I want 2 shirts. One for each personality. No I don't Yes I do. Don't listen to him. I'm the nice one who spends money, Scrooge over there doesn't spend a dime and didn't even want to pay to be an VMP. Still, he should get a shirt too. Bah! Humbug....
@xenophod Nice VMP with the shirtz and the sockz....not nasty VMP with the onion knives and speaker docks...they burns us! Burns us they do...nasty VMP....no, nice VMP with the tiny shirtzz...
Should I be concerned that the fine print says the offer expires 12/7, but I didn't get the email offer until 12/8? Or as a VMP, am I above such small-minded rules and regulations?
@unkabob I don't hate anyone in the family enough--well, that's not true, but that's a story for another day, and besides, her fat Flintstone feet wouldn't be able to fit into the socks.
I'm such a slave to retail, as soon as I saw "Exclusive Shirt", I knew I was going to purchase this Exclusive Stealth VMP Shirt for VMPs only. Because I am a Very Mediocre Person.
fidgety-squeamish-cheese No WAY I'm going to google for images for those words. BTW, did anyone get a random number included in their email? Mine was 96
(I was kinda proud of my K kickstarter badge. "V" stands for "Viking"--at least it will in my savage, sea-faring brain.)
Wish I could order a second shirt so hubby and I don't fight over this one and tear it. I may have to hide it. Please, please let us order 2 at the least.
@columbus unsupported feature: buy vmp on an account for your hubby and then buy the shirt. pretend to be really interested in stuff with that account, then cancel.
@columbus After I ordered mine, I went to the page again and it looks like I can just order another one for my wife. Unless I'm missing something. It's not disabled or anything. Should I try it?
@snapster Mrs cengland0 doesn't use the computer much so I had to do it for her using your unsupported method.
As an FYI, it shows you can actually buy it as a non-VMP member but it costs $2 for shipping then when you actually try to buy, it says you don't have permission to do it. After signing up for VMP a second time on another account, it worked fine. Thanks for the secret hint.
Awesome sauce. Thanks mediocre peeps. Now I just need to come up with a good reason why I needed another meh shirt. The "It was only $1 and it's printed on an American Apparel blank" justification didn't work the last time. Merry Christmas!
@jimmyd103 but free shipping on a purchase that is only $1 makes it actually only $1. I don't know about you, but it's really hard for me to get anything of at least mediocre quality for $1, much less delivered to you for free. And this means your maximum effort required is the brain power needed to click a button: the ' buy it' button. Plus some other buttons, but mainly the 'buy it' button.
Nice, this looks fantastic! In for 1 for sure, wish I could buy a couple more. Make this badge into a vinyl decal for car windows and I'd slap one on there too.
You Mediocre folks ain't stupid. A buck keeps it from auto-traveling to folks who could care less about a t-shirt or sock...
... and incentivizes further paying attention to Meh/Mediocre emails rather than ignoring them like we do with all the other commercial crap overloading our mailboxes this time of year.
@RedOak also keeps it from shipping my my Aunt Kathy in the Nebraska (or was that the Netherlands... I guess it depends on which email I get... RIP Kathy, but when does that check come in...) where I sent one of my last purchases to.
Joking aside... some people do ship stuff to others, and then when a freebie ships... Whoops, the 3rd party could get the freebie too...
@snapster, I love free stuff... LOVE IT... But... I think you're onto something for the $1, although doesn't most of it get eaten by the interchange/transaction fees... Then again probably saves you from shipping to people that don't want it... As much as I'd love to get a free shirt... I think paying $1 is better so that I you guys save a bit... and If it's something that I'm going to toss (Socks didn't get tossed, but one of the other freebies I think did... I can't remember which ones we got now.) It saves FedEx and post office, and you from having to deal with it. (also I'm trying to clear the closet and remove items that I have no use for/no attachment, I love the shirts... I'm doing a if I buy a meh shirt I have to get rid of 2 other shirts... it seems to be helping, so thank you!)
@RedOak Some of Mehpparel was ordered in my SWMBO's size- that went a long way towards easing the "Stop looking at that site... ...do you how much we have spent there so far this year" rhetoric.
I am so thrilled to be a VMP. Really. And even thought the Malevolent Order Name Generator isn't being quite as disgusting as in past, I still think motorized-difficult-mouth ought to look like this, instead of the images that Google offered:
"mark of excellence"? "assurance of quality"? "a testament to the bearer's noble character and pure heart"? You must have us confused with some other group. We are Very Mediocre and proud of that fact. I'm not paying five bucks a month to pretend I am of noble character. I'm doing it to get cheap shirts. Excellence and quality are albatrosses I don't need around my neck.
Select/highlight the image's address in the address bar, right click and select copy, then right click into the text box here on the web page and select pate. Click "say it" and you are done:
$1 thanks, mediocre! Hope all are well, i'm only an occasional lurker these days. Expected better(worser) image choices for disillusioned-gushy-lizard:
This is fantastic! I love it. I doubt anyone will ever know what it means, but maybe, just maybe. We'll need a forum thread called "Another VMP member noticed my t-shirt today...."
@LaVikinga my wife spotted the wonderful black on black meh shirt at the Y the other day...i made her creep and take a picture as I didn't believe her, but it wasn't a fake sighting.
@Thumperchick@PhysAssist - No, got the "You don't have permission to order that" error. Sorry for the delay in replying, don't check this forum @ mediocre that often and didn't see the tag via email until late. My bad for not updating the post. I did get the one for $1 and ordered my size and not the Mrs., so I'm sure that will go over well . . .
So the shirt is black and the logo is... a deeper shade of black? Thanks for the offer but I've never worn a black shirt. I wouldn't want to be confused for a Raiders fan.
It's ....so.....beautiful. Tears in me eyes I have. I shall wear this badge of honor proudly with my socks and the just arrived Martian Notifier ~ I'm a Mehstah now!
@jpark122 only VMP members are allowed in on this sale. To join the VMP program, go to mediocre.com/VMP and sign up - it's $5 a month and has all kinds of fun perks - like free shipping for the month and customizable forum settings. Once you're in, you can come back and get your shirt for a buck! If you don't want to spend the $5, no worries - but no shirties either.
I'm holding you personally responsible for the following image (it was #1, even though it looks like #2), Mediocre. Fuck you. There aren't words for how much I can't stand this clown. I hope this isn't somehow suggestive of the quality of the shirt.
And here, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, where he should be let out to swim toward the continent of his choice (it amuses me to think that he'd choose North America).
@PocketBrain You're welcome. I'm not sure what for, but you're welcome in any case. :-) I was just reminded that you were the one who posted about what3words in the first place, so thank you. I love that site and the whole idea of it and it does mesh nicely with Mediocre's order numbering system.
If it's my trashing the clown, you're more than welcome for that. I did in fact try to restrain, for the sake of staying mostly apolitical, but I'm unashamed to say that that man is a singular danger to the republic and emblematic of much of what's wrong with our politics and culture. And I should shut up before I piss someone off (not sure whom, but I bet there are someones out there--and I mean no disrespect to them).
@Turken@PocketBrain posted about it originally here. I do GIS for a living, but for various other reasons too (including the word thing), I love what3words. It's a genius, beautiful idea. And when I post my order number images, I typically post the accompanying 3word location too; it often fits (or can be made to).
Following tracking for it to go from Hutchins down to near Houston and right now it has gone to new mexico then to california... guess my shirt is going on world tour before coming to me.
@Thumperchick Of all the orders I have being delivered this is probably the least critical since it was a purchase for a buck that I would not have otherwise gotten.
I think mine may have been lost between fedex and the post office. Tracking shows acceptance at the post office on the 20th but no further since. I've had 3 smart post packages accepted and delivered since then. Last time this happened no one was ever able to find it. Hopefully it's just lying around in a corner waiting with other holiday packages and maybe it will arrive. But I'm not holding my breath.
I got this shirt. This shirt is a good shirt. For one dollar this shirt is a great shirt. I would buy another shirt as good as this shirt. Perhaps an eye searing plaid shirt next time to be a visual counterpart to this shirt. Thank-you for this shirt.
Got my shirt a while back. Every time I put it on, I realize that I will be easily Identifiable as a Meh-er, by Meh-ers. Everyone else is just going to think I'm a virgin.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 day Mediocre
Ships Via: FedEx SmartPost
Shipping: Free with VMP**
What's in the Box?
1x mediocre shirt
Secret reminder of where you bought this shirt
Got one! Can't beat $1.
@ruouttaurmind I was waiting for this! First thing that came to my mind as well.
Thanks, Santa Meh. It's not what I wanted, but it's awesome nonetheless.
meh. for a dollar might as well.
@mehk yeah I barely clicked the link... Wasn't going to buy but saw $1 with free shipping and thought "suuuuure, why not"
@chellemonkey that's what got me too!
@mehk Ditto- Not anywhere as good as free, but not something I'd turn down.
However, since they included 2 links to the stealth site, I thought I'd try to use both- No Go, they were too smart for me...
Yay! Thanks mediocre.
I have a strong-fabled-reason for buying this shirt.
@Pony I see what you did there...
wonderful-grave-rhythm. Can't go a lot of places with that one.
If you're into necrophilia you may have some wiggle room.
Cold. Dry. Wiggle Room.
@Pony shady-bragging-fact checking in
It's funny because I brag about all my meh shirts. Shame I wasn't quick enough for the birthday meh one. >.>
pops up for your:
However, if you take google's spelling suggestion:
wonderful-grace-rhythm, you get:
...and that's a much nicer picture, I think.
@PhysAssist This was there last time:
My trained-vocal-weasel tells me this shirt really pops.
@Pony I believe our orders got crossed: private-bright-pony
For a buck I can't go wrong. Right??!
Yippee Ki Ay!
:) why not?
I love VMP bait!!!
Love these shirts, this deal has made every month I had VMP but didn't order anything worth it. Oh, and the socks too.
@NoTroop I need Mediocre shorts and then I'm completely ready to hit the town.
Shirt... Socks... Shorts.
Getting closer.
@OnionSoup I totes agree w/ youse!
@OnionSoup and meh shoes
Does wearing this morph me into the shape of a stealth fighter?
You are my mediocre sunshine. Wow. Such overcast. So grey.
@nighguy I also love their shirt colors too!!
Nice! A very mediocre thanks to you!
Freezing deep hummingbird
@MsELizardBeth Your phrase has an awesome link:

Except, that no HB could even tolerate the cold air, much less the water- So it's actually a type of kingfisher.
...And still so Awesome!
@PhysAssist did you see who the next post is by? nevermind. it was by kingfish(somenumber), but that seems to have dissappeared.
@wew Yes, and in fact, I referred Kingfish28 to this picture...
@PhysAssist beautiful.
So much awesomeness! didactic-moping-team
@Kingfish28 This is the best image on the page for your phrase:

and look up above at the birdy fishing- Yup it's a KF'er
$1 shirt works for me
I want 2 shirts. One for each personality.
No I don't
Yes I do.
Don't listen to him.
I'm the nice one who spends money, Scrooge over there doesn't spend a dime and didn't even want to pay to be an VMP. Still, he should get a shirt too.
Bah! Humbug....
@xenophod Nice VMP with the shirtz and the sockz....not nasty VMP with the onion knives and speaker docks...they burns us! Burns us they do...nasty VMP....no, nice VMP with the tiny shirtzz...
@xenophod I tried to use both links, but no go.....
@mcanavino I like that...
Whoop Whoop!
dollar shirt!
dollar shirt!
spending a buck
how can that hurt?
Offer expires at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time on Monday, December 7, 2015 A.D.
Expires before the email was sent out. ;-) Not really though. I like the look of the shirt, can't pass up a nice black shirt for only $1.
@darkdragon I think they've changed it a few times now... cause it says 14th at 9 AM, but in the description it says 10 AM...
Should I be concerned that the fine print says the offer expires 12/7, but I didn't get the email offer until 12/8? Or as a VMP, am I above such small-minded rules and regulations?
@Goatherd Nope, I should be concerned I didn't update that before sending the email. It took a little longer to get together than I expected.
@dave I bet you really want to kill me for pointing out that it's still not 100% correct ;)
Needed a new shirt.
One buck for a shirt? It's an infinitely better deal than the five bucks for nothing deal CAH was running recently. I'm in.
@The_Tim They've been sending socks for hanukkah. So far, Two Pair.
@danpritts Isn't that a totally separate thing from the "give us $5" Black Friday offer?
@danpritts Spoilers...
Three Pair.
Tiniest damned adult socks I've ever been gifted with.
@LaVikinga As upset as I am 3 pairs deep, I DO really need new socks. So....meh?
@midcontrast But they are such tiny socks!
@danpritts So how do I prove I'm a tribesman without violating decency code ? lol
@LaVikinga crappiest too. Wife wore a pair on sunday and had a hole in the toe by the time we lit the Menorah.
@LaVikinga ... Ah, yes.. But very good as a re-gift to some suck... er, I mean relative.
@unkabob I don't hate anyone in the family enough--well, that's not true, but that's a story for another day, and besides, her fat Flintstone feet wouldn't be able to fit into the socks.
Mellow Morose Foot
Wear your V card with pride VMP members!
Thank you meh!
You make me feel all mediocre and fuzzy.
For a buck? Sure! That's even good for an undershirt. Plus now I can feel like superman-- or at least very-meh-man.
meh needs to put up storage boxes for all these shirts... and it should have been stealth-purple.
"Offer expires at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time on Monday, December 7, 2015 A.D." ???
Oh, and feisty-barbarous-pie

Scary... but I like it.

Thank you Meh. I still love you despite all of your mehness.
Thank you, Meh! Now I wish I hadn't canceled my husband's vmp.
@snapster Abbestellungsschadenfreude would be the right word I guess :)
Resolute-quadruple-whip. Sounds like a Starbucks order.
How do I get more socks? I love my Mediocre socks.
I love these meh shirts.
Haven't used my VMP since September so in my world this shirt is costing me $16...... and I'm in for one!
Wait, $1? I'm in! Thanks, mediocre people!
I don't really need more t-shirts, but I also have an extra buck, so... crazy-hazardous-connection
Wanted to buy one for the wife but "they" won't let me. :-(
I'm such a slave to retail, as soon as I saw "Exclusive Shirt", I knew I was going to purchase this Exclusive Stealth VMP Shirt for VMPs only. Because I am a Very Mediocre Person.
No WAY I'm going to google for images for those words.
BTW, did anyone get a random number included in their email? Mine was 96
(I was kinda proud of my K kickstarter badge. "V" stands for "Viking"--at least it will in my savage, sea-faring brain.)
One dolla make me holla.

For a buck what can go wrong. Other than it falling apart.
The site is a liar:
Offer expires at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time on Monday, December 7, 2015 A.D.
@MrMark Hmmm...if it meant 12pm ET 12/8, then we are past that deadline too. THIS IS MADNESS!!!!
Mmmmm, lucky-independent-custard. Wish I could buy a couple more.
Got my passive-reputable-carbon... which allows me to passively display my reputation in carbon-colored glory.
I too was worried about the expiration date, but good news guys! It's all OK. earthy-mediocre-amusement
Best $1 I've spent today.
Wish I could order a second shirt so hubby and I don't fight over this one and tear it. I may have to hide it. Please, please let us order 2 at the least.
@columbus unsupported feature: buy vmp on an account for your hubby and then buy the shirt. pretend to be really interested in stuff with that account, then cancel.
@columbus Same here. Mrs. cengland0 would like one too. Even if I have to pay more for the second one, I would like to have the option.
@columbus After I ordered mine, I went to the page again and it looks like I can just order another one for my wife. Unless I'm missing something. It's not disabled or anything. Should I try it?
@columbus nevermind
@snapster ... so six bucks for the second one. Seems fair.
And the possibility of incrementally free shipping on extra copies of something else later in the month.
@snapster Mrs cengland0 doesn't use the computer much so I had to do it for her using your unsupported method.
As an FYI, it shows you can actually buy it as a non-VMP member but it costs $2 for shipping then when you actually try to buy, it says you don't have permission to do it. After signing up for VMP a second time on another account, it worked fine. Thanks for the secret hint.
@RedOak I'm glad it works for this purpose. These shirts cost about 10 bucks, so it's not the side of fair we enjoy most (the profitable side!)
Awesome sauce. Thanks mediocre peeps. Now I just need to come up with a good reason why I needed another meh shirt. The "It was only $1 and it's printed on an American Apparel blank" justification didn't work the last time. Merry Christmas!
@jimmyd103 What about the free shipping?
@lavendrea Free shipping won't get me very far. At least it doesn't with my other meh purchases. But, thanks for the reminder.
@jimmyd103 but free shipping on a purchase that is only $1 makes it actually only $1. I don't know about you, but it's really hard for me to get anything of at least mediocre quality for $1, much less delivered to you for free. And this means your maximum effort required is the brain power needed to click a button: the ' buy it' button. Plus some other buttons, but mainly the 'buy it' button.
@lavendrea Hey you don't have to convince me. I bought one even though I know I am going to be on the receiving end of a snide comment or two.
@jimmyd103 just spout back "It was a no-brainer." Muahahahahaaaa!
@lavendrea I will have to give that a try.
Can you buy anything better for a buck? I think not!
@ejourgensen Can't argue with that.
$1? Okay. Sorry for the picture...
@Zypher EWWWWW!!!!
@PhysAssist Apparently it's a cow tongue...
@Zypher I know- some peeples eat those EWWW!
I've paid more for less (on this site, too). Fuck it, I'm in.
Does it come in black?
I'd buy that for a dollar!
@carl669 I never loved Saget more than when I saw him in The Aristocrats.
I wouldn't feel right linking to the video, but here's something indicative.
If this isn't click bait I don't know what is. But I most certainly bought one, AND I clicked the link down at the bottom. I'm so bad...
@lavendrea That makes two of us [unfortunately with only one shirt each...] :-(
@PhysAssist you said it!
@lavendrea Did you notice that they were different links? They are totally tracking it, yo.
@jhinra Yup, they know who the cheaters are.....
@PhysAssist it's the Meh Brother (instead of Big Brother). He's watching your every move, but doesn't care very much what you're doing. >.> <.<
@lavendrea True dat- prolly using one of those NOT-drop cameras ;-)
I'd buy that for a dollar.
How did you guys know I needed another AA shirt?!
Nice, this looks fantastic! In for 1 for sure, wish I could buy a couple more. Make this badge into a vinyl decal for car windows and I'd slap one on there too.

@eric1024 Yup- mees toos!!!
Hell yeah I'm squeezing into that Ill fitting tight ass XL made for a slender Asian american apparel shit I mean shirt

As we celebrate mediocrity all the boys upstairs want to see
How much you'll pay for what you used to get for free,
@Ruger9mm Yes, yes, where is my free VMPresent?
distinct-snarky-sheet response goes here

You Mediocre folks ain't stupid. A buck keeps it from auto-traveling to folks who could care less about a t-shirt or sock...
... and incentivizes further paying attention to Meh/Mediocre emails rather than ignoring them like we do with all the other commercial crap overloading our mailboxes this time of year.
@RedOak also keeps it from shipping my my Aunt Kathy in the Nebraska (or was that the Netherlands... I guess it depends on which email I get... RIP Kathy, but when does that check come in...) where I sent one of my last purchases to.
Joking aside... some people do ship stuff to others, and then when a freebie ships... Whoops, the 3rd party could get the freebie too...
@snapster, I love free stuff... LOVE IT... But... I think you're onto something for the $1, although doesn't most of it get eaten by the interchange/transaction fees... Then again probably saves you from shipping to people that don't want it... As much as I'd love to get a free shirt... I think paying $1 is better so that I you guys save a bit... and If it's something that I'm going to toss (Socks didn't get tossed, but one of the other freebies I think did... I can't remember which ones we got now.) It saves FedEx and post office, and you from having to deal with it. (also I'm trying to clear the closet and remove items that I have no use for/no attachment, I love the shirts... I'm doing a if I buy a meh shirt I have to get rid of 2 other shirts... it seems to be helping, so thank you!)
@RedOak also we didn't actually know what size you wanted ;)
@snapster haha! Kinda important point. ;-)
Might have been too big a leap to assume you did from our prior tshirt orders.
@RedOak Some of Mehpparel was ordered in my SWMBO's size- that went a long way towards easing the "Stop looking at that site... ...do you how much we have spent there so far this year" rhetoric.
I find it somehow amazing that this was the FIRST hit:
This didn't come up in the image search but it was all I could think of with that order number hahaha

@stardate820926 Cheater- but--- I do love me some MP!!!
endearing-wistful-wheel (Dear Mediocre, is there a message here?)

One buck for a shirt!?! Membership truly has it's privileges. It's GOOD to be a Very Mediocre Person.
I am so thrilled to be a VMP. Really. And even thought the Malevolent Order Name Generator isn't being quite as disgusting as in past, I still think motorized-difficult-mouth ought to look like this, instead of the images that Google offered:

"mark of excellence"? "assurance of quality"? "a testament to the bearer's noble character and pure heart"? You must have us confused with some other group. We are Very Mediocre and proud of that fact. I'm not paying five bucks a month to pretend I am of noble character. I'm doing it to get cheap shirts. Excellence and quality are albatrosses I don't need around my neck.
@SSteve yes, even our sarcasm is mediocre
Got one! tan-boring-cap
Oh yeah - first post, too!
And I wanted to post an image (Google found me some tan mushroom caps . . . yes, you heard right), but I'm not sure how.
@Xena67 Google/search your phrase.
Click images in the menu on google.
Select/highlight the image's address in the address bar, right click and select copy, then right click into the text box here on the web page and select pate. Click "say it" and you are done:
See here:
Easy as pie.
My VMP was set to expire tomorrow. Coincidence? I think not!
AWESOME -- dazzle-jumbo-sloth
@j8erg I wanna see that on someone with more obvious "talents" than the model in the picture-like say Katie Upton...
This will do for now:

finally price we can all agree on. what about more socks?
I am in favor of $1.
I really dislike black shirts. But for a dollar? Weekend shirt inbound!
$1 thanks, mediocre!

Hope all are well, i'm only an occasional lurker these days.
Expected better(worser) image choices for disillusioned-gushy-lizard:
Glad I clicked. Buck for an AA shirt? I like that it's so mediocrely branded too.
$1 = soaked-motionless-afternoon

Thanks, Meh!
my first time getting the big V. thanks meh, I'll always remember my first!
I hope I don't get any extra loyal-discreet-liquid on my new shirt.
My order # seems completely appropriate:

You had me at "cold hard buck". Not only am I very mediocre, but I'm cheap, too.
Yes please and thank you meh.
A dollar? Subtle advertisement? Sounds good.
In for a buck. Just hoping I got the size right. Haven't bought an AA shirt for awhile.

This is fantastic! I love it. I doubt anyone will ever know what it means, but maybe, just maybe. We'll need a forum thread called "Another VMP member noticed my t-shirt today...."
@wew Doubt we'll see many posts [at least from around here], but who knows...
@wew I've never seen a woot shirt in the wild after all these years. I think a Meh shirt would be an even rarer sight.
@LaVikinga my wife spotted the wonderful black on black meh shirt at the Y the other day...i made her creep and take a picture as I didn't believe her, but it wasn't a fake sighting.
very cool - thanks meh!
Always in for a $1 nerd shirt that no one around me understands. =)
@SColburn I think if anyone ever walked up to me and said "oh, you're wearing the Meh.com Stealth VMP shirt" I'd probably drop dead on the spot.
Well yes, Never try to domesticate a bushbaby. It always makes them miserable.
Thank you so much, meh, for my arrogant-nutritious-hornet,

Have yourself a mediocre Christmas
(to the tune of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas).
@KDemo Have yourself a mediocre Christmas
With a VMP
From now on your purchases will ship for free
Have yourself a mediocre Christmas
Make the Yuletide meh
Snag a fukubukuro just now and then
Here we are on the internet
Buying cheap headsets and more
Finding deals that appeal to us
It's a steal to us, therefore
We'll be there at every midnight eastern
This we do avow
We'll keep buying all the speaker docks allowed
To have ourselves a mediocre Christmas now
@parodymandotcom - Brilliant!
You should consider repeating it over here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/vmp-shirt#5667338494470e44098f7883
Having trouble ordering, what a mediocre experience
a.k.a. anything-for a-dollar
I had saved up my dollar for a lottery ticket, I sure hope this mediocre t-shirt pays off.
@PhysAssist I tried and failed to post a Google pic. I flunked meh today!
Fuck me $1. I saw it earlier and said "pshaw". I came back to it and was bored enough to click through this time.
Thanks meh! I can always use a new, VMP sleep-shirt.
Merry Xmas to all!
For 1$? Cant beat that!
The Bonzo Dog Band - Shirt
Free shipping with a limit of 1 on my wife's VMP account; $1 shirt and $2 shipping on my non-VMP account.
In for two.
@Pavlov Did it let you purchase from your non-VMP account? Others have been having issues completing the transaction.
@Pavlov I'm jealous, now my SWMBO will have to open a non-VMP account.
@Thumperchick @PhysAssist - No, got the "You don't have permission to order that" error. Sorry for the delay in replying, don't check this forum @ mediocre that often and didn't see the tag via email until late. My bad for not updating the post. I did get the one for $1 and ordered my size and not the Mrs., so I'm sure that will go over well . . .
@Pavlov No worries, but an interesting idea anyway...
Ahh for the days when we got free socks. Now we have to pay a whole US Green-back for a shirt? Highway Robbery! (I'm in --obviously) . Thank you Meh!
@readnj But with socks you don't need the recipient to provide you with a size. I'd rather pay $1 than get a random size shirt.
@readnj .. Actually 65.7¢ w/tax for Texans (that's about what a buck is worth now days).
Let's hope I'm not disillusioned when I open the package.
So the shirt is black and the logo is... a deeper shade of black? Thanks for the offer but I've never worn a black shirt. I wouldn't want to be confused for a Raiders fan.
@belowi So...this isn't you?
I'm only wearing black until they come up with something darker [and importantly more slimming and stain hiding].
Buy an XXL and I'll totes buy it from you.
I have to work though, so meet me in Batavia, NY for the transfer of fun and funds.
You mean, I can't order another one tomorrow!!?

It's ....so.....beautiful. Tears in me eyes I have. I shall wear this badge of honor proudly with my socks and the just arrived Martian Notifier ~ I'm a Mehstah now!
Thanks Mediocre! I hope it's not.
meh it's kinda cool
Thanks Meh!
My wife didn't want one; I thought she'd look great in black. So I ordered one a bit too small for me. Strategy!!
valiant-unusual-breakfast...sounds suspiciously close to Breakfast Octopus

incognito-bold-sun. I did an image search which gave me a lot of makeup and this:


@Thumperchick The way Anna's moving there is arguably more sexually suggestive than the photo she's ostensibly commenting on.
Why don't i have permission to buy this awesome shirt??
@jpark122 only VMP members are allowed in on this sale. To join the VMP program, go to mediocre.com/VMP and sign up - it's $5 a month and has all kinds of fun perks - like free shipping for the month and customizable forum settings. Once you're in, you can come back and get your shirt for a buck!
If you don't want to spend the $5, no worries - but no shirties either.
Thanks, in for one!
This was so stealthy, I never got the e-mail. Why no love?
@CygnusTM did you check your spam folder? That's where most of them landed.
@Thumperchick Not there. That was the first place I looked. Weird.
@CygnusTM gmail put mine in its promotions folder, which I usually ignore.
@craigthom Nope. I've searched every nook and cranny of my mailbox. It's not there.
@CygnusTM I dunno. Maybe you unsubscribed from mediocre newsletters at some point.

It is with a wise-fortunate-margarita in hand that I will use my new VMP shirt as a cocktail napkin.
I'm holding you personally responsible for the following image (it was #1, even though it looks like #2), Mediocre. Fuck you. There aren't words for how much I can't stand this clown. I hope this isn't somehow suggestive of the quality of the shirt.
And here, somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, where he should be let out to swim toward the continent of his choice (it amuses me to think that he'd choose North America).
@joelmw thx, Joel.
@joelmw I like the what3words idea. Only heard of the site a little while ago and never acually looked at it until today.
FWIW, turns out that "typical-foggy-sock" lands me in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness, somewhere between the towns of Beaver and Coldfoot.
@PocketBrain You're welcome. I'm not sure what for, but you're welcome in any case. :-) I was just reminded that you were the one who posted about what3words in the first place, so thank you. I love that site and the whole idea of it and it does mesh nicely with Mediocre's order numbering system.
If it's my trashing the clown, you're more than welcome for that. I did in fact try to restrain, for the sake of staying mostly apolitical, but I'm unashamed to say that that man is a singular danger to the republic and emblematic of much of what's wrong with our politics and culture. And I should shut up before I piss someone off (not sure whom, but I bet there are someones out there--and I mean no disrespect to them).
@Turken @PocketBrain posted about it originally here. I do GIS for a living, but for various other reasons too (including the word thing), I love what3words. It's a genius, beautiful idea. And when I post my order number images, I typically post the accompanying 3word location too; it often fits (or can be made to).
glassy-intense-honey gives me the bee bong:
@craigthom I so totally thought that was a microscope for a second...
Yay! New work Teeshirt!
I love it! Easy buy.
My What3Words location is in the Moroccan Sahara. @Joelmw maybe we should leave "The Donald" out in the desert?
And the photo:

Nice shirt! Even better, if I'm too embarrassed to explain what meh or vmp are I can just say it stands for vagina
@hafner solid plan, consider it stolen
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I thought I had more time. Damn EST.... why couldn't it have been PST

And this place is around 20 miles from home (Coral Castle)
just got notice that my shirt is on the way
@jmhsrv Mine is scheduled for delivery Dec 26th. And this was my Christmas present to myself. Meh!
@Mehrocco_Mole Boxing Day?
@jmhsrv But I'm not Canadian. I am from Northern Michigan if that's close enough.
Got mine. Came with a ripped sleeve. Put in a ticket to ask for help from the almighty Mediocre staff... but it looks fantastic
@aaronhurt rip off the other sleeve. Make a statement.
Following tracking for it to go from Hutchins down to near Houston and right now it has gone to new mexico then to california... guess my shirt is going on world tour before coming to me.
@raccoon81 smartpost is seriously ridiculous about the shipping route. However, they're super cheap...
@Thumperchick Of all the orders I have being delivered this is probably the least critical since it was a purchase for a buck that I would not have otherwise gotten.
I think mine may have been lost between fedex and the post office. Tracking shows acceptance at the post office on the 20th but no further since. I've had 3 smart post packages accepted and delivered since then. Last time this happened no one was ever able to find it. Hopefully it's just lying around in a corner waiting with other holiday packages and maybe it will arrive. But I'm not holding my breath.
Funny. I posted this then got an email tracking update with a new scan at the post office. Maybe it will make it after all.
Got my shirt today. Yay!
This shirt is AMAZING. Thank you Meh!
Got shirt today Stealth and yet so Meh. Thanks!
sadness, i just found this email, so i missed the shirt :( looks rad though :)
Wore my shirt for the first time last night to visit my girlfriend. She called me Super Vagina for the rest of the night and today.
Dear Meh,
I got this shirt. This shirt is a good shirt. For one dollar this shirt is a great shirt. I would buy another shirt as good as this shirt. Perhaps an eye searing plaid shirt next time to be a visual counterpart to this shirt. Thank-you for this shirt.
Yours forever,
Man wearing this shirt
Got my shirt a while back. Every time I put it on, I realize that I will be easily Identifiable as a Meh-er, by Meh-ers. Everyone else is just going to think I'm a virgin.