and order the shirt in one swell foop.
@homehziah Me too. Just got VMP for the speaker dock last week (ugh yes i'm one of those people). They billed my CC and everything, but still no permission for shirt. Meh.
@homehziah I had the samepproblem so I just went over to the vmp page, signed up, refreshed the page for the shirt and I was in! Starting to wish I'd gotten 2 though...fussy-standing-bison!
@JonT I went around the problem the same way dfunk29 did. I only experienced some momentary confusion because I thought the form indicated I could re-up VMP while ordering the shirt.
@JonT Mine wasn't magically fixed (which would be of more concern). Contrary to the information given in the offer I had to subscribe to VMP first, then purchase the shirts. @Holly figured it out for me and saved the day (that might be extreme but 15 minutes of fame wouldn't be overboard)
@jimmyd103 If only I were't so bitter and have a tendency to hold a grudge. ;) Actually, I think the total lack of even a comment by 'The Powers That Be' is what seals the (no) deal on my part.
@iRattus Is "No comment" a comment? No seriously, it's really hard to get across what sizes these things are. We link to the size table but even that's not a great help unless you get out the tape ruler. Totally understandable that you don't want to buy these.
@dave I went with the same size I ordered in the past when our local public radio did an AA fundraiser shirt. Neither have ever been worn so lose/lose for both me (out $15) and y'all (no building brand awareness). I understand you probably doing have the staff or the hours to do returns/exchanges but still a sore spot.
@iRattus Yeah, they definitely don't fit quite the same as most other shirts, so I can see that. Sorry to have sold you an expensive rag, hopefully it'll at least be good at that.
No images of the back? I'm sure I can safely assume it is a nice bland asphalt-gray with no personality, or perhaps there will be some words of meh to be shared to those who wish to view my backside.
@CowboyDann I got a couple. I'm trying to be careful with my Meh spending and I'd already spent $40 there in the last few days. @snapster takes all my money...
Is it a bad thing to be thinking, "oh, well, if the ladies large doesn't fit, I will just keep the mens xl I ordered for hubby?" Forgot aa ran small :(
@Ryaneil Yes, and it was annoying because I kept thinking people were replying to me and couldn't figure out why. @Wamzlee Under the pic of the shirt, there's a link to 'unsubscribe'.
@speediedelivery Hey, you're right. At first I thought they gave the goat to someone else and then I noticed my "K" is gone too. I went to the regular meh site and both are there. It must not carry over to this site.
@dashcloud@cengland0@speediedelivery This is a safe place for the goat. Whoever is the scapegoat is the scapegoat of Meh.com, not Mediocre. Kickstarter badges are also for kickstarting Meh.
@Kidsandliz No, that's going a bit too far. I'll admit to initially pointing blame at @thumperchick because I thought they sent me a WL instead of ML, but no, apparently it's just that their newest blanks suck that much more. And still, no one at Woot seems to care that the "mutant" blanks are all sized differently than the charts. Or that they still don't have enough royal blue blanks to go around.
"You want this stuff, right? a mediocre shirt (Available Exclusively to VMP Members) Men's XXL $5 VMP Membershiplearn more @ mediocre.com/vmp Free Shipping Total $5 VMP Membership I agree to the VMP Membership Agreement $5/month Total $5/month Oops. Let's try that again."
"You don't have permission to order that." "You don't have permission to order that." "You don't have permission to order that." WTF ? I HAVE BEEN VMP MEMBER FOR ALL MY ORDERS!
@Zebra This happened to me yesterday. I found out that my November VMP wasn't billed because my payment card was changed by my bank. I signed up for VMP again and was then able to buy the shirt.
@Zebra Doing the same thing twice and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. I went insane myself and then learned that I needed to pay for VMP (I had canceled mine due to lack of enticing deals). Maybe as @Zebra says your's didn't bill on the last cycle? Maybe it's a conspiracy to keep you 1/2 naked? Who can say?
Uhm a ... I am looking at my order history and I don't see my orders. Do they show up some other place than on MEH.com, since they were ordered over here? I had ordered two separate times after rethinking my mens Large I then went back and ordered a mens XL just incase. So I total two shirts, but I don't see them anyware. And I didn't coppy down my order phrases. Am I looking in the right place?
@TBoneZeOriginal Thanks for the answer but it looks like technology strikes again. My screen reader doesn't see anything like an account link or button. I see 43 links and one frame. I don't see any thing I could press enter on to load up anything like a account setting. I guess I will have to try another browser and if not that then another screen reader.
Thanks for the link, @TBoneZeOriginal. That worked and I do have two shirts pending.I don’t know how to find that link on my own so I will book mark it for future use. I tried with Voiceover and Safari, and NVDA and Firefox , WindowEyes and IE, and still could not find it so thanks again for the help.
@bruceoite This will likely take a few weeks to ship out. The last custom shirts took a while, too. They have to finish the sale, put in the order, get them back, and then ship them to us. Once that happens, they'll add tracking numbers to the order page.
@Ignorant I think so too. I have an unaccounted for package showing up in my fedex account that weighs half a pound, so I think it's the shirt, even though it still just says "placed" in my orders.
I got mine today; checked size charts, measured myself, even screen chatted with AA folks to make sure the women's XL would fit. But noooooooooo! Way too tiny. Booo.
@spammie I keep wondering if there are different lines of AA shirts as men's M shirts NOT from meh fit me fine while the Kickstarter one was kid sized. :(
@medz It kind of looks like excess thread got caught up when the tape was sewn; a simple snip with scissors will take care of it.. As for Anvil ... yeah, quality like all the ones I got with holes in the body? Or the ones in which they missed sewing the seams? Or the one that the hem unraveled itself in the wash? Or all the ones in which they sew a waistline for a neckline? That quality?
My shirts are here !! My love handles are now girdled by the Excellent garments. US made of quality narrow gague combed cotton knit.
Emil Erlenmeyer would be proud to see his flask so proudly displayed (a shame that it has a crack -- or is that supposed to be a graph?) A great deal but I still give a MEH just for the hell of it.
Update: Today I received 2, count em... 2, Seriously mediocre T-shirts. While I am flattered having 2 of the same T-shirt is probably the most useless duplicate I can think of, everyone will just assume I never bathe. But thanks guys, feel free to prove me wrong and send me duplicates of something even more useless (I'll never use TWO tv's right?)
@axleman1011 You're not alone. I sent an email Friday, asking politely where it was. I got the shirt on Saturday, so no worries. Monday, I get a response back that it's in transit, and will be there soon. I tell them it's all good, got it on Saturday. I go on about my life. Then, last night, another one is lurking in the mailbox. I also now am the proud possessor of two Meh shirts. I'm contacting Meh to see what they'd like me to do with the second one.
I probably shoulda bitched about this before, but my supposedly men's 3X was way too fucking small--and, yes, it says 3X. Oh well. I mean, it sorta fits, but it's a couple of inches shorter than my meh 3Xs. Which is okay, as long as I don't move. When I move, there's my belly.
@Zebra If this was directed at me, it's true that I could stand to lose a few pounds, but the issue is more that I'm tall. Indeed, even currently overweight I have a somewhat slender build. But--unless you're 6'3" or taller (I'm 6'7.5")--don't be such a dick, short fuck.
Still not happy I am a T-shirt junkie. I am still finding and throwing àway bàtteries and devices from the leàking battery thing the least that càñ be done is letting me kñow when I can buy a sweet ass tee.
@Thumperchick I see what you did there with the fancy smart words, well done. On to otherness, I got emails for the other vmp things did a spam email go out?
I love this shirt so much and wear it all the time. Anyone have one in a 3X that you want to part with? I have a 2X year one clickface shirt I can trade.
Is it too late to get one? I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Overtime my ship comes in, I'm at the airport..... I wear a 3XL ( Just more to love)
@joecomper, ya, we are only a few years late on this. There’s got to be a box of these sitting around the warehouse somewhere.
This IS a nice shirt. I wish I could have grabbed one of these.
My husband would really like it if these shirts were sold again, even at higher-than-last-time prices. This is one of his favorite shirts (loves the design) and he would like to buy more. Just throwing it out there in case added voices could convince you guys to offer it again.
@PurplePawprints I second this. My boyfriend has stolen mine and has dubbed it his favorite shirt. I’m sure he would like another and I would like to actually have one for myself.
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 day Mediocre
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
- $5 Shipping, Free with VMP
What's in the Box?
1x mediocre shirt
a mediocre shirt
a mediocre shirt model
sizing chart linked - extra call out here that AA is sized for closer fit for all, and for womens sizes that may be even more-so the case.
@snapster I didn't even have to look for AA, I knew you wouldn't stick us with gargantuan neck holes.
@snapster AA shirts, finally. :::contented sigh::: I think I love you, you snappy pants wearing man. (Or kilt wearing. Kilts are good. I'm fine with a man in a kilt.)
@LaVikinga I just liked seeing your name....it's been so long.
@xarous Ya dope! I've been around, mostly hiding in the shadows choking on my laughter. It's so good to see a free-for-all evolve in the forums without it being modded to death.
@LaVikinga Speaking of mods I hear they have a job listing for one just for deals.woot. Seriously. :)
I’m actually wearing this today.
Wha??? Good thing I came over to mediocre.com for the first time in quite a while.
90 day warranty? does that cover damage from a 2 year old hurling food at it?
@carl669 Only if you spring for the accidental coverage warranty.
Look at you with your fancy second arm hole!
I'm so very excited for more shirts!
This should have been a zero click buy experiment. You could have had 100% success rate with VMP members.
Now this is a sweet shirt. Nicely done!
Forget about the shirts, I can't wait to hear the new theme song.
My greatest disappointment is that there is no meh button to push before purchasing this. Where is my silly face badge?!?
Yay, I always buy cheap AA shirts!
I sure hope I picked the right size this time! Womens XL is too small. I went for mens large this time.destroyed-bulbous-tramp
@silverqueen I did the same, hoping for a shirt that I can actually wear.
@silverqueen They were sold out of the "Meh." men's shirts before I got around to buying it, XL women's was way too tiny for me, as a guy who normally uses L men's. Still haven't really found a use for that XL I have laying around.
Gray with a prefix that includes the word "fault". Perfectly meh color.
I love purple.
Love it, bought two. Signed up for VMP on Day 0 and have not regretted it once.
Mediocre Shirt 2 - Electric Boogaloo
@somf69 FIF fan?
@reedmo Haha. I love FIF but it is more wide spread than that. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/electric-boogaloo
dDo these shrink? I haven't been able to ware the other one to know.
@silverqueen AAs don't shrink much, they just start off small. (pre-washed)
I will wear it!
Hurrah! Shirts that fit properly, and even have the proper number of preinstalled holes!
GREAT! Got one.
Grabbed up 2, going to wear endlessly, one to wear while I wash the other one each day.
I'll be just like Doug looking for nematodes..
just ordered my VMP shirt! Now I'll get all the womens
I am being told "You don't have permission to order that". Everything double/triple checked & even tried another CC, guess I'll keep my $5, meh.
@homehziah I wasn't able to order until after I re-upped VMP. The form was not accepting of my attempting to re-up and order the shirt in one swell foop.
@homehziah You have to be a VMP member to order the shirt, as indicated at the top of this thread and right above the $5 price on the purchase page.
@homehziah Me too. Just got VMP for the speaker dock last week (ugh yes i'm one of those people). They billed my CC and everything, but still no permission for shirt. Meh.
@homehziah DId you ask your folks first?
@homehziah I too tried to order....there was no love for me. I even sent a picture of a bunny, hoping that would change my luck.
@homehziah @Alien @plasmd @tightwad I'll check into this tomorrow and see if we can figure out the problem and fix it as soon as possible.
@homehziah @Alien @plasmd @tightwad @JonT As of a moment ago, this seems fixed! Huzzah!
@plasmd Awesome! @homehziah @Alien @tightwad still having issues or did this magically get fixed overnight?
@homehziah I had the samepproblem so I just went over to the vmp page, signed up, refreshed the page for the shirt and I was in! Starting to wish I'd gotten 2 though...fussy-standing-bison!
@JonT I went around the problem the same way dfunk29 did. I only experienced some momentary confusion because I thought the form indicated I could re-up VMP while ordering the shirt.
@JonT Mine wasn't magically fixed (which would be of more concern). Contrary to the information given in the offer I had to subscribe to VMP first, then purchase the shirts. @Holly figured it out for me and saved the day (that might be extreme but 15 minutes of fame wouldn't be overboard)
@dfunk29 Did you try ordering a second shirt? I did and my later order seems to have been accepted.
After the last sizing disaster (bought 2, neither of which fit the adults in the household), I think I'll hold onto my $ this time.
Are you still enjoying the Dobermans poster you paid for?
@iRattus My kickstarter shirt was baby-doll-sized. So when I ordered my second shirt I ordered two sizes larger. That seemed to work.
@jimmyd103 If only I were't so bitter and have a tendency to hold a grudge. ;) Actually, I think the total lack of even a comment by 'The Powers That Be' is what seals the (no) deal on my part.
@iRattus Is "No comment" a comment? No seriously, it's really hard to get across what sizes these things are. We link to the size table but even that's not a great help unless you get out the tape ruler. Totally understandable that you don't want to buy these.
@dave I went with the same size I ordered in the past when our local public radio did an AA fundraiser shirt. Neither have ever been worn so lose/lose for both me (out $15) and y'all (no building brand awareness). I understand you probably doing have the staff or the hours to do returns/exchanges but still a sore spot.
@iRattus Yeah, they definitely don't fit quite the same as most other shirts, so I can see that. Sorry to have sold you an expensive rag, hopefully it'll at least be good at that.
@dave They didn't fit like other American Apparel shirts.
No images of the back? I'm sure I can safely assume it is a nice bland asphalt-gray with no personality, or perhaps there will be some words of meh to be shared to those who wish to view my backside.
I love purple.
I can't turn down a $5 American Apparel shirt. The Kickstarter shirt and the regular black/silver Meh shirt are both super comfy.
Woohoo, got mine! :)
How long do we have to decide? Will this be gone after midnight tonight?
@PurplePawprints Oh come on now :P It's five dollars and free shipping. Treat yourself to something nice.
@PurplePawprints longer time of course who shops at those crappy daily stores anymore...
@CowboyDann I got a couple. I'm trying to be careful with my Meh spending and I'd already spent $40 there in the last few days. @snapster takes all my money...
@PurplePawprints he gives and takes all of my money.
In for two, one for now and one for later when the food stains from my kids hands over come it.
domineering-terrestrial-cobra. Can you get any more awesome than that??
@Homechicken is this where I type outer-space-cobra?
When do I get the option to upgrade to chain mail? If not, why are you racist?
I even have a Members Only jacket. In Georgia Red.
I love purple.
23˚ here- long sleeve version in the works ?
@virtualryan I'm also wondering about that. Though I don't mind layering, it would be good to have a couple of long-sleeved ones.
Hoot Hoot!
We need moar merchies...
This makes me so meh!
Anyone seen @narfcake?
@dashcloud Oh man, I can't believe I didn't think to summon him to this sale! Good thinking dashcloud.
@narfcake is a lie
@dashcloud Hah! And thanks - I bought two ... and yet, no one is surprised.
encouraging-deserted-coconut This would have been much more enticing if it had been: encouraging-desserted-coconut
Is it a bad thing to be thinking, "oh, well, if the ladies large doesn't fit, I will just keep the mens xl I ordered for hubby?" Forgot aa ran small :(
@mikibell No. Just make sure you get the mail that day.
@ceagee darn..they will arrive on Thursday..hubby will be home first!
Anyone else getting an email for every comment that gets posted to this thread?
@Ryaneil unclick the mail icon at the top of the thread.
@Ignorant Yeah....if you could post a screenshot, that be ggrrrrrrreat.
@Ryaneil Yes, and it was annoying because I kept thinking people were replying to me and couldn't figure out why. @Wamzlee Under the pic of the shirt, there's a link to 'unsubscribe'.
@Ryaneil Yes- weirdly the email I get says I get notifications when there's a reply to this topic, not just when I get mentioned
@Wamzlee little blue envelope under the picture at the top. (Might look different on a bigger screen)

@Ignorant @Ryaneil There's also a link in the bottom of the email that says “unsubscribe from email notifications for this topic”.
Just checking what icon I have.
Hey @cengland0 - do goat notifications carry over here?
@dashcloud Yes. Yes, they do.
@cengland0 the goat does not show. Aren't you responsible for this?
@speediedelivery Hey, you're right. At first I thought they gave the goat to someone else and then I noticed my "K" is gone too. I went to the regular meh site and both are there. It must not carry over to this site.
@dashcloud @cengland0 @speediedelivery This is a safe place for the goat. Whoever is the scapegoat is the scapegoat of Meh.com, not Mediocre. Kickstarter badges are also for kickstarting Meh.
@JonT Ah ha. This is my new hangout place. No blame for anything here.
@cengland0 then again, the badge is just a technicality goat.
@cengland0 Don't feel bad. Someone tried to blame me via scapegoat on woot last month.
@Thumperchick Now THAT is funny
@Kidsandliz No, that's going a bit too far. I'll admit to initially pointing blame at @thumperchick because I thought they sent me a WL instead of ML, but no, apparently it's just that their newest blanks suck that much more. And still, no one at Woot seems to care that the "mutant" blanks are all sized differently than the charts. Or that they still don't have enough royal blue blanks to go around.
@narfcake I get around those issues by not purchasing shirts. Solved a ton of issues.
"You want this stuff, right?
a mediocre shirt (Available Exclusively to VMP Members) Men's XXL $5
VMP Membershiplearn more @ mediocre.com/vmp
Free Shipping
Total $5
VMP Membership I agree to the VMP Membership Agreement $5/month
Total $5/month
Oops. Let's try that again."
"You don't have permission to order that."
"You don't have permission to order that."
"You don't have permission to order that."
@Zebra This happened to me yesterday. I found out that my November VMP wasn't billed because my payment card was changed by my bank. I signed up for VMP again and was then able to buy the shirt.
@Zebra Doing the same thing twice and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. I went insane myself and then learned that I needed to pay for VMP (I had canceled mine due to lack of enticing deals). Maybe as @Zebra says your's didn't bill on the last cycle? Maybe it's a conspiracy to keep you 1/2 naked? Who can say?
@Zebra If you've already tried what @Homechicken and @tightwad have suggested and you're still having trouble, give us a shout at halp@meh.com.
would love a long sleeve - discreet-meek-cherry
I like the design.
getting a men's medium this time since my small kickstarter shirt shrank in the dryer complex-near-eel
@snapster So do these get tracking numbers? If I lookup the order, I get the details of the order, but no tracking.
@TBoneZeOriginal The tracking number will appear once it ships. The last custom shirt took several weeks to ship out.
@Thumperchick Thanks! I didn't mean to be a pain… I just made a poor assumption that they'd ship quickly.
My order status says "Placed" still. I hope everything is okay....
@sanitarium90910 same here - says placed and nothing else
Uhm a ... I am looking at my order history and I don't see my orders. Do they show up some other place than on MEH.com, since they were ordered over here? I had ordered two separate times after rethinking my mens Large I then went back and ordered a mens XL just incase. So I total two shirts, but I don't see them anyware. And I didn't coppy down my order phrases. Am I looking in the right place?
@silverqueen go to mediocre.com and click on Orders under the Account icon. It's a different place.
@TBoneZeOriginal Thanks for the answer but it looks like technology strikes again. My screen reader doesn't see anything like an account link or button. I see 43 links and one frame. I don't see any thing I could press enter on to load up anything like a account setting. I guess I will have to try another browser and if not that then another screen reader.
@silverqueen just go here: https://mediocre.com/orders
This will likely take a few weeks to ship out.
The last custom shirts took a while, too. They have to finish the sale, put in the order, get them back, and then ship them to us.
@Thumperchick for the win! Many thanks!
I don't see my order in my meh orders either...hoping it eventually winds its way to my mailbox.
@bdp as it was purchased from this site and not from meh it will be here. https://mediocre.com/orders
@Ignorant Much thanks. There it is! I'll patiently wait for my awesome shirt.
Thanks for the link, @TBoneZeOriginal. That worked and I do have two shirts pending.I don’t know how to find that link on my own so I will book mark it for future use. I tried with Voiceover and Safari, and NVDA and Firefox , WindowEyes and IE, and still could not find it so thanks again for the help.
@silverqueen No problem. For future reference, the link is also in your email confirmation (if you requested one).
I bought this for my XXL Turkey - hope it gets here in time.
Will we be getting tracking numbers for our shirts? I don't see one associated with my order yet.
@bruceoite This will likely take a few weeks to ship out. The last custom shirts took a while, too. They have to finish the sale, put in the order, get them back, and then ship them to us. Once that happens, they'll add tracking numbers to the order page.
@Thumperchick Thanks! After I posted that I did see your post from last Monday.
@Thumperchick Got mine! Can't wait to try it on. Why are all of my coworkers staring at me as I take off my shirt...?
I'm thinking these started shipping yesterday.
@Ignorant I think so too. I have an unaccounted for package showing up in my fedex account that weighs half a pound, so I think it's the shirt, even though it still just says "placed" in my orders.
@Pony @Ignorant - Same here.
@Ignorant Yep, I see two pkgs from Mediocre Labs (this and the apron, I wager) in my Fedex box.
@Pony Yeah, same here. It's either this shirt, or a mystery box from Meh, like the second shipment of a fuku bonus item. Probably the shirt!
some shirts are "pre-shrunk" but honestly who cares about that? Mediocre shirts are "pre-wrinkle". the future is here, and I think its alright.

I got mine today; checked size charts, measured myself, even screen chatted with AA folks to make sure the women's XL would fit. But noooooooooo! Way too tiny. Booo.
@spammie I keep wondering if there are different lines of AA shirts as men's M shirts NOT from meh fit me fine while the Kickstarter one was kid sized. :(
Tracking #'s finally showed up in my https://mediocre.com/orders page!
@Thumperchick ha! Mine too and good thing since I'm already wearing it.
I got mine today- looks good! :)
Crappy AA blanks...

Hope they switch to a quality blank like Anvil.
@medz It kind of looks like excess thread got caught up when the tape was sewn; a simple snip with scissors will take care of it.. As for Anvil ... yeah, quality like all the ones I got with holes in the body? Or the ones in which they missed sewing the seams? Or the one that the hem unraveled itself in the wash? Or all the ones in which they sew a waistline for a neckline? That quality?
@narfcake yep
Just got mine. A neck and two arm holes, wrinkles, stitching is good. Color is great. Size seems standard for 2XL.
But it makes me look like I have a beer belly and even love handles! Send me a new one immediately!!
@mehjohnson I wore my 2XL over a thermal and it really emphasized the love handles! Curvaceous!
I still haven't gotten mine... is everything ok guys?
@axleman1011 Mine's not here yet, either. Give it through friday for Smartpost to finish their coffee, then think about delivering it.
@axleman1011 I haven't yet either, but it is on the way.
Am I a VMP? Let's check...
My shirts are here!! Hurray.. still annoyed that a woman's large only fits a 12 year old, but I stole the one I ordered for the hubby!!!! :)
A thing of beauty
and a joy until food stains
render it loathsome
@Alien Nice haiku! Or should it becalled mehku?
My shirts are here !! My love handles are now girdled by the Excellent garments. US made of quality narrow gague combed cotton knit.

Emil Erlenmeyer would be proud to see his flask so proudly displayed (a shame that it has a crack -- or is that supposed to be a graph?) A great deal but I still give a MEH just for the hell of it.
Does the "Unsubscribe" link work?
@Trask Usually. Though you will still receive notifications if someone tags your username, as I did here.
Update: Today I received 2, count em... 2, Seriously mediocre T-shirts. While I am flattered having 2 of the same T-shirt is probably the most useless duplicate I can think of, everyone will just assume I never bathe. But thanks guys, feel free to prove me wrong and send me duplicates of something even more useless (I'll never use TWO tv's right?)
@axleman1011 You're not alone. I sent an email Friday, asking politely where it was. I got the shirt on Saturday, so no worries. Monday, I get a response back that it's in transit, and will be there soon. I tell them it's all good, got it on Saturday. I go on about my life. Then, last night, another one is lurking in the mailbox. I also now am the proud possessor of two Meh shirts. I'm contacting Meh to see what they'd like me to do with the second one.
Took fekkkin forever to arrive! So totally meh.
Oh Snap, Just came over to scroll through the forum threads. I totally missed out on this, as usual. meh
I probably shoulda bitched about this before, but my supposedly men's 3X was way too fucking small--and, yes, it says 3X. Oh well. I mean, it sorta fits, but it's a couple of inches shorter than my meh 3Xs. Which is okay, as long as I don't move. When I move, there's my belly.
@Zebra that's not nice.
@Zebra If this was directed at me, it's true that I could stand to lose a few pounds, but the issue is more that I'm tall. Indeed, even currently overweight I have a somewhat slender build. But--unless you're 6'3" or taller (I'm 6'7.5")--don't be such a dick, short fuck.
@Zebra oh wow, an edgy person on the internet!
Can... can we ever buy more of these? Or get other merch with this logo? It's awesome.
@Ryaneil Thanks, man. Got me all excited for nothing. We should make you goat or something. Oh, wait.
But, seriously, meh, make this happen.
I've been a VMP since day one. Never saw this shirt until now. meh.
Yeah what the person before me with the sweaty armpits said.
@Ua2 kidding about the armpit thing A. I would have no idea if you have sweaty pits. B. Uhhm see note A.
Still not happy I am a T-shirt junkie. I am still finding and throwing àway bàtteries and devices from the leàking battery thing the least that càñ be done is letting me kñow when I can buy a sweet ass tee.
@Ua2 tees don't usually go on your ass... How about this though:
I will try to remember to tag you next time a tee goes up for sale.
@Thumperchick I see what you did there with the fancy smart words, well done. On to otherness, I got emails for the other vmp things did a spam email go out?
@Ua2 this shirt was sold in 2014.
I haven't got a Mediocre shirt yet
@em016186 this shirt was sold in 2014...
@Thumperchick You didn't score the time machine (with Free Shipping!!) on MorningSave??
I bought one next month.
i've missed this one 2 years ago, wanna buy today!

NOOOO! But I just found you baby!
@wew a dingo ate me baby.
I just got this in my email!
" a mediocre shirt (Available Exclusively to VMP Members)"
I was full of 'yeah"'s and when I got here, it was just a reply from you.
that was nice too. I guess. But no shirt.

@Ignorant Mom! they're still doing it!
I love this shirt so much and wear it all the time. Anyone have one in a 3X that you want to part with? I have a 2X year one clickface shirt I can trade.
Is it too late to get one? I'm always a day late and a dollar short. Overtime my ship comes in, I'm at the airport..... I wear a 3XL ( Just more to love)
More than a day late.
How the heck do I get this free shirt???
I collect shirts n hats. Would really love if u would send me one please
@Laura413 this was never a free shirt, it was $5 and this sale was long long ago.
Need to make the shirts available again. Any self respecting member know that!
@joecomper, ya, we are only a few years late on this. There’s got to be a box of these sitting around the warehouse somewhere.
This IS a nice shirt. I wish I could have grabbed one of these.
My husband would really like it if these shirts were sold again, even at higher-than-last-time prices. This is one of his favorite shirts (loves the design) and he would like to buy more. Just throwing it out there in case added voices could convince you guys to offer it again.
@PurplePawprints I second this. My boyfriend has stolen mine and has dubbed it his favorite shirt. I’m sure he would like another and I would like to actually have one for myself.
Hey did you know these have mediocre.com printed on the inside?! Wow!