Mediocre's New Home (with ongoing updates)
34We have secured a new HQ facility roughly double the size of our existing one. It’s an empty shell so it will take a while to build the office walls within it.
From time to time over the next 6 months we’ll identify features, make plans and post pictures here so you can share the dream of our mediocre existence. In the end, you’ll at least know where everything is so it’ll feel like you’re at home when you visit.
The first mediocre feature to announce (other than that sexy door) is that we have 8 acres of dirt to the side of our HQ that we can do something with. Like a really mediocre park. Includes view of a weird dome thing and two picnic tables to stand on.
I can’t promise future updates will be as exciting as these first two pictures were to share with you, but we will try.
- 42 comments, 167 replies
- This topic was locked by snapster
Congrats! Does this mean that you will be getting rid of the two other locations?
@conandlibrarian probably yes. At very least the current warehouse/HQ will move.
@snapster So you better keep us updated with meh’s mailing address. You know. In case of toilet paper, cookies, air freshener, other odd things.
@snapster Which reminds me… decorating the new place. Are you transplanting your original kickstarter gift card produced decorations and/or since this place is bigger going to do something off the wall and snazzy for a new outpouring of customer sent odd creations to make the place look suitably
bizarreunique?@Kidsandliz no, we took down most of the stuff from that project a year ago. I’ll be aiming for something more conventionally progressive for this office. How about “tech but with post-industrial texture and even warmth” ? (ok how about a dirty sofa in a concrete warehouse)
Is it because you want the HQ to look somewhat professional?
@shruggie professional sounds lame. maybe “nicer” is the word I’d use?
So… You don’t mind junk provided that it’s nice?
This could be fun.
Concrete hmm. Dirty couch… Cure for dirty couch: Throw one of those quilts you sell on occasion over them. Although maybe not, early ghetto doesn’t quite fit “conventionally progressive… “tech but with post-industrial texture and even warmth””
I can tell you what not to do…My apt building is cement with steel beams, complete with concrete floors where they have put indoor/outdoor carpeting straight on top of that. Does not do well as the cement powders (they didn’t paint the floor first) and so that vacuum I bought from you guys usually has cement dust in it. In addition pictures put on the outside walls here get mildew under them due to condensation. Some months ago meh folks tried to help me try to resurrect a photo for a 90 year old resident who had that happen to the only photo from his youth (we were not successful unfortunately).
Perhaps you could create a thread here for suggestions for how to decorate in the style to which you would like to become accustom…I am sure you will get lots of
off the walluseful suggestions (grin). In fact I could start one for you. Ha! Now that would be entertaining.@Kidsandliz Concrete dust can be nasty, nasty, unsafe stuff.
An 8 acre Mediocre Park will enable you to really step up those product demos.
I’m thinking carnival park, with mediocre rides and games.
Thanks for the Wednesday morning excitement - and for the invitation, your door is so very inviting.
I’m hoping to have a contest for “how many rattlesnakes are in that field?”
The winner gets all the snakes!
@dave - New employee initiation: counting snakes.
@dave @ELUNO would win
@KDemo 1… nope I quit not worth it! They couldn’t even pay me in Fuku’s to make it worth it…
A skate park for all the bitchin Heelys that were probably left behind when you moved into the old office.
@Ignorant so much disappointment on that one. I think they left 1 shoe, not even a full pair. Plenty of paperclips though.
@dave @KDemo @Ignorant What about a drone park to go with the skate park and carnival park…? Might as well put a fountain to play in while you are at it.
@Kidsandliz Ha, because of the message two above yours, I read that as “snake park and carnival park”
@cengland0 Always willing to be helpful… : )
I think you should plant corn.
@Barney My thought too. And maybe watermelons?
TL;DR many people died from watermelon farming.
@Teripie Aside from the odd history, the original owners’ family still sells a wide variety of seeds for veggies, herbs, flowers, and yes, their watermelons. Just bought a ton of stuff from them, so thanks for the pointer.
Seems to be an obvious need for a troll park for when Irk comes to visit. Poor guy needs to find better action than @matthew’s hand…
8 acres to go prospecting and metal detecting FTW!
Off-Road park!
Fireworks area for holidays!
Annual Giant Tower Bonfire to celebrate Mediocre Birthday; each year it must be built taller than the last.
@duodec Burning Man is so passé. Now it’s all about Burning Meh.
Today’s update:
We are laying out a small t-shirt print shop to be built in our new HQ.
cc: @narfcake
@snapster But… But… I need a large.
@snapster @narfcake
@snapster Years ago I took a tour of Woot! HQ and was very impressed with their t-shirt print shop. Do you think this one will be set up similar?
@snapster And you are going to get @narfcake to design for you, yes?
we’re the same guys setting it up so likely so.
@snapster Oh cool. I was not sure if you were looking at doing something smaller than what Woot! had. I have always been interested in screen printing, I would love to learn how to do it someday.
@conandlibrarian believe it or not it’s a fairly simple technique but difficult to master because getting the appropriate flow of ink through the screen requires just the right amount of pressure. All you really need to get started is a suitable printing screen, a piece of art you’d like to print, screen printing ink, a squeegee, pressure washer, a printer, some photosensitive emulsion material, and either vellum sheets or acetate transparency sheets suitably sized to go in your printer. Not required but nice to have is a light exposure table so that you do not have to rely on sticking your screen in the yard to expose the image in the sunlight. You will also require some means to cure the ink, I’m more familiar with the commercial process but I’m sure someone has an at-home alternative you could find on the internet.
First you print your design onto the acetate slash vellum, then you coat your screen in emulsion, put it in a dark place to dry, once dry secure your art and expose your screen to light with your art on the side facing the light source. Once an appropriate length of time to cure the emulsion has passed you use a pressure washer two remove the uncured material and you now have a negative of your design that can be screen printed.
Place your ink in your screen position it over the item to be printed and use the squeegee to force the ink through the screen printing the image onto your target material. Cure the ink using whatever method you have found and voila you have screen printed something congratulations.
@jbartus That’s all there is to it, huh?
@snapster PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE include TALL sizes… I’m tired of looking like I’m a fat man that has lost about 30 pounds. That way the shirts fit length wise but look like I used to fit more of me in them…
oh and I’d love to see Toddler sizes. I ADORE the onezie you guys sent me for @stitch, but he won’t fit in it anymore…
I would think something like a texas version of visionary art museum would be awesome.
@CaptAmehrican AVAM is awesome! Nice reminder I should get back over there some day soon…
Out of curiosity, what did you do with all the junk – er, wonderful stuff we sent you to start out with?
@pooflady I’m guessing they tossed it into fukos.
@Ignorant except no one posted about any of it that I remembered… maybe employee perk?
Oakley, in Irvine, used to have a dirt lot…During my tenure with Oakley HQ, in Irvine, they bought a tank, built a BMX track, installed a zip-line, took down the zip-line (injury), and built an RC car track! Just some ideas for your space.
OOOHH, they also have a very hidden rooftop bar.
8 acres of mediocreness!
T-shirt shop!
Sticker Shop!
Drone field!
And a spot for my camper!
Today’s update:
A couple boring interior shots. (hey come on, yesterdays update was a good one!)
@snapster It looks cold and lonely.
@Barney But it would make an awesome roller rink. Can I bring my skates?
@snapster It’s the registration room early in the morning at a conference- like Wizard World or Comic Con!
@snapster - Flood it, freeze it, and have zamboni races! Also it just calls out for curling matches.
@dashcloud @KDemo I wanna watch @sammydog01 fall on her bum.
@Barney Wow @Barney.
@dashcloud You’ve never skated before? That’s SOP for a lot of people.
@Barney OK, here you go:

@sammydog01 Nice recovery.
@sammydog01 That depends, are they Cardiff skates?
@sammydog01… if you brought skates it would have to be cheap skates since we are talking meh here!
Looks like residences back there, to the left of the dome/earth pimple. Perhaps time to start farming ragweed, cottonwood and dandelions?
Also, the area looks familar-ish. What part of town is it in?
@HugoDahl about 5 miles north and 1 mile west of Mediocre HQ1
If one were to walk very slowly from Mediocre HQ1 to HQ2 after breakfast, you might stop for lunch at Woot in the middle of the route.
@snapster Ah ok. I think I got it. Good area for some shenanigans to be had before everything gets (over)developed. Or at least whack a couple buckets of mehdiocre golf balls into the great wild overgrown yonder. Don’t know that I’d want to walk slowly, what with the lack of sidewalks in places. Been there, done that, got the marks (tread and skid) to prove it (used to be across Midway from new WootHQ).
You know, if you’re THAT into me that you keep moving business offices closer to where I live, you could just come out and say so, or point me to /jobs. No need to be shy about it!
Today’s update:
It’s all a big facade
now that’s weird. apparently we’re on quite a slope. I’ll have to fix this later.
So… The building is sideways and you’ve been using spiked shoes to resist falling down?
In all seriousness though, the face of the building looks extremely dull.
@shruggie we are still celebrating how dull it looks. such a perfect match for us.
Thanks @Moose this counts as today’s update.
@snapster Craigslist ad for graffiti artists.
@snapster - Looking awfully prison-y.
Definitely calls out for some trompe l’oeil.
@snapster The lack of windows I think might be a bit depressing for your employees. I realize it was meant as a warehouse, but the HQ portion really needs windows, sunlight (and maybe an indoor waterfall or fountain to play in - that would be cool) as it is pretty grim.
@Kidsandliz good point. You’re a few updates too soon for me to respond with how we’ll address this.
@snapster I would imagine, unless one of your buyers can find a cheap magic wand that isn’t 3 stars or less, you have some rather time consuming planning to do to make sure you get it right on the first try. : )
@Kidsandliz luckily my planning for this part of the solution began 2 years ago. #tardis
@snapster Fire hydrant! Whiiiizzzzzzzz!
If you’re thinking of painting it and need inspiration, I did a Google image search for “mediocre facade”, and found this mural from Banksy’s “Dismaland”.

@Trillian wow that’s actually an incredible match.
How 'bout letting graffiti artist decorate the outside of the building?.
@AttyVette Totally just said that. Which means you definitely said it first.
Today’s update:
Beginning interior layout

As you might be able to note in this picture, beams are 50 feet apart in one direction and 52 feet the other so each interior square is 2600 square feet.
We have both of the “Lease Area” blocks, so that “L for loser” shape is sadly not going to be our footprint. That interior wall will never exist.
An NBA basketball court is 94x50 so for those of you who like sports metaphors, each square could be a half-court with 4 feet buffer width on each side
In fact, our future neighbor tenant to the lower right is actually building a complex of indoor volleyball courts in their space. So maybe each square IS one of those.
That weird conglomerate of circles in the lower left is a bathroom cluster that we’re going to keep and build offices around. I’m not exactly sure what the circles represented here.
This is actually oriented with North to the right so West is up. Our 8 acres of dreamland is to the South, and our main entrance will also be on that wall. It’s actually sort of the back of the building, and I hope to enjoy being hidden by folks driving by. Likely would help get clearance for the graffiti ideas.
@snapster I once worked for a company you should be familiar with - GSI Commerce. In 2011 they sold out to eBay and the pompous ass of an owner dumped his wife, started dating a CNBC news anchor and now owns a piece of the 76ers. In the original HQ we had a half-court basketball court in the middle of the office, along with a gym and a game area. As the company grew the basketball court was completely fenced in and turned into storage while the game area was replaced with more desks. The gym survived but there was little time to use it. It quickly evolved from a fun, fresh, motivating atmosphere to a depressing work farm. Fortunately they decided to close our department and move it to Florida (after I helped train everyone there to take our jobs) and I took advantage of the opportunity to return to school for my current career. Lessons learned:
Today’s update:
Yay! It’s spring time at Mediocre HQ2

Someone should do a study to see if lavish surroundings like this increase employee productivity.
@snapster Probably need a tree on the other side for that to work. Trouble is that it is so close to the foundation that as it grows likely you will have roots causing problems with the building and parking lot. On the other hand the pool and kayak/surfing white water run with the waterfall you plan to put in will make them happy… (grin)
@snapster such a mediocre paint job on that speed bump.
@snapster That entryway is so pathetic. Poor little tree.
@snapster - You can hardly see the forest for the tree.
@snapster - So, do you plan to sell lawnmowers next?
@KDemo I think likely @snapster should plan to sell riding mowers. Might need one for the
grass on either side of that lonely treefor the 8 acre field.inside that door…

Today’s update:
More on the print shop inside of HQ2.
First, where will it go? If you scroll back to the overall floor-plan (last Wednesday’s update) you’ll note we have a rectangle 5 sections across and 8 tall. Then we have 4 sections off to the right. Remember, each section is 2600 square feet so the 5x8 section area is 104,000 square feet and the 4x1 section area is 10,400 square feet. This 10.4k square feet is where we plan to build the print shop that (and many partners) will use.
Here’s the first layout draft of our future Print Shop

and larger size link
@snapster So will it be screen-only at first or is digital printing going as well?
@ACraigL screen-only at first is the plan but we do have someone with DTG experience so that could change.
@snapster Seems a lot of empty space. What happens in all that emptiness? Is that where the ideas live?
@marcee mostly shelves for printed shirts and blanks, screens, inks
@snapster Why would your partners want to use the print shop?
@dashcloud 4th feature down on the list I previewed is that we’re supplying them with branded merchandise.
@snapster 52’ wide … so taking up an entire bay This all on the ground level also?
If/when going DTG, figure out it’s own area so it’d be easier to control the humidity. Also if it’s not intended to be full production like how Amazon/Woot is doing it nowadays, a couple Epson machines are a much better investment than a Kornit, not to mention better print quality (IMHO) also.
@snapster - just hire @narfcake for setting this up and running it. Problem solved LOL
@Kidsandliz this would assume @narfcake were interested. Someday we should find out!
@Kidsandliz @snapster
@narfcake does your brain hurt with all the knowledge you possess??
@mikibell What’s bad is that my knowledge on shirts and the imprint industry is based on having not worked in it at all … and yet, I can go into a store, feel and inspect an imprinted t-shirt, and have a good probability to name the manufacturer and its specs even with the original tag removed based on the overall cut, the country of origin, the feel of the fabric, and the hems.
@narfcake oh, my comment was not just in reference to t-shirts… I was really more impressed by the comments about ceiling structures… I know, it is what you do for a living, but really, I am impressed!!!
@narfcake So which manufacturers/brands still make t-shirts that aren’t paper thing pieces of garbage? All my wonderful t-shirts from the 90’s and 2000’s are biting the dust and I am realizing 90% of what is out there now is crap - I presume this is the “no longer a half gallon of ice cream but keep the price the same” idea translated into clothing… and while we are at it lets sell the fashion idea of wear two to make up for the fact that wearing just one is means you can see skin and bras, and lets make it skin tight so we can use even less fabric. Makes me wonder if we ever will see decent thickness t-shrits ever again. I wear both men’s and women’s t-shirts and it appears to be as bad or nearly as bad in men’s too.
@Kidsandliz Fun fact: thicker shirts are typically cheaper, actually, as they’re not combing out the impurities or short fibers, bulking them up. The thinner combed ring spun actually cost more to knit because of the added processing and in order to stay intact, the fibers making it up has to be longer and stronger.
The likes of the 6.1oz fabric weight Gildan 2000 ‘Ultra Cotton’ didn’t go away, but they are also generally disliked by the audience that buys from crowdsourced shirt sites.
@narfcake I find thicker shirts last longer and hold up better than the thin ones (but then again maybe I only bought good quality thicker ones?). And I don’t have to wear a bra under them. I don’t like them tight either.
So based on this you plan on being a Mediocre landlord and just using part of the space as HQ2? Don’t you have enough trouble being Mediocre on your own?
@readnj this is a long term lease - we didn’t buy the building. the print shop is within our space but the other shaded spaces are other tenants of an owner we’ve worked with in this past. In fact this same owner actually owns Woot-Amazon’s HQ.
@snapster ahhh and that explains why you can’t install real windows…
@Kidsandliz It’s not that they can’t, but it’s definitely cost prohibitive to be cutting through 8" thick reinforced concrete walls plus adding structural steel back in to reinforce the rest of the wall/roof because now there are giant holes in the side of the building.
@Kidsandliz we will have some real windows as a draw of other areas, just not in this primary collaborative-style working area. Landlords love it when you improve their cheap industrial space with windows/office.
@snapster What about hanging super large monitors on the walls that stream real time color pictures from outdoor security cameras (although, damn. The views around the building are…well, Texas can be pretty ugly, can’t it)? Maybe have a monitor dedicated to a virtual fish tank? The only cleaning of the “tank” you’d have to do is an occasional wiping down of the screen.
Edit–guess I should’ve scrolled further down to see the sky light ideas.
How about planting a vineyard? just sayin-
@Winedavid49 as soon as you agree to move to Texas and run it.
Is that offer for anybody, or just for @winedavid49 ?
Today’s update:
First, allow me to indulge in some world-of-snapster fluff here as a backstory. Maybe you remember a Meh write up last year that talked about the crazy home theater I built? Well in addition to folks coming over from Europe to see & hear it, I also hopped over and visited the Galaxy Studios in Mol, Belgium where Auro 3D was developed by Wilfried Van Baelen. Wilfried is a wonderful guy with lots of cool stories to share but that’s a different topic.
So the same theater industry folks that arranged and joined me this trip had heard of a brand new light invention by a professor in Italy. They asked if I’d be interested in extending our visit and going down to Milan to check it out with them. This was in February 2015 (see @Kidsandliz?
The company I met with was Coelux, the professor was Paolo Di Trapani. I was absolutely blown away. In summary he and his team had perfectly recreated the effect of a skylight using the latest projector technology and a patented Rayleigh scattering technique. While positioned as commercial lighting, the effect of this honestly was better than any art installation I’ve ever seen. The video I took cannot do it justice but it helps give you the idea of what I’m talking about.
I encouraged the guys I was with to immediately bring this to the U.S. That process took a while but they are now actively installing these. Hey - just in time for Mediocre HQ2!
I reconnected with Professor Paolo a few weeks ago and told him about our intention of creating a multiple light installation inside our HQ for a large collaborative workspace. He was delighted and confirmed this would be the largest installation to date.
His team has created some early mock ups of how this space may work and I’ll share those as we make revisions. We have multiple skylights in production and scheduled for ocean container shipment later this summer.
Here’s the professional introduction video they made - Paolo does a great job of explaining this technology and his passion for it.
@snapster That is cool and I presume using natural light spectrums to help trick you too and to affect mood?.. Really gives the illusion nicely. Do they actually make the fake background sky blue like the video makes it look?
Now the next stuff may be way out in left field since I have no clue how all this works, but if yes to the blue sky, it would be even nicer to have fake clouds randomly in sight and then move off, a bird fly (or small flock) by randomly on occasion. Need a 12 hour repeat cycle with say a several dozen different ones so you can randomly run the programs (so it doesn’t become when it is Monday the bird flies by at 11:04am and craps on the “sky light”), then after dark have the background dark like outside and have the light look more like an overhead light to mimic reality more. Be even cooler if on rainy days and cloudy days you had a bunch of rainy/cloudy day cloud backgrounds/colors you could trigger. Virtual reality mimicking the real weather report in a “summary view” way. If they aren’t doing this, they ought to add to their patent to include stuff like that so they can corner the market making these and/or licensing the technology.
Now for some real windows to look out of? Still doesn’t solve that problem. There still is something to be said for seeing the real sky out a window and the outdoors… that a cool fake skylight isn’t going to solve.
@snapster Multiple panels or just a panel or two each in different areas? Working in fire protection, I’m always thinking about “how do I make the space meet code now? …”
@Kidsandliz “full spectrum lights” are like flashlights by comparison. Humans don’t actually want full spectrum lights, although they may not know it because of how bad other lighting is in comparison. If you go to the moon you get full spectrum light - it’s harsh and nasty. Marketing gone wrong.
There’s no attempt at directly affecting mood by dialing things in here. The dialing in is getting it scientifically to match the angles and air particles to create Rayleigh scattering.
Looking out the window on anything other than a perfectly sunny morning in the Mediterranean would have a depressing effect. That said, you can indeed mix natural light and these skylights, because there is no difference.
@narfcake the skylight versions of these are giant boxes like 6x8 foot dimensions. There are non-source panels (you can’t find the sun) that will supplement multiples of these boxes. There is minimal heat generated - these are giant LED projectors.
@Kidsandliz A bit more:
If you were to open up these boxes and reposition the components you could even create sunsets/sunrises by aiming at a steeper angle which would cause the light to travel further through the particle infused “sky” panel. The Coelux light do start at very high intensity full spectrum in order to recreate real Rayleigh scattering at sufficient levels that the sky is infinitely thick to the human eye. Paulo does a good job explaining some of the tech in that intro video at the bottom.
The light source serving as the sun also uses a parallax mirror function to itself appear at infinite distance. You can move around and it stays put. It is simply indistinguishable from a sunny sky. The light that makes it way through the scattered particle field is identical in color temperature to sunlight.
The greatest effect, though, has nothing to do with the direct beams of light but rather the surrounding effect in the room.
Shadows everywhere have a blue tinge to them due to the light escaping the sky elements. This softening has an incredible effect on surroundings and mood. Being able to control this effect any time of the year or time of day you want is incredible.
@snapster Few worries there, then. It wouldn’t be so much the potential heat output, but the size that could create nice
headacheschallenges when it comes to oversize architectural elements.I recall one project I worked on several years back that more than doubled our company’s scope of work (and cost for the client) because they added open/tiered ceiling features. One level of protection for the structure, one level between the tiers, coverage for the ground area, and because the other side was open to their storage area (different occupancy classification), the perimeter also.
I take it the warehouse has an ESFR system already too?
@snapster Ok. Thanks for the more info. Lack of scientific knowledge here of how this works is a handicap in communication here - sorry about that. I take it then you can adjust this when ever you feel like it (eg sunsets, noon day sun…) without having to pull apart the fixtures (eg software controls whatever magic they use to position the hardware magic that does this)? (PS by full spectrum I meant - again using the term in a “lay” way - what we see - which would not be how it is seen on the moon, rather how we would see light outside here on earth; sorry for the lack of precision and lay use rather than technical use of these terms).
What I had been talking about earlier is that it would be cool to “trick” (for the lack of a better word) people into thinking these were real skylights. Somehow that just “feels” less confining, less like I am in a box, if I think I am seeing the sky.
@Kidsandliz actually they are fixed at some point of day at an angle that matches the Mediterranean sun, so no cool sunset effect or even changes throughout the day in the present models.
@snapster I was going to ask when you were upgrading the theater to 4k HDR to watch the Planet Earth II 4k Blu-ray (, but it looks like you’ve been quite busy with really cool stuff.
@dashcloud actually it’s been 4K ready for a while but I’m not sure on color range. Barco Laser projector. Sadly, 4K is almost just as exciting on the 55" lg at the foot of my bed. Field of view is about the same.
@snapster - The skylights are amazing! My first thought is that it would be so cool if you could create oases under the skylights, with living plants and maybe grass?
(Did the creator mention that in the first video? He was a little hard to understand).
Plants are great for lifting spirits as well as improving air quality. You could even hold meetings and picnics in your little parks.
Oh, is this where the fountain comes in? You are the very best kind of boss, to consider your employee’s well-being this way.
@snapster I want these for my house. Just a bit out of my home improvement budget for now. I wonder what my cats would think of them?
New HQ is the Ministry of Magic! Will we get nifty secret entrances and codes to visit?
/image Ministry of Magic windows

@snapster Maybe you could create a video wall like Salesforce did in their lobby:
@heartny - Hahaha!! Closed captioning on this is the best!
OK, that’s damned cool.
One wonders, while the natural quality of the light must do wonders for opening up an otherwise dismal and cavelike space, has it been studied whether, psychologically, knowing one is still in a cave can offset the visual benefits?
And perhaps that counter-effect of knowing the “truth” might impact different individuals to varying degrees.
So the contented happy go lucky folks who might not have even needed the fake nature light in the first place might be mentally easier to fake out, more willing.
And more cynical or compulsive (or both) folks might cry bullshit in their brains, “I know it is fake natural light, you can’t fool my head!”
… or perhaps all that speculation is bullshit and we’re all simpletons, gullible, willing, even eager to be faked out.
Humans crave natural light, even when it isn’t natural!
@RedOak in the video that I share, it begins with the light off. The light was actually on when we went into the room. What compelled me to start recording a video was actually when the professor turned off the light. My brain threw out an instant claustrophobic reaction “why did you go into this 4x6 closet with 3 other men!?!? Let’s get out of here!”
I’m not prone to feeling claustrophobic panic but I felt that and started my video because I knew this was magic and I wanted it recorded when it came back on. Sure enough, immediately as it turns on, the feeling stopped. What I’m saying is that the effect of it on is not really that shocking. It’s a room with a skylight. It took the realization of what that room looked like with the light off to fully comprehend the illusion.
This company many never be able to capture that feeling in their marketing. However, this effect will definitely be academically relevant and studied in the years to come. Rather than investing in the company and getting bogged down in their win/loss column, I’m happier to be their largest test site to date and simply enjoy the experience of the space we create.
@snapster new technology, especially when it takes a big leap, is a thing of wonder.
It will be cool to hear how these faux-skylights “live” in your real world space!
An aside - many warehouse-big-box stores now have automatic light sensing controls in combination with a greater number of opaque skylights. When the sun gets bright enough to trigger off some of the ungodly-spectrum man made “warehouse” lights in exchange for more natural light coming in thru those skylights, it is a human-warming event.
The man made lighting that surrounds us is too often so lazily designed… and so human-abusive
@snapster My brain can’t decide if this is amazing or cruel. I am fascinated by the idea in action. I’m curious to see how well employees respond to it. Can we program it to be a rainy day so that people don’t feel so bad being stuck working inside?
@JerseyFrank I’m curious how employees will respond as well. I bet those lights don’t come cheap. Pay employees more or install fancy lights?

/giphy decisions decisions
Duplicate the grounds of the ‘Bunker Hill’ clinic on ‘Pure Genius’. Or go all out for trompe l’oeil. Or create a VR holodeck, which probably should be inside. Maybe map some of your more eccentric vendor offerings and distribute them via VR. Edit: I really want the ‘Hometronics’ setup. Really.
Pretty darn sure I’ve located the SnapCave (build in process). I see at least two liquor stores in the vicinity so it appears the HQ2 location is a wise decision.

@cinoclav yep we’re southern half of that existing large bulding in the center there. And yes! there’s a nicely unincorporated area full of liquor nearby.
@cinoclav Nice sleuthing!
@snapster Address is …
4717 Plano Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010
… #130 ?
@narfcake suite # subject to change (and no one there to receive anything!) but yes.
@cinoclav @snapster I had figured that out earlier due to your mention of the round thing and giving rough distances… Looked like that round thing has windows? Ever figure out what the heck it is? Hard to tell with satellite view and street view didn’t show it since it is behind that fire station. At least you will be less likely to burn to the ground with that close by. I take it that dirt field to the left of the building is now a weed field and part of the 8 acres you were talking about?
@Kidsandliz actually, that’s now a completed building. the land extending south of this is the 8 acres. I’m not sure of the measurement of the rectangle clear/leveled ground itself - presumably the full 8 goes down to the railroad tracks. I’m guessing we’d mostly use that rectangle area other than walking path stuff.
@snapster We’ll hold off on the TP for now, then.
Rather than crops or improvements I’d like to see the open space filled with native grasses and wildflowers. Maybe some milkweed, too, to provide a migration stop for monarch butterflies.
@craigthom definitely will be a component. I’ll have to take a pic of my wildflower meadow at home. Buttercups came early this year so it’s kind of monochrome but it should be a great season in Texas.
This was a week ago as they started to appear. Wasn’t focus of pic but you get the idea.
You oughtta put in a Sonic then you’ll have 24-7 access to disgusting food. You wouldn’t even need to go home.
@cranky1950 The hipsters in/at Austin Ranch would scream, shout, and picket a Sonic - or anything without free range organic craft distilled water and plankton served on an eco-friendly post-consumer recycled, repurposed birch bark.
@cranky1950 That being said, screw 'em and build 2 Sonics, one across the street from each other! Hipster brains go boom!
@cranky1950 Or at the very least a What-a-Burger. They’re pretty decent after a night of drinking.
This is a pleasant thread. Thank you for the updates. I’ve been in Big Sur for a few days without service. It is nice to catch up.
@connorbush it is indeed. I stumbled upon it last night.
So cool to see so much thought-transparency. This exercise might just be cementing mediocre-loyalty by yet another mental connection. Or, monitoring our reactions might just be another lab rat experiment.
At a minimum it documents mediocre history.
I’m still waiting on…

@curtise as long as you continue to order, they will continue to ignore your request
Today’s update:
some notes from me on how we got here
We outgrew our warehouse space last year and started to use external storage options to prolong use of HQ1. However, it became clear that no matter the rate negotiated, a move to a new warehouse was inevitable. The reason was height. Not of the rent directly, but of the roof. It’s not a clever discovery, but we had forgotten how relevant height was. We sort of fell into this first HQ + warehouse combination (thanks Heely’s) .
Goodbye Mediocre HQ1
Squatty 1990’s warehouses like this are now more like industrial flex spaces. Over 40% more pallets can be stored (given same square footage) in a more modern warehouse. Of course you need taller warehouse rack and special fork lifts but that’s a large enough savings to fund those. So the search was on for taller warehouse facilities.
My thoughts on location
Industrial space locates itself on the cheapest dirt that workers will still drive to. Cheaper dirt is where no retail stores want to be. Very boring spots. But cities are always changing. Old industrial spaces, less useful to us, end up being in centralized locations. They get converted into lofts, furniture showrooms, or independent breweries. Downtown areas are basically not going to happen for a fulfillment center.
The conventional response to this for larger corporations who ship product is to split your office away from your distribution center. We acknowledged the possibility of this approach and tested out leasing some space downtown, but we held out hope that we could still find a way to co-locate with our product and the logistics teams.
Woot Inc, 2005
Woot’s original HQ (2003-2006) was the boring way to do this. It was in a mid-1990’s distribution/industrial zone that continues to be a boring distribution zone. It was really uninspired, even after adding on a snazzy new logo, no one was energized. Still, using it did avoid the warehouse/office split and I think that was critical for our emerging culture.
Synapse & Woot team circa 2004
Woot’s subsequent (and still current) HQ was much improved in terms of location and energy. It was the former headquarters of a teen fashion mall retailer named Gadzooks. It was built in on the eastern edge of Carrollton very close to a central “North Tollway” that became over the years known as the Platinum Corridor for it’s high density and desirability. We were very excited. We even splurged for a sign that would light up at night. It impressed me enough to take a picture.
Woot HQ 2008
The Woot HQ was a rare find and the timing of its vacancy was perfect for how fast we were growing at Woot in 2007. Unfortunately, Amazon re-signed its lease for this facility last year and any crazy notion that it might become available for Mediocre to sneak back in was gone.
As our downtown experiment played out, we continued to look for any chance of retaining the combined warehouse + office culture that we’ve enjoyed for so long. And, obviously we did. Our HQ2 is pushed out just a tad more into the suburbs (a mile north and west of that Woot HQ), but we got an empty field in the exchange. We hope that we can build it into a space that energizes us as we continue to grow.
Words and pictures which talk about history of Woot HQs through the years. Meh moving everything back to one HQ.
Did I just about get everything covered?
@PlacidPenguin might as well add in a couple more nouns to summarize the rest of the thread.
thought some people might like it
The history is amazing and enjoyable to read.
Most words were just flying past me.
@PlacidPenguin what are we going to church?
ah, ok well my writing style is choppy so I’ll take that on the chin.
I used a noun generator, and after discovering that it had words which I would never use, I looked at a list which had these 4 nouns.
@snapster I found it interesting. I haven’t been able to slow my car down as I drive by and see you leave each night for a while now.
@snapster Thank you for all this information about the inside workings of business. This is better information than any business class from my college days.
@snapster are you any closer to a herd of cattle?
@Kevin no, but adding cattle to the vacant land was actually discussed just yesterday! (mostly as a joke but it does get a good tax exemption)

30’ minimum clear in HQ2 now?
@snapster Kangaroos are more fun than cattle and you can still eat them.
@snapster you need a herd of goats
@snapster Cattle are nice (land use credit!), but a solar array is sexier and would pay for itself quickly. But your state laws may differ from mine. Loved the history. Moral: Space is finite.
@narfcake yes I believe it’s 32’ min to 36’ center
@snapster If it’s 32’ minimum, it’s probably only cleared for 30’ storage right now, then. What kind of ESFR system is on it and what’s the peak height on the deck roof decking itself?
The GC/Architect/FP may be able to get you cleared for a little more storage height.
@CaptAmehrican Definitely goats.
/youtube goat weed control
@narfcake clear height is 32’ min at east/west walls but rack is largely in a >35’ area. I think allowable storage height is 18" below that? Equipment co like Malin will do the final design/permit/installation of that bit.
@snapster Top of storage is 36" below an ESFR head, so most likely 50" down from the deck itself.
The limitation will still on the ESFR system, though; a K14 will be limited to what was originally approved (it’s an outdated design now) whereas a K17 or larger would allow for up to 35’ storage under a 40’ deck.
@snapster Is that adequate enough for T-Shirt cannon distance accuracy & sharpshooting contests once the shirts start rolling off the… press?
@CaptAmehrican I’ve seen next to the current Woot HQ in the past. Well, the 4-legged variety in that specific instance. Maybe donkeys, but I like to say “jackasses”.

Where’s the octopus tank going?
@PlacidPenguin In the breakfast nook
Please tell me you are planning on holding some mediocre interdepartmental olympics style games while that space is wide open.
Let us pick the games.
Stream it.
Have weird mediocre medals to give to the winners.
@Thumperchick I felt those were intrusive to employees without most of them recognizing that. Right now trying to find exclusives to sell is our olympics.
@snapster So you’re going to launch new products like you did a couple of times on Woot?
@snapster @thumperchick What about drones or other remote control fun? Maybe nerf type target shooting with the shooters off camera? Irk could host a new video series.
@speediedelivery like drones, roombas…
costumes and masks mandatory for participation in the medicore games
I think the most important thing gained from all this is the fact that there is a Waffle Storage within a stone’s throw of the new HQ. The 2 star rating is fitting, as well.
Just don’t bring your Funnel Cakes…
Because I have
prioritiesnothing better to do, any new updates, @snapster?@narfcake they planted a tree.
@Ignorant Arbor Day is this week! Plant lots of quick growing shade-giving trees! Only problem is being able to find a garden hose that will fit and can handle the water pressure from the fire hydrant .
@LaVikinga That would be a BAD idea.
Warehouses as large as these require high levels of fire protection, which means there’s usually an on-site pump that does 2,000 gallons per minute and the fire hydrants a minimum of 4,000 gallons per minute.
@narfcake So, a supersized Slip-n-Slide would be a very baaaad idea?
@LaVikinga or the very best idea
@snapster interesting that you wanted higher ceilings. Does that mean you may make office space 2 floors? It looks like the height would support that and maybe even a loft above that for executives & @matthew that may not want to go home after a long day in the office.
@sohmageek don’t think @matthew will be in the new office.
@Ignorant I’m sure he visits
@sohmageek but, that loft is for Irk! He likes to look out over the warehouse and lament over the things that bother him more than they should.
Before you fill up that space, bang some golf balls around in there.
@PocketBrain Do you remember those “SuperBalls” that bounced halfway to the moon? I’d want to get in there with a bunch of those and a tennis racket just to see how high/far those things could really bounce.
@LaVikinga Or an air powered cannon (like a t-shirt cannon)
@tightwad Oh! I know! Line up tables, end to end. A LOT of them. Cover with plastic and soap foam, and practice “carrier quals!”
@snapster Any updates?
@narfcake it’s been a slow month working to get permits filed and final changes to plans. We’re a bit short-staffed so it’s been all hands on deck for other initiatives as well.
If you offer to send your private plane, I’ll come help.
any new updates?
@dave eluded to some shipping issues resulting out of moving stuff to the new joint. So I reckon they must be getting close.
Well, it’s September already. I suppose “ongoing updates” doesn’t technically relay frequency, but I did intend a greater pace. As you might have surmised, we had some delays. Construction planning took longer than expected and there were plenty of bureaucratic hassles along the way. (who needs permits? oh.)
Since this thread is a bit sprawling already, I’m going to retire it in favor of a thread per update. I’m still not promising frequency though - we’ll see how the progress goes.