Did anything about meh surprise you?
0Now that we're almost a week into the launch of meh, and since the mediocre labs forums are where we want to discuss these crazy experiments of ours we wanted to ask what you thought about the biggest one so far.
So anything surprise you about meh? Or was it just totally meh?
- 16 comments, 8 replies
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Not to bring up a sore point, but I was a little surprised by the tone taken over the line in the sand drawn over swearing. Being a New Yorker I swear every bit as much and with equal enthusiasm as a sailor. So while I completely back your decision in running your site the way you see fit, and the complaint itself is a bit ridiculous, I personally feel like if I were on the other side of that conversation I would have been really bummed.
The thing I really like about meh is it feels like it's not about exclusion but about inclusion. Sometimes people feel alienated by a decision made but I feel like "like it or lump" it is a last resort rather than a first retort. That's more in the spirit of "too fucking bad" which builds walls rather than bridges. I completely get why people would like a SFW site. Fortunately, I work in an industry that could give a fuck about the word fuck. The nonsense about people's kids visiting the site is just that, nonsense. Part of being inclusive is while not necessary adapting to other people's viewpoints being at least accepting/tolerant/understanding of them.
I don't know. I hope I don't draw the ire of you guys over this post. I'd be bummed about that because I'm glad to be here and because I do support the decision for you guys to run your site as you see fit. I just think sometimes it's best to temper your honesty with softness/kindness/understanding/diplomacy. etc. Again, this is just my opinion which probably means nothing to you guys anyway.
That said it was heaps of fun being here this week even though I missed the helicopters. Congrats to you all on a great launch!
I thought @jont replied well. There aren't many ways to say "we ain't changing for you".
It's simple, straightforward, entertaining, and does what you said it would. Perfect.
@patti YOU'RE BANNED!1!! Just kidding. Seriously thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback.
I thought it was conveyed well in the topic, but if it wasn't clear I completely respect the people that didn't like the story, were offended, or irked by the fact that it wasn't necessarily SFW. Even the ones that said they won't be coming to the site anymore.
I just wanted to make it clear that those opinions aren't going to change how we run things. If they truly feel that they don't want to come back to the site because they didn't like what they saw, they probably shouldn't. Of course they're welcome to change their minds and come back anytime, and we'll welcome them back.
Not every story is going to be like that, but some are - and there's no reason for us to make promises that things will change when frankly we don't want them to.
Personally - I fuckin' loved it. The day of that sale my mom told me she bought her first item on Meh, she had been looking for a speaker dock for a while. When I asked if she liked the write up she replied, "F Yeah!"
Maybe that explains a lot.
insult of the week: Your mom bought a speaker dock.
In contrast to @patti I enjoy the tone. I like the "we're not here to flatter you" attitude. The Possum Chronicles mentioned that you're not responsible for "your delicate sensibilities", which is refreshing to me.
I want to be taken out of my comfort zone.
My comfort zone involves lots of swear words.
What is SFW ?
Safe for work.
@JonT I totally get it and in fairness I work with a bunch of delicate flowers who like to swear a whole lot yet also need a softer "no" so maybe I am just projecting.
I just didn't get the sense that there was an "I understand/respect where you're coming from..." vibe leading into "...but the answer is still no." and I think that's probably where I, and some of the prudes who left in a huff, were a little confounded. Glad to see I was wrong in my interpretation.
That said, I feel like departing in a huff over the word fuck is enormously silly. I can't imagine any of those same folks walk out of a movie once an f-bomb has been dropped. The whole thing seemed a bit ridiculous.
Thanks for being reasonable. Reasonable is nice. Oh and thanks for not banning me. You'll probably ban me eventually, I mean I'll probably deserve it, just not over this fuckery.
@patti : There are people super uptight that would walk out of movie b/c of "fuck" being said.
I was once on phone w/ someone and said "I'm so fucking mad" {not at her , at a situation she was mad at too} She said in the most nasty tone I can think of, " If you are going to use that language I'm not going to talk to you and going to hang up right now. "
I was floored.
Funny thing is, her nasty tone she used was much more virulent then my fuck. Especially since it wasn't directed at her or to any singular person. She basically told me to fuck off. I would never say that to her in any tone w/ any words.
So yeah, they exist. Sometimes in places you do not expect.
This clearly is not the place for that type of person.
My biggest surprise was the fact that I was COMPLETELY unaware that meh.com was a thing until AFTER it was done and launched. Like, I was totally shocked. I'm very pleased with it so far, but I would have likes to be able to participate in the prelaunch stuff had I known about it...
But I'm glad I'm here now!
I was surprised that there were no email confirms. Also surprised by BACON PANCAKES MAKING BACON PANCAKES. Surprised how quickly irk grew on me. So far great site! Nice work.
Maybe it's manufactured in my pea-brain, but I'm surprised how much this feels like 'the old days'. I was a pretty consistent purchaser/contributor in the past and it had waned in recent years for all of the reasons that many of you would expect. All of the fun and 'experimentation' aside, I suspect that the ultimate goal here is to be able to sustain and be profitable, I'm glad that in that last week we've learned that we can add 'our way' to that statement, and I'm moderately enthused to be involved so early. Well done so far, don't fuck it up.
Couldn't edit in time, but when I say 'our way', I mean 'your way'. You know what I mean.
I was a bit surprised by the profanity, but meh has too good of deals to not come back so you know what I did... got a profanity filter extension in my chrome browser and it works like a charm. No need to walk away from something so good over something that you can absolutely do something about. I'm a little two faced though, I don't curse and I don't like reading curse words but I watch youtube videos on a daily basis that curse worse than sailors haha. Anyways, site is great, deals are great, can't wait to be disappointed when my fuku bag gets here, and if you don't like the cursing, just get a profanity filter browser extension.
I was also surprised, but, and maybe I'm just a child, I found it novel, because it is different than any other retail ecommerce site. I'm sick of the 'we start christmas music at halloween OH BUT WE CAN'T CALL IT CHRISTMAS BECAUSE POPULAR OPINION SAYS WE SHOULDN'T' type organizations that feel like they need to pussify to maximize profit.
Can we drop the vernacular here... Awesome site. Just what I expected. Keep it up.
Feedback from a Deal Drop user yesterday after looking at Meh with the Speaker Dock
I actually take this as very high praise.
I was surprised that you made me promise not to forget my password again. Did a blog post on it, just to show how little I care.

@editemily Awesome! I'm a big fan of the buttons too.
I think it fucking sucks. Why isn't there more wholesale profit in things I'm interested in buying.
kicks rock