Last chance to join - VMP is closed to new members after March 1st
17Starting March 1st, we’re turning off sign-ups for VMP, our $5/month membership with free shipping and other benefits on Mediocre sites. We’re going to rethink this whole ‘membership’ thing, and have some ideas we’ll try out soon, but the first step is ending VMP for new customers.
Why now? While Meh is our most popular site, we’ve been expanding into partnerships with other brands, and we’ve got plans for further moves in that direction. As we grow these partnerships, we’re reaching a wider demographic. It’s the right time to rethink the benefits we offer and how our partners can participate.
All you VMPers are really important to us. Not because you give us money…well, sure, that’s part of it…but you’re our core crowd. You created our community, helped build our voice, and establish our culture. So we’re offering to grandfather in everyone who’s an active member on March 1st to the VMP program with its current benefits (free shipping, the 10% discount on MorningSave, the 4pm Meh launch, and the rest), for as long as you keep your monthly VMP membership active.
VMP is dead, and long live VMP.
- 104 comments, 213 replies
- Comment
Well this is a surprise. What happens if, let’s say, my card expires and the monthly payment fails to go through? Will I have a chance to update my card or is my membership dead?
@TBoneZeOriginal We may figure out some wait list to add people back in who fall out accidentally but there’s no process built yet and automated sign up won’t exist.
@snapster good thing my card just expired and I got the new one.
@TBoneZeOriginal This pretty much just happened to me, actually. Lost my MVP ticker
Also had the weird experience of getting BOTH the “thanks for being a current” and “thanks for being a former” member emails.
@TBoneZeOriginal Great question because I have had that happen. I had been a MVP member since the beginning and then all of a sudden I went to buy something and my membership was gone! I had to resign up and no my card had NOT been changed. It was just like it booted me out.
@snapster how about a 48 hour grace period for cards that decline?
coding, coding, coding
so explicit ‘i didn’t get a fuku, so i’m going to cancel’ can get an immediate boot, but ‘your card was declined’ fires off a note to the aMeh.rican or Meh.xican Meh.tizen to say, “really bunky, you want to leave this elite group?”
so say we all!
@mommacomet I had something similar happen too. Oh well, It’s fun while it lasts. But the “extra”’ benefits have been pretty non-existent. I hope whatever is planned will be as fun as the original woot and meh have been.
Change is the only constant, and unfortunately, visionaries like @snapster have to have constantly stir things up (even if they work) so they don’t get bored. I’ll go along for the ride, until I don’t, and then there will be plenty of others to take my place.
@snapster I’ve had my VMP membership just drop twice. Maybe if you can do some kind of grace period like @Yoda_Daenerys suggests set up a notification email that says “you’re no longer a VMP?”
@snapster I’m already half crazy clicking the meh button- please don’t make me paranoid about checking my credit card info too.
@Yoda_Daenerys Don’t you already get 10?
@stinks without the context of what is before or after that, i would guess no. i read that clause as saying your month started when you signed up, not when you paid. i don’t believe it addresses the case where you are a member in good standing and your card deets become invalid, unbeknownst to you.
@snapster By automated sign up won’t exist
do you mean that no automatic renewal each month of VMP and people will have to remember to do it themselves each month? I know you already mean no VMP choice when you buy something if you aren’t a member - but that isn’t exactly automated - you have to choose that. This is why I am asking.
/giphy wow

@jsh139 IKR?!
Dangit, I was totally going to cancel vmp this week, now I have to stick around because I’m curious what’s going to happen.
@caspian +1. I haven’t ordered anything in quite a while and was going to cancel, pending a rejoin if I found something worth ordering in the future.
Rethinking that now. Value vs. benefits, and whether or not those benefits actually “benefit” me.
@caspian Seriously, at 12:01 every night I’m saying “I’ll give it one more day, then I’m out…”
@caspian why cancel? It’s just 5 bucks, I keep it active for whenever I might find something awesome here
@caspian I’m in the same boat. I was going to cancel this week. If I go an entire month without finding something worth $5 shipping I cancel until I do. I hope Meh finds more things that I want. I’m NOT interested in most of the $3 items just because they are cheap. For my 500 cents worth I’d like it to move in the original Woot direction that went out of their way to find unique things that were also a good deal.
@Kosm1K I haven’t bought anything on meh in a few months… Check 99/100 days, but nothing strikes me as something I can’t pass on.
@Kosm1K That is $60 a year. Maybe around what Costco or Sam’s Club costs… That suddenly becomes real money.
@Kidsandliz $60/yr is still less than A-zon Prime, yes?
@cwolfpack3 Not a good comparison though. Amazon offers millions of different products and they ship it quickly and it is supposed to get to you in 2 days. They have other Prime benefits such as Prime Video, Prime Music, Prime Pantry, and early access to sales.
@cwolfpack3 No idea I don’t pay for that either
@LankHairdoo Didn’t they refund your $5 if you didn’t order anything in a month? It still worked to your favor to get VMP a month at a time, but now, if they still refund, it’s the best deal going.
Do they refund for a month without orders?
@stinks Looks like a no:
Did I make that up? Was there ever a refund for months you didn’t use it? Or was it only for the most recent month if you cancelled?
And if there’s no continual refund, who’s breaking meh’s bank with VMP? Did someone in North Dakota order 500 vacuums?
@stinks They did refund my $5 when I cancelled last month. I’m debating whether to join again this month before the deadline. If they start having more of a selection on Morning Save I might still use it. The problem I see with $5/month shipping is that they still have to price that into each item making them more expensive. Much like Amazon prime that has to make all the small items “Add-on” to price it competitively.
Woah. Heavy.
@connorbush There’s that word again. “Heavy.” Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth’s gravitational pull?
@clayboy I’m just happy it wasn’t “Savage”
@clayboy the future is now.
@clayboy “Ha Ha, Doc Brown!”
@clayboy It’s driving me mad. It’s driving me mad.
@connorbush No, the future was then.
/giphy I’m first
/giphy darn it

Oh booo.
Will we be able to get free shipping on the new sites and stuff with out VMP?
@Fen_Star for now we’re locking this in. I’m excited about some of the plans brewing though.
@snapster this doesn’t feel like a real answer… it has the vibe of “I was thinking about something more important and forgot the ‘not’ when I was typing” - so, you ARE locking us into some benefits for other, partner-y, maybe-not-created-yet, Amazon-buy-out-type sites?
@PerfectTheo: @Fen_Star’s question is actually quite complicated, but I’ll try again.
Yes. We like how membership worked and we like free shipping as a core benefit. I foresee us supporting free shipping membership program of some sort on other new sites we launch. Because VMP will then be a closed program, this new program would not be VMP but would be something new. So the answer is Yes to the question. However, as an extended answer, because we would value those who were grandfathered in with VMP and not want to disadvantage them, we would figure out how to make a future program synergistic with staying VMP. Ideally, free. At the very least, I could see us offering what would essentially become a new singular all-inclusive program and allowing retention of token VMP badging and recognition ala “Charter Membership” honors at Woot or the Kickstarter Badge here.
The benefits we are locking in are the ones that exist now on the sites we have now. These benefits will not be offered after February 28th in the same combination or value as they are today, hence the grandfathering if you stay subscribed. The lock is to secure your benefits which will be superior to what can be subscribed to in the future. There’s no “locking in” meant to imply future site utility but that does not mean it will not be offered as a free overlay to VMP subscribers.
@snapster So the short version of what you said is (I think): VMP’s keep the benefits we have now that others won’t have, at least not right now. Then as you add more sites (or whatever you are up to) we are likely adding at least some benefits on those new sites/programs to those grandfathered in even if meh offers a separate benefit program on those sites to others. By “ideally free” you mean not necessarily free for everything with the "new’ program (eg giving yourself wiggle room), but maybe you might get some of those “new” benefits and a discount on paying for those “other” new site/program benefits… we are still deciding what we are doing and sending out a teaser so people have warning and perhaps people who buy less than 12 times in a year (eg you make money off of) still keep paying so they don’t then miss something they can’t have in the future. Is this more or less accurate?
@Kidsandliz I hope that’s accurate, since it made much more sense to me than @snapster’s original did. I’m feeling too old tonight to follow any kind of lengthy thought stream.
The email that got sent out just takes me to a not-found page. I had to manually go to the forums here to find this thread.
Is the VMP segment of the buyout protection still going to happen with this? (And if so, is it going to scale down as VMP numbers shrink, too?)
@Xkeeper yes the plan is to keep the release circuit breakers in place, though only VMP would see the 4pm launch at all once the program is gone. Quantity is already small there so I don’t think shrinking it is very possible!
@snapster Just so you know I never got an email. Just checked my spam too. When did you send it out?
I am a VMP and I approve of this message.
So, what you’re saying is that @unixrab won?

@curtise I’ll never agree to that!
@curtise @snapster
Congrats and enjoy your gloating rights, @unixrab. You were the first thing that popped into my mind when I got this email.
@SSteve Thank you Sir!!!

you for this comment. well played
@curtise It just goes to show how good of a deal VMP was that they have to discontinue it. I think @unixrab lost. Shows it was not the cash cow that he thought it was.
@curtise - @unixrab was my first thought upon stumbling into this thread.
Do your remember the URL to my VMP dissertation?
@cengland0 riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight drink your koolaid
@unixrab You had many, which one are you referring to?
@unixrab Which one?
@unixrab wait… I found one…
@Thumperchick (ಠ_ಠ) I love you so much right now
Is this a trick? I was thinking about cancelling, but now that VMP is entering legacy status I might just hold on for the title… Darn you Meh!
@DeepThought I have the feeling it may or may not be a trick based on that I also was considering not doing it anymore… then BOOM. HOW CAN I LEAVE?
Well. Fuck.
And I was just about to cancel mine because haven’t found anything worthwhile in months…
@ryancunderwood yeah i haven’t bought anything from meh in probably 9 months or so.
@eblade And you stays on as a VMP? That’s $45 for “free” shipping.
@tsfisch that doesn’t count what i saved on shipping prior to that, though. but, you’re right, it was basically a waste of most of that. I recognize that. Was too busy with things in life that happened to pay attention to meh, and when I did pay attention, it was just stuff i couldn’t even kind of justify purchasing.
@eblade This happened to me too. The reality is the nightly deals were all the same so I didn’t make it a priority anymore. One day I realized it had been 5-6 months without purchase and I would rather have Netflix 4K for my monthly spend. But I held on for the xmas and black friday season… only to be continually disappointed. After 14 months I canceled last month anf regardless of the new program, I’m not signing back up.
@ryancunderwood What?!?! You don’t want 98 different portable bluetooth speakers!?!?
So… like… is there gonna be something better? OR are we going to clutch onto our last vestige of hope that meh doesn’t actually suck by continuing to waste money on VMP?
@froppy does it count if it’s just better for us? j/k hopefully the plans for growth do feed back into Meh. It’s always going to mirror my true feelings of retail.
Nice. Thank you for considering the value of us early adopters. I was there for Woot and now for Keep up the great work!
@Ceige thank you for the support! I look forward to the future when y’all are like the “Charter Members” group on Woot.
@snapster Or “plank owners.” Of course, that’s not so great if this ship was sinking. Looking forward to what comes after the three hour tour.
(I have the feeling I’m missing out on other emails Mediocre sends.
Selling vmp membership $200
NO! Say it ain’t so!
So, shirt.meh, deals.meh, and probably beer.meh to come?
@cobracat03 hopefully a nice mix of old and new still to come. We just move slower in our old age.
@cobracat03 - Probably Knives.meh
@Achromatter @cobracat03 and mugs.meh and headphones.meh.
@Achromatter Already have knifes.meh. You’re looking at it.
@craigthom and drones.meh and bluetoothspeakers.meh and travelmugs.meh
@snapster speakerdocks.meh please???
Very Much Pwned?
Huh, bummer. Right around when I intend to cancel due to life events. Unfortunately I don’t think the exclusivity of the grandfathered-in club warrants a change in that plan, but it is a bit sad knowing my ‘V’ will never come back.
@brhfl there are other things in life and our future plans will need to remain exciting if we expect folks to join them. Screen capture your
@brhfl If you want to keep it for another quarter to see what happens I’ll send you twenty bucks.
@SSteve That’s really kind of you! But the fact is the $5/mo probably (hopefully?) wouldn’t break me, but things are going to be tricky and weird and cutting out little luxuries is okay. Ultimately, that’s what VMP is – a luxury. All will be fine. Thanks for being awesome, though!
@unixrab Exactly! (or brilliant marketing from @snapster’s viewpoint). Mediocre Labs magically created artificial scarcity, and more exclusivity, around VMP membership. Perhaps they saw VMP memberships stalling out or even falling; whatever the rationale, they’re now encouraging their “core crowd” to maintain VMP membership (aka free money for Mediocre) and pushing those on the fence to sign up. Brilliant!
If this doesn’t boost VMP signups enough, they can always open up limited time VMP join up events. Black Friday and Meh-offs provide great “excuses” to re-open VMP memberships.
@mwarren hey great idea!
@mwarren while I’ll take all the props I can get, VMP membership has accelerated to it’s fastest rate of growth during the last 3 months to >70% CAGR. The actual purpose is to alter our benefit structure – to simplify it in the future while still keeping Meh and other sites viable without membership. VMP as it’s constructed now won’t be offered again (nor will the name be used for that matter either - it’s too confusing to mainstream audiences)

@mwarren hmmmmm
@unixrab enjoy this for 34 days. I get the rest of time.
@mwarren even if it’s true and never comes back (crosses self) it’s STILL A TRAP. Nothing’s changed - it still destroys lives and bank accounts by it’s lure of “saving money” but it’s vile claws reach up from bankruptcy and divorce courts all across this land (and South Korea) dragging poor damned souls to the depths of dispair and financial ruin while @snapster cackles all the way to the bank…
… ok that’s too far… …but yeah, it’s a trap.
@snapster I’m still waiting on that Free Shipping To Canada VMP benefit we were all promised

Am I an idiot for remaining VMP since 2014 despite being in Canada? Probably. (I’m sure a certain unixrab would think so.) I have taken advantage of the complimentary shipping of a second item in a month exactly twice (to my sister’s house in VA). I received one pair of Mediocre socks. I was able to purchase a Stealth VMP shirt for $1. I rock the V badge. That is pretty much the entirety of the tangible benefits that I have received from being VMP.
But, the site is entertaining and I love your employees, and I figure it’s my vote for Mediocre to stick around, and I can afford it, and I hope you guys appreciate it at least a little bit, and stick around for years.
And yeah, you could maybe ship to just one customer in Canada (me), eh?
(Amazon Drone Delivery is currently limited to a single customer in England, so there’s a weak precedent for this kind of thing hehe)
@curtise What if I don’t want my stuff shipped to Canadia?
@curtise If it’s any consolation (I know it’s not but I want to add something to the conversation), I never got my super cool reward for submitting Mad Ape Den lyrics that were actually recorded.
@snapster Ugh, those people. Destroyers of experimental business models, quirky mascot logos, undocumented power user features, freemium pricing, color schemes that aren’t blue and white, pictures of boobs, and everything fun. Fuck 'em! I mean, they are literal walking bags of money, but fuck 'em still.
@MontanaVike Now that you mention it, neither did I (mine was Like a Rolling Stone). Figured it just takes a couple of years.
@curtise I hope you’re not still waiting for that monthly box to ship from Europe, too.
@curtise Meh will ship to PO boxes. I got one just across the border. If you’re near the border then you won’t need to wait to get stuff from Virginia.
@cwolfpack3 Sadly, I couldn’t even sign up for the European box because, Canada. In this one case it was clearly for the best. RIP Eucopia.

@PhotoJim For me, the whole point of delivery is convenience. I’m in the Toronto area. It is unfortunately not convenient to have to buy a PO box in the states, and to drive a couple hours each way to pick something up, dealing with the border and all that. But I could see that being a thing if I was in, say, Windsor, Sarnia, or Sault Ste. Marie.

I’m glad we’re retaining out benefits, but that is unfortunate for people who learn about the site after the cutoff.
@boygenius1991 Sounds like they won’t really know about it.

Although I’m sad to see it go (because change is scary and confusing), I do enjoy the fact that I’ll have benefits others can’t sign up for (because I’m petty).
@awk someday we’re going to figure out how to bring our domain into actual use here.
Member since July 2014. Just added everything up and about 25% of my meh spend has been on memberships.
@TRD I do hope to get a broader company mission across and have feel good sort of “thanks for supporting us” on a future program. But since we don’t have that now, my thanks here is all you get.
@snapster That is Mediocrely Appropriate.
/giphy thumbs sideways

@snapster Thanks for the reply. I just reread my post and realized it might have come across as cynical. It has been money well spent as far as I’m concerned. I love knowing I can click “Buy It” and get some meh stuff without worrying about shipping. And I think you guys sent me some socks once, too, right?
Now it is a matter of surviving until I am the last one standing and I an get a fuku for sure at 4PM.
@ELUNO I think that must be @unixrab’s strategy for his secret second account with VMP
@ELUNO Fuku’s… I remember those from years past. Does Meh still do those? Haven’t seen one in awhile
@snapster now that’s funny… someone created a fake account to punk me - very funny whoever you are…
@wildcat they do, they’re just very rare
On March 1, they are going to replace it with the new ‘All Free Shipping!’ program. But don’t worry, your existing VMP membership will be grandfathered in as long as you are a paying member…
@madmaxmedia aha - a fellow former AT&T unlimited customer?
@snapster I still have AT&T Unlimited (which has actually been limited at various levels over the years). They increased the rate to $35/mo about a year ago. Now they are increasing to $40/mo in an effort to force me off. See here’s the thing though… T-Mobile has better rates so if they force me off unlimited in March, why should I stay?
@wildcat @snapster I have AT&T unlimited too! …now THAT is a good deal…even though they keep raising the price now and then
@unixrab I thought everyone was outta that by now. I bailed on that 2 years ago so I could get multi-device discount and tethering and full speed past the throttling crap.
@snapster welllllllllllllllllllllll there’s more to the story… we’ll leave it there.
@wildcat That’s nothing. My grandfathered unlimited plan on Verizon went from $30->50 in one fell swoop. I jumped ship over to T-Mobile back around Labor Day and am now grandfathered on their old unlimited plan (pre-One). I haven’t looked back.
@wildcat I also have the grandfathered plan, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. I have “unlimited” data, but seldom cross the 2gb threshold. And I know that if I really did try to take advantage of it, I would get throttled to hell and back.
But something about the idea of having an account feature that no one else can sign up for anymore…
Excited to see what’s in store, and glad VMP benefits continue for current members after lockdown. I’ll keep shelling out fivers in hopes of more mediocre socks, and maybe first dibs on these new programs in the works (but mostly the sock hope.)
I actually think of my VMP as an entertainment fee. When I see something amusing on Meh, I can grab it without upping the cost by adding shipping. (This is how Amazon Prime sucked me in, too.)
Blasphemy… Amazon Prime > VMP by about a billion percent (give or take)
@unixrab The Meh people are nicer. I justify it as entertainment too.
@madamehardy I get a good return on Prime. Here I’m not sure.
What VMP does is encourage me to buy $10 and other crap I otherwise wouldn’t have. I know this because I occasionally see cheap crap on the old site I would buy, but I don’t because of the $5 shipping.
@craigthom hence my VMP dissertation
Lame! My daughter is less than a year old. How will she become a VMP by Feb 28, 2017 if she can’t even talk much less be approved for a credit card yet?! Sure she can use my VMP for the next 18 years but we hope she will move out one day.
I guess her only option to have her very own VMP when she heads to college is for me to spend $1080 (12 x 18 x $5) to maintain a separate account for her… You guys aren’t going to raise the monthly rate in 7 or 14 years right?
@wildcat What college students need to beat that textbook racket:
Huh? did you say something
@wwhite0028 No
Clearly this is a clever move to enable folks to buy exclusive “V” logo status… knowing it will not be attainable to others in the future… and thereby lock in that exclusive V-status revenue stream since, once dropped, it is gone.
The “K” logo folks enjoy a similar logo-status.
@RedOak zactly
Just had another user-logo-thought that might reflect the true devotion of mehtizens - Display a small number inside a circle that reflects the number of orders on any of the Mediocre sites.
@RedOak I’m going for the next status. It’s a big “L”. Only $435 a month…
@RedOak Or they could put a square below your name, and the color of the square could reflect how many purchases you’ve made.
For some of us (shopaholics) that ‘circle’ will be an oval.
This is clearly an attack on the working class!
Tweet this guy and tell him to Make America VMP Again
Or sign up for VMP ELITE! For a one-time payment of $4999.99 - free shipping for life and a collectible @snapster octopus temporary tattoo - very rare and collectible.
Great marketing ploy to get VMP members - kudos!
Just noticed (at least in the Chrome browser) this page suffers a bland, anonymous place on the tab whilst the pages enjoy the whimsical meh “m”. Hmmm.
@RedOak Using Chrome, mine shows a flask.
Other than free shipping I get no other benefits. No, last chance, no nothing. Don’t know how I fell through the cracks but thanks for reminding me to cancel. Next stop: CANCELVILLE!
@dweinsh289 but we look up to your “V” logo. Are you sure you want to go naked?
Do we still get a refund if no purchase for a month?
@yahsah15 Good question - I tested that last cycle and it worked fine but what about the future?
@yahsah15 @RedOak Not after March 1. If you cancel to get your refund back after then, then you are out and won’t be able to get back in.

@curtise I don’t think the question was about getting back into VMP - it was whether the auto-refund (if no purchases) for the current month will still happen after this change when you cancel?
@RedOak I don’t know what auto refund you’re referring to. AFAIK, the only way you get a refund is if you cancel your membership at the end of the month and hadn’t received any benefit that month. And then you sign up again the next month. Is there something else I’m missing?

@curtise That would be the auto-refund. It happens automatically when you cancel within the cycle - no need to request a refund.
What I am wondering (and thought @yahsah15 was asking), after March 1st, if you cancel and have not used the benefit in that cycle, does the automatic refund happen? Does this current “feature” survive March 1st?
@RedOak Doubtful any programming will change. It’s much easier to just start fresh and leave the trash on the floor…
@elysiumplain doesn’t require a programming change to leave something that already exists, in place - the auto refund. Actually, it would require a programming change to turn it off.
BTW, you don’t need to wait til the end of the month - you can turn it off as soon as you get charged and it will auto refund - as long as you haven’t used it that month.
Hmmm…wow. What will be the next thing to suck me in?
I bought knives mostly…until the Contigo travel mugs became a thing…now I have over a dozen and I really don’t need more.
I’ll probably re-up once I find something fun to buy before March 1.
I’ve been VMP for 888 days and still don’t even know where this 4pm sale takes place!
@ryancunderwood same place - the sold out changes to available while quantity lasts if you are logged in. That said, the good stuff went so quick it could be annoying to try. Maybe moving forward that gets better now.
@snapster ah ok, im usually on mobile which doesn’t keep me logged in.
@ryancunderwood Yeah, they reserve about 3% of the items if it sells out for VMP members to fight over. Not too huge of a benefit.
I’m still waiting on the New Era VMP hat. ZZZZzzzzzzzz…
Well this sucks. I’m surprised how positive everyone else is about this.
Ending one program before getting the new one in place strikes me about as bad as our new president tearing down the ACA while promising whatever comes along someday will be way better.
And yeah I know I can stay in but that’s not how I used VMP. I buy 0-2 items a month so if I don’t see something by about halfway into the second month I cancel, then rejoin when I see something again.
@tsfisch I applaud your efficient use of the existing program. That method will work until an April 14th choice and ideally we’ll have news about future programs by then.
@tsfisch I used VMP exactly the same way - although in the good ol’ days it was more typically 1-3 items/month. So this VMP-pay-forever-or-die thing ain’t nice.
I just looked at my meh buying history and I’ve bought less than I thought. Then I went to look at my woot buying history, and I haven’t purchased anything there for 10 months.
Which is weird. When Woot was in its prime, I bought tons there, including numerous bigger ticket items like: 2 bicycles, a big-screen TV, a DVR security system not unlike what’s on meh today, countless toys in the 50-$100+ range, etc.
I haven’t bought from woot recently because the deals just aren’t good enough for me to ‘impulse’ on.
I haven’t bought all that much from meh because I just haven’t found the product selection to be that great (I’ve never understood why people buy tiny speakers… if I wanted crappy sound I’d use the built-in speaker on my phone).
I love the idea of meh and I’m not knocking it… I check it virtually every day (as do I still woot) but rarely pull the trigger anymore.
@tsfisch my thought exactly! I’ve never found the same excitement with the product mix here as I did at oldWoot. After the Woot sale to Amazon, I stopped buying things there on principle.
@tsfisch We don’t know that the new program won’t launch in March. There’s plenty of time.
@snapster You’re talking about doing/focusing on other stuff rather than deal a day meh. Go ahead and do whatever business makes you and mediocre happy and makes money, but, this is sad to hear for deal a day folks like me. First woot became not woot. Now meh is becoming not meh???
@GLaDOS evidently that model no longer makes business sense. I’d argue that one can only see so many knives and speakers before burnout but what can you do?
@GLaDOS @tsfisch as inventor of the deal a day site concept, I defended it at Woot and then elected to start again and defend it here. I believe the concept is still disruptive and fun when built to a large scale with restraint on distractions. We have a good scale here but to reach a larger scale we need site partners. The web isn’t as open as it used to be - too many walled gardens monetizing their audiences.
I believe we have finally cracked how to scale while defending the simplicity of Meh itself. I think we can do this while helping the open web partners who brought Woot to life back in the day. I am very excited about it.
This first step is simply locking in those who supported us as customers so that new site programs can have freedom to try new things. VMPs will be honored and rewarded throughout the process.
@snapster Thanks for that peek into your head. 'Helps with understanding what’s going on.
@snapster honored and rewarded? you had me at honored…
@snapster Fingers crossed! Good luck!

M E H !
I can’t believe this is happening to me! Why me?

As of today, I have placed 117 orders which would have cost $585 in shipping. All of these purchases had free shipping, I presume due to my being a VMP.
I have been a VMP for 31 months* which has cost me $155. Thus, I feel that I’ve saved $430 on shipping by being a VMP continuously during this time.
During my VMP tenure, there have been only three periods where I went more than 30 days without a purchase. Thus I MIGHT have saved as much as $15 by cancelling VMP immediately after buying it and then only re-upping when making my next purchase. Even if I could have reduced my VMP costs by $15, I’d still count my savings on shipping as $415.
Having just scrolled through my purchases, I am reminded that a number of my purchases were effectively wasted money (eg. these, this, these and most certainly this, which I NEVER used at all before repacking it to give away.) However, for every one of those wasted purchases, I’d say there are two or three items that I used or still use daily.
I certainly cannot complain at all about the cost of my VMP membership.
If @snapster and crew want to change things up, more power to them. I tend to think it will be worth it but I’ll take a wait and see attitude on it and ot complain until there is something to actually complain about: change alone is not worthy of complaint.
TL;DR: VMP has been totally worth it for me, in that it has saved me over $400 to feed my addiction with whatever this thing is. and VMPs are @snapster’s to play with as he wants. We’ll see if the change is good or bad. I’m guessing it will be (mostly) good.
*The site claims I’ve been a VMP for only 27 months. This is because I had to cancel and re-up after Home Depot gave my CC info to the Bad People.
@baqui63 it sounds like you might be the ideal example of what @unixrab talked about.
@baqui63 how many of those order would you had decided against if you had to pay $5 shipping?
i think my stats would resolve to the same conclusion as you’ve come to.
@Yoda_Daenerys I factor the cost of shipping (thus VMP) into my decision to order something. In 2016, for example, I only ordered 3 times. If I paid each month I’d lose money. Right now can’t afford that. I did order 3 times one month in 2015 (buying christmas presents) but these were deliberate purchases for presents, not impulse purchases. I just got lucky I didn’t have to pay shipping the other two times. VMP doesn’t really influence impulse purchases with me, but then again I am coming from it is worth “picking up pennies from the ground” vantage point at the moment. Hmmm I don’t suppose you will have “financial aid” for VMP? LOL You know, socially responsibility and all that (grin).
@Yoda_Daenerys, scrolling thru my purchases, there are maybe a dozen that I would not have purchased without free shipping; all are cheap items where $5 would have raised the price 30% or more and so this totals to ~$120. I’ll note that three such items have seen quite a bit of use.
71 (60%) of my 117 purchases have been well worth it and another 20 or so are for future projects (eg. the LED rope lighting) or gifts (eg. the hummingbird feeders). 11 were fuku|o purchases and purely for fun (tho several of these items have made great gifts or been useful). All in all, I don’t feel that I’ve wasted all that much money at meh and I regret very few of my purchases.
@RedOak, I’m guessing you are referring to @unixrab’s “It’s a trap!” argument and for some people I’m sure it is. I don’t feel that I’m a good example of it tho, since I have few regrets and feel I have wasted relatively little money at meh.
@baqui63 @unixrab the carrier pigeon finally delivered the message?
So, come March 1st… VMP won’t even be a memory.

Hmm - I’m wondering if Bezos came by with a giant offer and Meh can’t undercut Prime…
/giphy wondering hmmm

this is the mediocre site, am i rite?
i am going to keep the rhyme, if i can this time.
will this be posted, where there’s the mosted?
or will it be our little VMP secret, so we can keep it?
i’d better quit now, since i don’t know how
to continue this labor, without a sabre.
/image suckered in
/youtube don’t tell the mob
/giphy lifetime VMehP.mbership for one fiddy

Tree fiddy?
Don’t get too big. You will become Woot! again and have to start all over again. Please keep meh simple. I like meh just as bland as it is.
@alphaspark My guess, based on nothing, is that the other crap will be added on different sites, like, and will stay
@snapster, I have an odd question (although considering who it is asking, you should be unsurprised). Basically, VMP is a sixty dollar per year tax to have a little VMP badge by your name. Since I never got a Beta Tester Badge, having this might be fun instead. It doesn’t mean I’d buy something, other than shipping for that possible item in the future that I’d suddenly want, but I’m still REALLY tempted (I have a few weeks to think it over, obviously).
I could be talked out of it, but I would like a badge for something and this would certainly qualify.
/giphy fuck you fucking fuck. I’ll still probably join.

Goodbye, VMP. Hello, SubPrime.
How much will Meh’s new loyalty badge SubPrime cost and do we get all the free streaming Irk videos we want with it?
Can’t wait for the SubPrime exclusives!

Each time I order something off Meh, I sign up for VMP instead of just paying the $5 for shipping. I always figure I’ll be more willing to order something else within the mext month if I have already fronted the $5. Sometimes that’s true, other months I never make use of it again.
I will say this: I hate paying for shipping. It is often a dealbreaker for me when shopping online, no matter how much I want something/of a deal it is. Here’s hoping whatever programs are in the pipeline still offer means of getting worthwhile products without shipping.
@kungfuqua That’s 100% exactly how I feel, and how I used VMP. I suspect that’s not the way they preferred us to use it though.
@kungfuqua Yep, I have used it the same way also. Yet, without VMP Meh may as well forget selling products under $10 because it’s those types of products that generate impulse buys from VMP members. For example take those knives sold last Tuesday; I would never have bothered buying a pair if I didn’t already have VMP. I had no need for two knives, it was a total impulse buy made more attractive since I didn’t have to pay an extra $5 for shipping. Should be interesting to see how these changes shake-out. Sure hope Meh avoids a “Bezos treatment”!
@tsfisch I am sure ideally they’d have loved for everyone to sign up and resign to/forget about another subscription service. Calendar reminders ftw.
@Kerig3 Absolutely! I cannot tell you how many times when I wasn’t VMP where I would have bit at smaller items if I also wasn’t adding $5 for shipping.
Ironically (or coincidentally, I dunno…Alanis really screwed up me being able to use that word in its proper context), I had just signed back up for VMP around 1pm yesterday (bought a Shark I’ll admittedly not use), then received an e-mail around 3 saying it was ending. Maybe they got sick of my indecisiveness.
@kungfuqua Well, this change to VMP still doesn’t go into effect until March 1st, so nothing really “happened” with the email announcement.
That said, if it’s the Shark powerhead vacuum that you bought, use it! I bought one too and I LOVE it! It made my old carpets look newer and clean. I cannot believe how much dust this vac picks up. (I’m ashamed to have lived with that dirt for as long as I did) Just try it!
@Kerig3 It was a Shark steam mop of some sort. I do need a new vaccuum, though. So if my experience with this is positive, I may check out your recommendation, thanks!
@snapster - does this also mean that shipping will no longer be a standard $5? (I didn’t get an email so I don’t know what was in it, perhaps you covered that there?).
Could someone from meh please post the email here so those of us who didn’t get it (I presume I should have since I am VMP since buying that vac) can read it?
@Kidsandliz email:
Greetings Pantheist, thanks for being a former VMP member.
Starting March 1st, new VMP membership enrollment will end. All program benefits will continue for existing members. VMPs on board as of February 28th will be grandfathered in as long as they keep their monthly membership active.
more info and to share your thoughts
view your account or unsubscribe from emails
@Kidsandliz Yeah, I didn’t get this email either.
Thank you, @Pantheist.
@LaVikinga no problem
@Pantheist Thanks for posting that.
@Kidsandliz there was also one for current VMP, as follows:
Greetings Yoda_Daenerys, thanks for being a current VMP member.
Starting March 1st, new VMP membership enrollment will end. All program benefits will continue for existing members. VMPs on board as of February 28th will be grandfathered in as long as they keep their monthly membership active.
more info and to share your thoughts
@Yoda_Daenerys I did t get the email either…guess I am really getting the meh treatment
New Benefit Idea: VMP choose one item type (say knives or cups) that when offered to normal members an alternate item will be offered in its place? I only ask 'cause I’m all cupped out.
@Tin_Foil Neat idea. And it seems that with an ever declining VMP population perhaps meh can score some little deals insufficient for the masses and offer them to VMPs.
I am going to keep my VMP as long as I am allowed. It is still a heck of a deal, and the added benefit of less people to compete with at 4:00 pm est it a huge plus.
@conandlibrarian speaking of heck deals - I have some swampland property for sale…
@conandlibrarian how many times have you bought at 4pm to classify this as ‘huge’?
i think i have 2 or 3 times, and at least one of those was likely purchased through peer pressure because all the popular aMeh.rican or Meh.xican Meh.tizens were buying them…
@katylava - would be interesting to have some stats on how many circuit breakers have been tripped, sales stats, VMPs buying at 4pm ET, etc.
/image oar knot

@conandlibrarian what leads you to believe the number of items held til 4pm does not align with the number of VMPs at any point in time?
I just keep paying that $5 bill, some months there’s been squat…but if I find 1 deal a month it usually pays for itself so i’m not complaining. Long live MEH, and VMP!
@Stallion if
@Stallion And they price the stuff knowing they are only charging $5 for postage and likely know what % of VMP’s buy more than one thing so they can take that into account. Thus prices will be proportionally higher for heavier things as postage is fixed.
@Kidsandliz True. Definitely seems like the motivation is due to frequent VMP orders, especially on those cheapo items. Free shipping can easily mean the difference between being profitable, and not so I get their motivation, and its cool they are letting existing members hold on to the membership. I will say though, the difference that saved $5 in free shipping makes means the difference between me ordering, and not ordering so Meh may become much more Meh if VMP free shipping was gone. Some deals simply aren’t worthy after tacking $5 per order on top.
@Kidsandliz I thought were going somewhere interesting but you didn’t go where I expected…
As the number of VMP’s tapers off - as it most certainly will - the mix of “cheap” shipping will fall (VMPrs who buy 2 or more things per month.)(Assumes meh keeps $5 shipping.)
VMPrs who buy 1 thing will match the non-VMPr shipping revenue of $5. VMPrs who buy less than 1 item per month will be profitable to just as they are currently.
At some point the mix of sales to VMPrs will become small enough to almost ignore in pricing the item for sale.
What that means: will have the same shipping revenue model as Woot. Knowing they are getting, on average, $5 shipping rather than having it diluted by multi-item/month VMPrs, they would be able to price lower than currently… Or perhaps not, and they could use that “new” margin to make profitable.
If you still buy, on average, one item per month (I haven’t, since the first 12-18 months) then it still makes sense to keep VMP. Note, on average one item per month could mean 2 items every other month, etc…
@RedOak That they trip wire for 4pm VMP is a separate “advantage” (especially in fuko’s for people who want to go to bed prior to each day’s new sale, plus now they have a warning there is a fuko and so can sit there right on the dot of 8 and 4 to try to get one without having to stay up late to see if there is one that day or if something cool is offered at a no brainer price) that if they don’t replace then for some people that may outweigh potentially lower prices. Certainly it would be easier to price things knowing the likely real shipping costs for each day’s item, adding all but $5 to the price of the item without trying to model VMP habits…
I figure that they can make their changes and we then make our own personal decisions based on what personally suits us best. As they are rolling out a new program, I’d guess some people are hedging their bets (eg keeping VMP) until they see if the new program suits their own personal needs better.
@Kidsandliz the 4pm thing might be a feature of VMP, but I’ve never had to use it - stuff seems to be available at 8am - and I could care less about a bag of crap… at any time of day.
It might have been a more valuable feature had it existed in the earlier days when the startup promo deals flourished.
I can understand why VMP is going. It works well for us mehtizens since we come back to Meh day in and day out, and all the benefits that don’t consist of free shipping (particularly advanced forum features) are just gravy.
But for the normal people who occasionally visit MorningSave when driven there by social media, a subscription doesn’t make much sense for them since then they’ll either gripe about having to pay for shipping in the year 2017, sign up for VMP and gripe about having to sign up for it, or sign up, forget about it for a few months, and then gripe about that over on their tweeters and their bookfaces and so on. If Mediocre wants to expand to chase after non-geeks, there needs to be a system that’s easier for them to understand and deal with while still helping Mediocre make more money/retain more customers/[insert another fancy term that makes it sound like I actually know anything about ecommerce].
I’ve been a VMP member here for some time, & am still a woot member, back from when it was a 1-item site like this. I’m not clear what’s going on, do I need to move, sell my house, get a divorce?
Also, WTF is morningsave & 4PM launch? First time I’ve heard of them, how do I find those, & what are they?
With utter confusion,
The Outta the Loop Numbskull
@Achromatter yes move, don’t sell your house, and don’t get a divorce…yet. a sister site of meh (with multiple items), VMP members get 10% off there and free shipping.
4PM launch? When an item here on meh is popular and trips the circuit breaker, the deal is paused until 8AM eastern time when it starts back up. If the breaker trips again the deal will pause until 4PM and at that time only VMPs will have a shot when it goes live again.
@Ignorant - Oh, I see, I thought it was some sort of new product launch every day at 4PM, like woot used to have occasionally. I guess I wasn’t missing anything after all.
@Achromatter @ignorant
Is this fake news?
@mrken30 I just heard from a rock solid source (my aunt’s facebook page) that Meh headquarters is really just a front for Irk’s puppet pornography ring!
Believe me…believe me…
@mrken30 Is it April first?!
Does this mean have to make these one pair of socks last forever?!
@zachhh If you want some of my CAH cheapo Hanukkah socks, I’d be happy to share!
I wore my black on black VMP shirt yesterday. Was this my fault?
@craigthom No, it’s my fault. I wore my black on black VMP shirt on Tuesday, when they were probably preparing the email notice.
Meh. I only signed up for it when I was actually going to buy something so that if there was the possibility I might buy something else within the next two months, I would get free shipping.
At the end of the second month I would cancel to get my second month refunded (except when I forgot and you clever bastards got an extra $5 from me). I think I used it once? twice? The other benefits of VMP weren’t really useful to me except that one time I got Meh socks that are still sitting in my drawer with the tag on them.
The flat $5 shipping kills a lot of potential deals for small things that should certainly cost less than $5 to ship.
@snapster @dave @shawn @hollboll @harrison
I checked my account page and I’m signed up for all the emails, but I did not get this one.
Now I have to live in fear that something important will happen and I will never know about it until it’s too late.
@2many2no check spam folder?
@cwolfpack3 That is where mine was…
@2many2no Me too- not in spam either.
@2many2no Same here. No email and not in spam.
@cwolfpack3 @sammydog01 @Kidsandliz
Nope, not in spam, but I did get the notification emails for these replies.
I didn’t get the email either. I’m guessing it wasn’t sent to current vmp members, which is kind of weird.
@PurplePawprints I got it, but it was in my gmail spam folder.
/giphy jaw drop

So, if we want to be sure not to get dropped, can we prepay a year at a time? Please?? Pretty please!!
@cwolfpack3 I would do this, 100%
@cwolfpack3 @hanzov69
$4999.99 lifetime VMP (elite) membership
@unixrab Sorry, dude. I’m not going to live that long (83 years). But you feel free to go right ahead and do it!

More socks please.
Humankind was never meant
To remember or invent
What we did with every cent
Of careless $5 spent.
@unixrab will dissent.
He’ll argue the extent
Of the value that is lent
To @f00l’s VMP consent
This discussion he’ll ferment
He’ll claim we will repent
Of this money overspent
But @f00l will invent
An insidious argument
That @f00l will not resent
The cost that @f00l meant
To assign to the present
Small fee that will augment
@f00l’s $ that’s misspent.
@f00l pays the fee frequent;
@f00l enjoys this sentiment!

I was planning on dropping the membership VMP this week.
Meh hasn’t had any decent items for months.
I’m guessing A LOT of members felt the same as I do.
I’m also guessing that A LOT of members already dropped their monthly donation.
"Let’s roll out the idea that the Sheeple are going to lose something, (I’m still waiting to find out what that LOSS actually is), so we can keep them locked in waiting for the unknown BIG PAYOFF!
To coin a phrase, “Meh.”
@thunderpud I just logged in to specifically cancel my VMP and then see this. Frikkin Meh! Here’s a nother $5.
I’ll be reading these comments over the next few days.I’m a member who, if I think I’m not paying S&H, I’m more inclined to order, (even though I don’t think there’s too many months I’ve ordered more than once). I don’t know if I’m typical or not, but I’ll get the VMP for a few months, then cancel, and repeat and repeat. I’m more inclined to be at Meh right at midnight if my VMP is active. I’ll be sad to see it go, it was a nice little bonus I got from buying things.
And, unrelated, if I see something for sale that I really like, I’ll comment on it, even if I don’t buy it–usually due to lack of money. I can get excited and chat something up even though I didn’t buy it.
I’m constantly amazed how many hits Meh can get on an item in just a few minutes. I just can’t wrap my head around big numbers like that.And Meh was like that early on. Congratulations to Mr. Meh, for being able to do this, not once, but twice. I have dreams of opening a place like Meh. I just think the joy and thrill of it all would outweigh the pains in the buts. Thanks for letting me put my two cents and my dream. Long live Meh.
Friggin Amazon…
How do I cancel VMP? I could not find that info on the site.
Dave, I became a VMP on 02/03. Just now, on 02/08, I received an email saying, “Your $5 monthly VMP membership membership expires today.” It’s sposta be monthly, not weekly. I’ve only been a VMP for five days, and you’re hitting me up for money again.
Something seems to be wrong. I just ordered the $10 disposable printer, and imagine you’re not gonna gimme the free shipping because I was only a V,P member for five days when it expired.
Meh seems to have a different definition of “monthly” from mine. I’d be grateful if you’d forward this message to someone who’s able to straighten me out. Thanks a lot!
Binky Meh-lnik.
@BinkyMelnik email support
I only get offers from meh. I get nothing from Mediocre or Morning. What’s up ?
How do I cancel my account? Shouldn’t be that hard. Help, all I want to do is cancel my membership.
@Mikamd Looks like your VMP membership is already canceled.
If you want to delete your entire account, waiting for customer support to answer your email is your best bet. They can take a day or two to respond, as they are a bit behind at the moment and work M-F 9-5.
Please provide a phone number for customer service and a real live person to speak too. Emails are not working.
@Mikamd There is no phone support for mediocre or their affiliate companies. Customer support will respond to your email as soon as they can.
Lets get starts it
I’ve kicked myself for nearly 12 years for not being a charter member of Woot (so close), I’m absolutely sticking with VMP.
Aaaah I just went to go cancel my VMP membership and now you’ve given me pause.
Well it looks as though Mediocre may have foreseen all of the people who want to cancel… I know I did. And still will. Maybe there have been many others cancelling - perhaps they see how many accounts have been paying monthly $5 without any purchases past few months - it’s amazing how many of us have commented that we were about to cancel -
Well,this is this is absolutely crazy! I want to cancel this membership. & stop Mediocre from charging my account $5. I am going to call my bank because this co.,does not respond to emails…
@ROSIEMBROZOSKI that is absolutely crazy!
If you want to cancel your VMP Membership go here: and click on “cancel anytime”
@dave how about those vmp random things we recieved in the mail. I haven’t gotten one of those in. Over a year? I think socks were the last thing. Or a vmp only sale. The v card shirts I think.
could use more vmp socks or shirts or some such and like. gimme a pen or a fridge magnet, i’m easy to please
I can’t even find out my VMP status now because you’ve taken away all the buttons for it. How am I suppose to cancel it, find out when it renews, etc?
@Toriningen I suspect that if you can’t see a VMP link at the top of the page then that means you’re not in VMP. Since VMP is over, there’s no point in leaving the links for it on Meh and MorningSave.
Posting is also a good way of seeing your status. If you don’t have the VMP badge next to your name (which you don’t) then you’re not definitely in VMP.
Would you PLEASE make one exception? Its my birthday, I will send you proof, I can’t believe yesterday was really my last shot. Please?
@JacKillin happy birthday.

/image you get nothing
Ok well I see a raise in fees in the future. Kind of like loyal customers pay extra in the long run kind of thing. Have u joined forces with the cable companies? Please cancel my membership and my account
@kathryncottrill you can cancel your VMP by clicking the V symbol at the top right of any forum page, go to your membership, scroll down until you see an option to cancel.
If you really would like to delete your account, please contact and they will help you.
I updated my card info and still had my membership canceled. Whats up with that?
While this is sad - I feel privileged… mehviledged.
@Lindajh did you ask nice?
@Lindajh or did you go here
And scroll down a tiny bit to where it says
And click on the word “cancel”?
@Lindajh I was able to cancel this for you. If you have any other questions in the future you can reach us at
I accidently let my membership lapse. Can I still get back in. I am not new…???
@fredojun if we could only introduce you to @Lindajh (1 post up) we’d have a great solution.
Contact CS to see if they can help.
Please give me phone number I can call you regarding charges made to my account.
So it’s July now, could you define “soon”? “We’re going to rethink this whole ‘membership’ thing, and have some ideas we’ll try out soon, …”
I LOVELOVELOVE the “secret deals” site for VMP! Thanks meh!
/giphy huh?

And where is this “secret deals” site, or am I not getting it and you are being sarcastic?
@wootprime they’re messing with you. Probably.
“We’re going to rethink this whole ‘membership’ thing, and have some ideas we’ll try out soon…”
Is “soon” now defined as within a year?
@wootprime we don’t like, hold ourselves to time constraints. Or something.
Why are VMP memberships being cancelled without consent? My VMP membership mysteriously cancelled this month without my consent or knowledge.
@bran31600 did your card expire or get replaced recently?
Contact support and they can help you out.
No, it’s been the same card.
I messaged support 3 times in the past week with no response.
@bran31600 We were buried. Looks like we answered you earlier today, though.
I’ve been considering canceling Vmp membership, I have not bought anything in months, is it worth it to stay a member?
@tashadow My vote is that you just buy some candy corn.
@tashadow So. It’s now May of 2020.
How’s that VMP working out for you?
So what was the big change?
What 10% on Morningsave?
@gomescl33 10% off at MorningSave is for VMP Members, it’s an old grandfathered Membership program.
And for any other VMPs reading this, you have to use the coupon code “VMP” to get it. It doesn’t just show up automatically anymore.
@gomescl33 Just a note, that does not apply to all of their products. They have daily promotions called DayBreak or something like that, and your 10% off does not apply. I suppose the 10% off is for non-discounted products.
How Do I add in my New Credit card?? It is the same card I don’t know if it expired. Please let me know
Hi @Moeantgee sorry this is a late reply, these forums aren’t checked all that often.
If you haven’t already figured it out, head over to the Payments Settings section of your Account Page, then down at the bottom in the Credit Card section you can remove the current card and add a new one.